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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Chuckie Finster last won the day on January 9 2020

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  1. Don’t forget that when the news broke, they were trying to do this with Weiner and then Cain. Earley’s emergence as the “secret sauce” is simply process of elimination.
  2. I’ve seen coaches literally kill kids and not have former player parents get this mad. Genuinely, this reaction is one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever witnessed. Boo hoo, this coach led all of your children to the greatest athletic achievement of any of their lives but was sometimes kinda mean to them. Give me a break. I’d be mortified if I was any of these players, but instead they’re all just emboldened by the most pathetic fanbase in college sports. Disgraceful.
  3. “MLB interest” is my favorite tidbit. He will never be asked to elaborate on that claim when it obviously turns out to be bullshit, but he’ll keep repeating it because it makes them feel warm and fuzzy.
  4. "Come to aggy, where our players cry on Twitter if you are mean to them."
  5. This is the point where I would kindly ask my mother to shut the fuck up.
  6. I realize the answer is likely just "because aggy" but why do they think they are getting Earley back?
  7. I mean, it's way too early to be making any claims like this.
  8. So, to be clear, this 5'7, 155lb dude with eleven career extra base hits who is described as his own mother as having "unquestionable" speed and base running abilities and is a "spark plug is asked to bunt by his coach in a pitchers duel, it works and he ends up scoring.. and then the mom whines that coach isn't letting him play the way he excels?
  9. In all sincerity, anyone watching last night via a translator likely had a severely different experience than the rest of us.
  10. "As has been revealed over the past few days, Schloss doesn't care about his players" DIRECT QUOTE FROM THE SAME FUCKING INTERVIEW SHE IS REFERENCING:
  11. A .36% shift from 2020 would be enough to lose both Arizona and Georgia.
  12. I think the real revisionist history is to try and claim the dude last night is in any way comparable to this.
  13. You keep saying this, but it just flat out is not comparable. He was labeled as an old man and then he would come out and easily clear the hurdle. Biden 2020 was old in a "wise, old man" kind of way. Biden 2024 is old in a "will he make it to November?" kind of way. The reason for the panic last night is this is the first time he didn't clear the "old" hurdle. The mass "oh shit" reaction was not some coordinated messaging campaign, it's the visceral reaction of millions of people who have never once considered replacing Biden suddenly realizing the red button needs to be pushed. It's a big, big deal. Also, "he just needs to keep doing the day to day stuff" is a really weird request for someone with historically low approval ratings. Biden's key to victory was always to show he was the only candidate fit to be president. Last night did not do that, period.
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