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Certifiably Surly
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SydneyCarton last won the day on November 30 2023

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44881 Surly 1%


About SydneyCarton

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  1. I mean it cracks me up every day on Vance too.
  2. My neighbors dressed their 10 year old kid up as “creepy Joe Biden” for Halloween and had him yelling “let me smell your hair” to the girls and women that were out trick or treating. The dad has his own last name tattoo’d on his arm, I guess because he might forget. She’s a realtor that graduated from UT. They also raise chickens in their backyard. sometimes I prefer boring.
  3. I just saw a totally wild trump add with Harris next to outlandish transgender images talking out how she supports taxpayer funded transgender surgery to prisoners. It was absurd but I’m sure some will find it effective.
  4. We have no idea what daddy issues that chick has which could explain that shit.
  5. Please. I've met and avoided enough of you mouth-breathers to comfortably say that I'm probably one of the best looking fuckers on this website.
  6. We all know fuckery is afoot in GA. But the likelihood of your suggstions happening are less than zero.
  7. His totally normal, not at all prone to conspiracy theory brain.
  8. It makes more sense if you just view them through the lens of deeply insecure people who’s entire being by is in some part dependent open the attention they get.
  9. I didn't realize the Minesota National Guard had access to nuclear secrets at any level.
  10. I'd frame it another way. Can you think of one thing Trump would request to which Paxton would say "Nope, not doing that," like, name me one thing you're confident he'd refuse.
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