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Yev Kassem

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  1. I feel like this whole season was watching that South Park episode where everyone was smug and loved the smell of their own farts. It’s definitely very full of itself and it shows on camera. This season, while cinematically beautiful, did little to progress the storyline. This would have been a better Season 2 than 3. All of this world building would have been better served a season ago. With that being said, I can’t wait for Season 3.
  2. I’ll just say that I helped him procure a very popular (and completely legal) item that is very hard to come across.
  3. I helped out a friend recently and he sent me a token of appreciation. I had no idea what coming my way until today.
  4. North of Bourbon in Louisville is a must if you make it there.
  5. Flores fucking worthless tonight
  6. Just fucking flailing out there.
  7. Fun little Saturday night
  8. Oh we definitely got into that too. Long afternoon…
  9. Had these today. My favorite two were the Old Stagg and Three Feathers
  10. Recently tried Leroy & Lewis for the first time and had a great meal. The sausage was great as well as the kale Caesar slaw and the frito pie sides. However I was a bit disappointed in the brisket. The flavor was great, but I thought it was a bit chewy. Not bad by any means, but I thought the brisket didn’t live up to the hype. I’ve been to Burnt Bean many times and their brisket absolutely curb stomps L&L brisket.
  11. The entire McNair family prescribes to the prosperity gospel, not just Mrs. McNair. Texans fans have Hannah McNair (Cal’s wife) to thank for convincing him to dump Easterby. If she hadn’t, that Bible-thumping hack would still be running the org.
  12. Holy shit. They’re loading up for a run.
  13. It was pretty solid. I got mine at MSRP (I think it’s around $140). What’s it bundled with?
  14. I think Mixon will be dynamic in this offense. Need to take pressure off CJ and he’s a threat in both phases of the offense.
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