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Burnt Ends
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sidis last won the day on July 12 2022

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  1. sidis


    this concurring opinion from two justices of the texas supreme court on the transgender health care ban is something... https://www.txcourts.gov/media/1458814/230697c1.pdf
  2. are you in travis county? there was an arb panel that wasn't too fucking stupid to breathe? that's incredible!
  3. i have a lot of spanish language music that i really enjoy. most of my favs tend to be a bit romantic. my favs... silvio rodriguez - cuban singer songwriter. there was a good cover of mi unicornio done by cecilia noel. probably my favorite just straight up singer-songwriter love song. also a bit of a cheat because this song was playing the first time i made out with a colombian classmate my soph year at ut who was stunningly hot. old school jose jose is nostalgic and awesome. i love the el tributo album where a bunch of bands did covers of jose jose songs. lots to like about this one.
  4. how in the god damned fucking hell can you possibly be standing around outside yesterday afternoon in fucking jeans? ' also, there was dead body found in the middle of the street yesterday afternoon right next to the westlake stadium. please tell me you didn't finally let your inner glenn close finally come out as it related to quinn. we are all excited for arch but we need the experience going in to ann arbor.
  5. i would happily executive produce (provide the funds) a version of this show that chronicles the version of bolverk that decides to get with danger girl long-term and moves to new orleans forever. episode 8: bolverk is dead and offered up as a ritual cannibalistic sacrifice to all the small titty emo girls of the bayou.
  6. me too dude, me too. easily the worst pitching move augie ever made in game 1 of that final.
  7. chance wheeless in 2005. last baseball team to win the national championship.
  8. sidis

    Euro 2024

    looking at the bracket, the belgium-france game should be the most exciting match of the first round but the way both have played in group stage, it will require a sea change in both teams' forms thus far...belgium with two 0 goal matches and france has yet to score an offensive goal in open play. the austria-turkey cinderella throwdown in the first round will likely be the one to watch.
  9. sidis

    Euro 2024

    bracket. not sure you're making the case you think you are...shitty reffing and cynical play does not make a great tourney. plus, i thought you were "done with it after your melodramatic proclamation. don't be a passive aggressive twat.
  10. sidis

    Euro 2024

    no, i don't hate soccer. if you can endure being a regular on the league threads as an everton fan for the last ten years on this site, you have to love the sport. that's why ron keeps needling at that, trying to get me to point out that his billion dollar club who has accomplished less than texas a&m athletics in its history was kicked out of champions league by aston villa this year (lol). we are discussing subjective enjoyment of entertainment. sounds like you guys are enjoying the games. good. i simply weighed in on that with my own perspective that most of the best players weren't really performing (particularly in comparison to the 2004-2016 tourneys) and added the addendum that the ridiculous number of own goals was notable which led to a tangent in which i felt compelled to correct people's erroneous assumptions. the big matchups have yielded lame results so far. spain-italy was won on a single, lame own goal, france-netherlands was two pks, and so on. very few golzaos or gorgeous buildups. mostly just trash rebounds, pks, and ogs. but i'm not making you guys wrong for being entertained...just disagreeing that other than yesterday morning's austria-dutch game and a couple of rare moments (shaqiris goal against the spurs of international soccer), i've been left with a sense of meh. knockouts are a new day though.
  11. sidis

    Euro 2024

    acknowledge that i misconstrued your original epl goals stats post a few back to be the last two seasons instead of just last season when you said 23/24 so the denominator should be 380. correcting for those number of games, that is still half the rate (over the course of HUNDREDS of domestic league games, not international tournament games) making this tournament an enormous outlier. and as thoroughly demonstrated in my earlier posts, as it relates to actual comparable tournaments as opposed to year-long, hundreds of matches domestic seasons, the outlier nature is even more extreme. and you're right, i am the only one who has taken any notice of this. https://www.foxsports.com/stories/soccer/own-goals-leads-scoring-chart-after-bizarre-start-euro-2024 https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/soccer/2024/06/20/own-goals-euro-2024/4dcc1664-2f50-11ef-bcdf-31cdebd3022f_story.html https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5576064/2024/06/20/best-own-goals-euro-2024/ https://www.beinsports.com/en-us/soccer/uefa-european-championship-3/articles-video/the-top-scorer-of-euro-2024-own-goal-2024-06-25 https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/soccer/2024/06/25/2024-euros-own-goals-lead-scorers/74206222007/ https://www.telecomasia.net/news/football/18-of-27-own-goals-scored-in-two-latest-euro-tournaments/ https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/own-goals-scored-euro-2024-who-b2568745.html you know what...YOU KNOW WHAT? and to that I DECLARE...cool, glad you and icono are enjoying the games so much. that doesn't make you and fireman suddenly correct in your erroneous presumptions. hopefully today's epic battes of eastern european also-rans bring a bit more quality and entertainment than the last few days. there's a decent chance of it since the only games that have even been remotely entertaining so far have been from the garbage teams that won't advance besides austria and maybe turkey. maybe debruyne will actually wake up and play some soccer today. there's still time for this tournament to get off the mat and stop being such a snoozer. i think we are aligned in hoping that we get some quality matches and quality open play the rest of the way. enough with the o.g.'s and pk's carrying all the goal scoring. enjoy!
  12. sidis

    Euro 2024

    I would like to think you two galaxy brains would see the silliness in leveraging this as your argument but since you need it spelled out for you…35 own goals in 760 games is a rate of 0.046 own goals per game. Applied to the euro tournament thus far, that rate would have produced 1 own goal to date which - even with the less than stellar offensive performances in this tourney so far - would not make it the leading scorer. They’ve had 7x that rate so far making this tournament, just like the previous euro tourney and the 2018 World Cup, extraordinary outliers.
  13. sidis

    Euro 2024

    literally zero wins for a balkan team and zero top two finishes but sure, some fun own goals and idiotic finishes that were exciting. oh for fuck's sake. you have to fucking kidding me.
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