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  • I think that it’s now safe to say that we Texans now live in a failed state.  30 years of GOP rule, setting our own standard, living the “Texas Dream,” which they’ve bragged about relentlessly…and let’s see where we are:

    A majority of the state in complete failure, unable to deliver the most BASIC of services (things that are called “utilities,” not “luxuries,” for a reason).  No power.  No water.  No means of clearing roads (that one, I can’t fault the state so much….but it wouldn’t be as big a crisis if people weren’t stuck in their homes with no power and water).  So citizens are stuck in their homes, some of them dying there. 

    Water resource planning?  After pretending for decades that a drought would never happen again, and not doing ANYTHING to develop resources in the state water plan (a document actually developed using science and mathematical projections), we had several locations, including actual cities, down to a few days of water supply.  We’ve finally gotten on our horse a bit, but it may be too late if the next drought comes anytime soon.  

    State rank in key categories:

    Education – 34

    Health Care - 37

    Infrastructure - 33

    Opportunity - 39

    Environment - 44

    Infrastructure - 33 

    In overall quality of life ranking by US News, we are now #38, down from #36 just two years ago.  At that rate, we’ll be in the bottom 3 within ten years.

    We are SUPER independent, and FUCK the feds….but we have requested federal disaster assistance more than any other state in the past decade or so.

    But hey, our economy is ranked #15!

    That’s right, we have a “roaring economy” and the “Texas Miracle!”  But we can’t deliver the basics for our citizens.  The economy is VERY efficient at funneling bazillions to the very few…..with little of it “trickling down” to most Texans.  Yeah, the people on this board generally do fine, but face the facts – we’re the top 10% or so.  We are educated, older, and fortunate.

    Our federal system allows for state-by-state experiments.  Texas is the poster child for near anarcho-capitalism and zero regulation or oversight.  We have tested that approach, for over a generation now (30 years of Republican rule).  That approach is a failure.  The evidence is undeniable, and overwhelming.  It doesn’t matter how many River Oaks millionaires you produce if the rest of your people are dying in their homes.  Shit, some of those River Oaks millionaires might be freezing to death today, too.

    The kids of a middle class family can hardly afford to go to a good state school.  Their prospects for employment are mediocre.  Their prospects of suffering crippling medical debt at some point are significant.  Their chances of not having basic utilities needed for life safety at some point – all but certain.  Their chances of becoming ill or dying from a pollution-caused illness are material.

    What’s the result?  Our leaders have sold Texas as a paradise – move here!  Bring your business here!  And some businesses have done so, adding opportunity…..but providing little to no tax support for the infrastructure we all depend on.  To the contrary, over the past few years, I know more and more people – educated people, people who can do their jobs elsewhere, who are looking to bail on this state.  It’s people with young kids, who want them to grow up in a better place.  It’s people in their working years, who simply want a better path.  It’s retirees, who want a safe and secure place to live.

    We have consumed our seed stock.  We have burned through our reserves.  We are now consuming ourselves.  The ability to pitch Texas as the land of opportunity is done.  Seeing what we have become, the tentative thought/plan my wife and I had of wrapping up our careers here and then getting the hell out of Dodge is becoming much more concrete.  My children are already unlikely to make their future in this state.  Now we are, too.

    But the response from the Republican leadership and their sycophants – “how are you gonna pay for it?  Taxes?  That’s socialism!  You want that stuff, you have to pay for it!”

    Fuck yes I do, and I’m okay with that.  I want groceries…so I have to pay HEB.  I want a car…so I have to pay Ford.  I want clothes…..so I have to pay Dillards.  I want my population educated….so I have to pay the school district.  I want electricity, with enough capacity to keep us running when we need it…..so I have to pay my bill, maybe with a capacity surcharge.  I want water to come out of the taps….so I have to pay for development of resources and maintenance of infrastructure.  I want roads….so I pay taxes to build and maintain them.  YES, I have to pay for all of those things, and “nothing is free” – no fucking shit.  So, let’s pay for it.  We have the #15 economy….we HAVE the funds in this state.  An economy with the flow of funds that ours has can produce and maintain all of those results.  But we have chosen a different path; funnel all the dollars to the top, and spend next to nothing for the public good.  We have privatized profit….we have socialized the costs.  And we are dying because of it.

    My fellow Texans are dying in their homes….and there’s nothing I can do about it today.  And I am enraged.

    I love Texas.  I am 6th generation here.  My ancestors have Texas historical markers on their graves.  We helped make this state, and this state helped make us.  It educated us (back when college was affordable).  But it’s time to face the fact – this state is a failure, and on its current path, with its current leadership and philosophy, it will only get worse.  This state has a terrible future, unless we dramatically change our path.   Chances of that happening?  0.0% -- because we’ll continue to vote for the guys who make our leadership priorities bathroom bills, and transgender sports, and requiring the national anthem be played at certain events.  Any bill that has been proposed to improve emergency preparedness of gov’t entities has been crushed by the Republicans controlling the lege….but we will definitely stick with those guys.  No taxes.  No government functionality.

    What we are seeing happening right now is our system working EXACTLY AS IT WAS DESIGNED AND INTENDED TO WORK.  And we will, I guarantee it, collectively decide to stick with that.  This state is in free-fall, and anyone with eyes can see it.  And anyone with a brain is starting to think of ways to make their life elsewhere.  It breaks my goddamned heart to see us commit collective suicide, but here we are.



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    Posted (edited)

    Once MAGA-GQP seize full control of Texas and America, it will be like Nazi Germany in terms of public images/symbols. Except instead of swastikas and Nazi flags everywhere, it will be MAGA-Christian crosses/symbols and flags everywhere.

    Not doubt, Texas will lead the way.

    — Small local businesses with have crosses/symbols on their doors and windows. (I am sure some already do.)

    — Dallas/Houston skyscrapers will have crosses on the side or top. Some will fly a MAGA-Christian flag next to Texas or US flag. NASA will be forced to display a cross.

    — The Oil Derrick at Six Flags in Arlington will have a cross/flag. So will Jerry World and Globe park.

    — Some firms will display a cross (or symbol) next to their logo. Better yet, just incorporate cross into their logo.

    — Companies that frowned upon Pride flags will fly the MAGA-Christian flags, no questions asked.

    Total true believers, even in the corporate world, will proudly wear lapel pins with MAGA-Christian symbols.

    The newly created “Trump Youth” (a la Hitler Youth) programs will have kids sporting MAGA-Christian stuff.

    The capitol building in Austin will have Christian/MAGA flags.

    — Already, the capital grounds already have the Ten Commandments on display and the Supreme upheld that in 2005. 

    Just wait, it’s coming. And Texas will lead the way.

    Edited by BevoAbyss

    Posted (edited)

      On 6/18/2024 at 5:02 AM, tx 3 putt said:



    Sally has two 8-round *magazines

    /surly gun nuts

    Edited by CooterBrown
    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Rage+1 2
    Biff Tannen


      On 6/18/2024 at 12:33 PM, BevoAbyss said:

    Once MAGA-GQP seize full control of Texas and America, it will be like Nazi Germany in terms of public images/symbols. Except instead of swastikas and Nazi flags everywhere, it will be MAGA-Christian crosses/symbols and flags everywhere.

    Not doubt, Texas will lead the way.

    — Small local businesses with have crosses/symbols on their doors and windows. (I am sure some already do.)

    — Dallas/Houston skyscrapers will have crosses on the side or top. Some will fly a MAGA-Christian flag next to Texas or US flag. NASA will be forced to display a cross.

    — The Oil Derrick at Six Flags in Arlington will have a cross/flag. So will Jerry World and Globe park.

    — Some firms will display a cross (or symbol) next to their logo. Better yet, just incorporate cross into their logo.

    — Companies that frowned upon Pride flags will fly the MAGA-Christian flags, no questions asked.

    Total true believers, even in the corporate world, will proudly wear lapel pins with MAGA-Christian symbols.

    The newly created “Trump Youth” (a la Hitler Youth) programs will have kids sporting MAGA-Christian stuff.

    The capitol building in Austin will have Christian/MAGA flags.

    — Already, the capital grounds already have the Ten Commandments on display and the Supreme upheld that in 2005. 

    Just wait, it’s coming. And Texas will lead the way.


    I normally agree with your takes on the path we are going down, but I don't think we will ever get HERE because money talks and the vast majority of businesses would bail the fuck out of Texas if it started going this far.  The brain drain would be massive.  That said, I'm sure they will try some version of this, just not as blatant.

    • Hook 'Em 1

    Posted (edited)

      On 6/18/2024 at 1:17 PM, Biff Tannen said:

    I normally agree with your takes on the path we are going down, but I don't think we will ever get HERE because money talks and the vast majority of businesses would bail the fuck out of Texas if it started going this far. 


    Thanks for the agreement. I wish you were correct here. But, alas, the corporations and capitalists are already sucking up to Trump, according to the Wall Street Journal. And it is not just Elon fanboys.

    — Sadly, it’s obvious Corporate America doesn’t give a shit about immigration … women’s reproductive rights … BLM … LGBTQIA … the environment … science … or anything else … if there is a chance at a 10% tax break or increase in profits.

    — They will align with fascism and theocracy as needed. They will fucking celebrate a dictatorship to make more profit, not unlike the industrialists and corporations in Nazi Germany. Silicon Valley tech bros will gladly create surveillance tech to track immigrants and women seeking abortions if it means more profit.

    — Hell, Corporate America gladly build the trains to haul immigrants to the border and build the catapults to launch them over the Rio Grande.

    I would suggest the SEC celebration at UT is indicative of where things will go with the MAGA-GQP takeover of Texas and America

    — Complete and total celebration. Aggy level shit.

    — Even lighting up the Tower to celebrate joining the Confederate Conference. Going backwards in the 21st Century, presented as progress! Speaking for myself, fuck Eltife, Hartzell and CDC for this crap.

    This is how fascism seizes power and total control.

    WSJ 6.jpg

    UT SEC 6.jpg

    Edited by BevoAbyss
    • Rage+1 1

    Posted (edited)

      On 6/18/2024 at 1:01 PM, CooterBrown said:

    Sally has two 8-round *magazines

    /surly gun nuts


    Maybe the artist was wrong and this was her sidearm, in which case a clip makes sense.


    Edited by atomheartbevo
    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Drool 1


      On 6/18/2024 at 5:06 PM, BevoAbyss said:

    obvious Corporate America doesn’t give a shit about immigration


    There are billion dollar industries that will quickly collapse if illegal (and legal) immigrants were booted out, especially here in Texas.  Abbott can play with walls all he wants, but if he made a serious push against illegal immigrants already in the state, he’d find himself primaried or outspent by his Dem opponents going forward, because he would be wiping out the agricultural, service, and construction industries, and probably oil and gas to a lesser extent. And crippling those industries means crippling the economy in Texas as a whole, because when those industries start struggling, the ripple effect will hammer the rest of the state.

    There’s around 2 million immigrants in Texas, five or take a few hundred thousand, and there are not going to be native Texans lining up to take on roofing jobs, or picking vegetables or washing dishes at restaurants or putting up buildings when it’s 105 outside.

    • Hook 'Em 5


      On 6/19/2024 at 2:17 AM, atomheartbevo said:

    Maybe the artist was wrong and this was her sidearm, in which case a clip makes sense.



    I think it's a Steyr M1912.   




    Great-grandpappy took it off a dead Kraut at Belleau Wood in 1918 and it's been in the family ever since.   The family's biggest regret will be that it will end up in some evidence locker for years and years as the trial of that mentally unsound libtard drags on.   But little Sally will have gone to heaven to meet Jesus and that's all that matters. 



    • Hook 'Em 3


      On 6/19/2024 at 2:24 AM, atomheartbevo said:

    There are billion dollar industries that will quickly collapse if illegal (and legal) immigrants were booted out, especially here in Texas.  Abbott can play with walls all he wants, but if he made a serious push against illegal immigrants already in the state, he’d find himself primaried or outspent by his Dem opponents going forward, because he would be wiping out the agricultural, service, and construction industries, and probably oil and gas to a lesser extent. And crippling those industries means crippling the economy in Texas as a whole, because when those industries start struggling, the ripple effect will hammer the rest of the state.

    There’s around 2 million immigrants in Texas, five or take a few hundred thousand, and there are not going to be native Texans lining up to take on roofing jobs, or picking vegetables or washing dishes at restaurants or putting up buildings when it’s 105 outside.


    Me, a Republican: Food and housing costs too much.

    Also me, a Republican: We need to deport half of their workforces.

    • Hook 'Em 1

    Posted (edited)

      On 6/19/2024 at 2:24 AM, atomheartbevo said:

    There are billion dollar industries that will quickly collapse if illegal (and legal) immigrants were booted out, especially here in Texas.  Abbott can play with walls all he wants, but if he made a serious push against illegal immigrants already in the state, he’d find himself primaried or outspent by his Dem opponents going forward, because he would be wiping out the agricultural, service, and construction industries, and probably oil and gas to a lesser extent. And crippling those industries means crippling the economy in Texas as a whole, because when those industries start struggling, the ripple effect will hammer the rest of the state.

    There’s around 2 million immigrants in Texas, five or take a few hundred thousand, and there are not going to be native Texans lining up to take on roofing jobs, or picking vegetables or washing dishes at restaurants or putting up buildings when it’s 105 outside.


    You're likely very correct. Could be very bad for some industries/corporations.

    And Trump-MAGA-Fox News will somehow blame it on Biden/Democratic/liberal policies … and on woke wimps stacking fruit at Whole Foods and slacker soyboys steaming the lattes at Starbucks and loser leftists majoring in art on college campuses … when if they were True Texas Men … they would be macho hard-working roofers, bricklayers, concrete pourers, veggie pickers, etc. They will absolutely blame it on Libruls making men soft. Might even suggest forced work camps to train True Texas Men for real jobs requiring true work.

    As for all the other corporations not affected, they won’t give a shit … as long as they get the 10% tax breaks, increased profits, corporate bonuses, etc. 

    Edited by BevoAbyss
    • Like 2
    Fudge Nuggets


      On 6/18/2024 at 1:17 PM, Biff Tannen said:

    I normally agree with your takes on the path we are going down, but I don't think we will ever get HERE because money talks and the vast majority of businesses would bail the fuck out of Texas if it started going this far.  The brain drain would be massive.  That said, I'm sure they will try some version of this, just not as blatant.


    Businesses ain't going no where as long as the citizenry keeps subsidizing their tax breaks.

    • Hook 'Em 1


      On 6/18/2024 at 1:17 PM, Biff Tannen said:

    I normally agree with your takes on the path we are going down, but I don't think we will ever get HERE because money talks and the vast majority of businesses would bail the fuck out of Texas if it started going this far.  The brain drain would be massive.  That said, I'm sure they will try some version of this, just not as blatant.


    Those of you who still think "it can't happen here" really need to start grappling with the fact that it has happened in plenty of other places that all had the same or at least very similar reasons why many people thought it couldn't happen there, until it did. 

    Businesses will absolutely go along with violent and disruptive reactionary political changes, even changes that hurt their bottom line. That's because they tend to be run by people who are ideologically aligned with the reactionary politicians pushing those changes, and those few that aren't are scared of publicly opposing the fascist tide. 

    • Hook 'Em 6


      On 6/19/2024 at 1:08 PM, BevoAbyss said:

    As for all the other corporations not affected, they won’t give a shit … as long as they get the 10% tax breaks, increased profits, corporate bonuses, etc. 

      On 6/19/2024 at 3:08 PM, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Businesses ain't going no where as long as the citizenry keeps subsidizing their tax breaks.

      On 6/19/2024 at 4:32 PM, wildcat09 said:

    Businesses will absolutely go along with violent and disruptive reactionary political changes, even changes that hurt their bottom line. That's because they tend to be run by people who are ideologically aligned with the reactionary politicians pushing those changes, and those few that aren't are scared of publicly opposing the fascist tide. 


    If you cripple the construction, agricultural, and service industries in Texas, and oil and gas to a lesser extent, other businesses will absolutely give a shit, because their costs will go through the roof, and with the economy wrecked a whole shitload of people and companies will have to move out of Texas, not to mention that Texas will be undesirable even for those who might have weathered such an economic shitstorm.

    But hey, real estate prices will probably drop drastically so you can buy cheap land and houses/building, and ERCOT will have fewer customers putting a strain on the grid.  Of course that also means a lot of people and companies will have lost a lot of wealth.

    Texas relies and thrives on cheap labor.  I don’t care where you live or what industry you are in, at some point you rely on cheap labor, even if you don’t see it or think about it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    Fudge Nuggets


    If their costs go through the roof, those cost increases will be subsidized. Guess who will be doing the subsidizing?

    • Hook 'Em 2


      On 6/19/2024 at 6:36 PM, Fudge Nuggets said:

    If their costs go through the roof, those cost increases will be subsidized. Guess who will be doing the subsidizing?


    It won’t be all of the people who have to leave Texas or companies that go under.



    Oh no, however would the fascists live without the people they hate? 

    tx 3 putt


      On 6/19/2024 at 7:14 PM, wildcat09 said:

    Oh no, however would the fascists live without the people they hate? 


    then they get to hate each other 

    Fudge Nuggets


      On 6/19/2024 at 6:42 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    It won’t be all of the people who have to leave Texas or companies that go under.


    That's the thing, companies won't be going under.  People won't have to leave.  That's the whole point of the common peasants subsidizing the losses.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    David Dennison


      On 6/19/2024 at 3:08 PM, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Businesses ain't going no where as long as the citizenry keeps subsidizing their tax breaks.


    The rich are rich because they know how to exploit the poors.



      On 6/19/2024 at 9:54 PM, Fudge Nuggets said:

    That's the thing, companies won't be going under.  People won't have to leave.  That's the whole point of the common peasants subsidizing the losses.


    You really think that companies won’t go under if some of the largest industries and employers in Texas lose a massive (and the cheapest) chunk of their workforce?  You think a lot of people will go out to eat when the costs double or triple?  Or will buy new houses when the costs ramp way up?  Or that companies will build a new office or facility when the costs start rising rapidly, whether it’s the guys pouring the cement or framing the thing or hauling the materials?

    People already bitch when their grocery bill or the gas bill  goes up 10%.  You kill off that cheap labor and the poor and middle class will find themselves priced out of a lot of things.  And there are a helluva lot of small businesses in Texas that for whom a double digit rise in costs maybe the difference between profitability and going under.

    Like I said, Abbott will play games with the MAGA morons and convince them that he’s doing something with the wall, but he’s not going to round up the nearly 2 million illegal immigrants in Texas, nor will he push anything that could identify them and the companies and people that employ them.  He can pander with the best of them, but he knows Texas lives and dies by its cheap labor and resources.  And he knows that those affected companies will dump money into whoever gets their cheap labor back if he fucks around and goes after illegals.



      On 6/19/2024 at 10:34 PM, atomheartbevo said:
    You really think that companies won’t go under if some of the largest industries and employers in Texas lose a massive (and the cheapest) chunk of their workforce?  You think a lot of people will go out to eat when the costs double or triple?  Or will buy new houses when the costs ramp way up?  Or that companies will build a new office or facility when the costs start rising rapidly, whether it’s the guys pouring the cement or framing the thing or hauling the materials?

    People already bitch when their grocery bill or the gas bill  goes up 10%.  You kill off that cheap labor and the poor and middle class will find themselves priced out of a lot of things.  And there are a helluva lot of small businesses in Texas that for whom a double digit rise in costs maybe the difference between profitability and going under.

    Like I said, Abbott will play games with the MAGA morons and convince them that he’s doing something with the wall, but he’s not going to round up the nearly 2 million illegal immigrants in Texas, nor will he push anything that could identify them and the companies and people that employ them.  He can pander with the best of them, but he knows Texas lives and dies by its cheap labor and resources.  And he knows that those affected companies will dump money into whoever gets their cheap labor back if he fucks around and goes after illegals.

    Counter: the cynical manipulators have lost control of the monster they created.
    Fudge Nuggets


      On 6/19/2024 at 10:34 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    You really think that companies won’t go under if some of the largest industries and employers in Texas lose a massive (and the cheapest) chunk of their workforce?  You think a lot of people will go out to eat when the costs double or triple?  Or will buy new houses when the costs ramp way up?  Or that companies will build a new office or facility when the costs start rising rapidly, whether it’s the guys pouring the cement or framing the thing or hauling the materials?

    People already bitch when their grocery bill or the gas bill  goes up 10%.  You kill off that cheap labor and the poor and middle class will find themselves priced out of a lot of things.  And there are a helluva lot of small businesses in Texas that for whom a double digit rise in costs maybe the difference between profitability and going under.

    Like I said, Abbott will play games with the MAGA morons and convince them that he’s doing something with the wall, but he’s not going to round up the nearly 2 million illegal immigrants in Texas, nor will he push anything that could identify them and the companies and people that employ them.  He can pander with the best of them, but he knows Texas lives and dies by its cheap labor and resources.  And he knows that those affected companies will dump money into whoever gets their cheap labor back if he fucks around and goes after illegals.


    One more time for the peanut gallery…


    Labor costs go up from $8/hr to $12/hr. Lo and behold the state lege passes a Save Patriotic Texas Businesses for God kickback errr subsidy to make up the difference. You and I get to pay for it with another property tax increase. 

    • Like 1


      On 6/19/2024 at 10:34 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    People already bitch when their grocery bill or the gas bill  goes up 10%.  


    They will blame the libs when a head of iceberg lettuce is $9.

    /I'm just joking. MAGA don't eat liberal foods like vegetables.


    Biff Tannen


      On 6/21/2024 at 1:32 PM, CooterBrown said:

    They will blame the libs when a head of iceberg lettuce is $9.

    /I'm just joking. MAGA don't eat liberal foods like vegetables.



    "The economy" is one of the biggest pieces of successful propaganda we've seen the Right pull on people in the past 50 years.  I was reading an article today saying that 60+% of R voters think the economy is "bad" or "terrible", yet if we switched to an R president tomorrow, their sentiment would immediately flip.  None of it is based on reality.  Just "feelings" that they've been taught to feel their entire lives by an entrenched media propaganda apparatus.

    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Like 1
    Fudge Nuggets


    Clinton was president when I graduated so I've been in the "real world" during the Clinton, GWB, Obama, Dotard, and Biden administrations.  There is absolutely no comparison to which times were better for me economically.  Granted, the economy under Obama wasn't exactly gangbusters but it didn't suck dick like the GFC under dubya or the bullshit under dotard.



      On 6/21/2024 at 2:05 PM, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Granted, the economy under Obama wasn't exactly gangbusters but it didn't suck dick like the GFC under dubya or the bullshit under dotard.


    Well, yeah.  He inherited a huge fucking mess from GWB.  Similar to Biden.  Remember, Trump wanted interest rates to go negative for a while.  I think you can debate whether Trump is responsible for COVID's impact on the economy, but he is absolutely responsible for not raising interest rates late in his presidency.

    David Dennison


      On 6/21/2024 at 2:00 PM, Biff Tannen said:

    "The economy" is one of the biggest pieces of successful propaganda we've seen the Right pull on people in the past 50 years.  I was reading an article today saying that 60+% of R voters think the economy is "bad" or "terrible", yet if we switched to an R president tomorrow, their sentiment would immediately flip.  None of it is based on reality.  Just "feelings" that they've been taught to feel their entire lives by an entrenched media propaganda apparatus.



    • Hook 'Em 3
    Horn Under a Bad Sign


      On 6/19/2024 at 10:05 PM, David Dennison said:

    The rich are rich because they know how to exploit the poors.


    By exploiting the workers. By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society. If there’s ever gonna be any progress…



      On 6/19/2024 at 11:12 PM, Fudge Nuggets said:

    One more time for the peanut gallery…


    Labor costs go up from $8/hr to $12/hr. Lo and behold the state lege passes a Save Patriotic Texas Businesses for God kickback errr subsidy to make up the difference. You and I get to pay for it with another property tax increase. 


    You do realize the only property tax that goes into state coffers is some school taxes via Robin Hood right? 

    Fudge Nuggets


    You do realize things are subject to change, right?



      On 6/21/2024 at 5:45 PM, Fudge Nuggets said:

    You do realize things are subject to change, right?


    Even if they rewrite the tax code, if Abbott booted out a million or more illegal immigrants, there will also be a shitload more legal residents who have to leave as businesses fail, etc.  which means that the housing markets drop as there is a glut of housing, property tax revenue drops, sales tax revenue drops, etc.

    So who pays that Super Duper Patriot Tax to subsidize everything when we lose our cheap labor?  You think MAGA  will be happy when Abbott tells them to shut the fuck up and pay a new tax to cover the industries that get wrecked because he is reshaping Texas?



      On 6/21/2024 at 11:08 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    You think MAGA  will be happy when Abbott tells them to shut the fuck up and pay a new tax to cover the industries that get wrecked because he is reshaping Texas?


    They have repeatedly voted for and cheered for shit that buttfucks themselves.


    So, yeah, they'll pay a tax, ram a dildo up their own ass, whatever, gleefully...because the cult leaders say it is a sacrament, and cultists will perform ALL the sacraments with a smile.

    Stop treating these people like rational actors.  They are not.  They have demonstrated repeatedly, without exception, that they are cultists, and that controls their every action.

    • Haha 1
    Fudge Nuggets


      On 6/21/2024 at 11:08 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    You think MAGA  will be happy when Abbott tells them to shut the fuck up and pay a new tax to cover the industries that get wrecked because he is reshaping Texas?





      On 6/26/2024 at 12:34 AM, TheStoicPaisano said:



    Does he have a Thomas the Train track set in his office? How cute.


    Posted (edited)

    Well, they don't all strut around (you have to click the link) . . .



    Edited by Bullneck
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Rage+1 1


      On 6/19/2024 at 2:17 AM, atomheartbevo said:

    Maybe the artist was wrong and this was her sidearm, in which case a clip makes sense.



    I have one of those!  but in 7.63mm and with the wooden stock (which doubles as a case)

    tx 3 putt


    Who do we need vote into Austin that will actually commit to fixing the power grid ?? 

    The current batch of do nothings are career politicians and this grid has broken every time for me since the hard freeze. I’ll guess the two billionaires that run the state don’t lose power for days.

    let Houston tie into the national grid 


    Posted (edited)

    Rich folks have generators so they don't give a fuck.

    Edited by kevwun
    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Rage+1 1




    Texans are leaving the state due to:

    1. Scorching Summers and Extreme Heat

    2. Property Taxes

    3. Political Climate

    4. Lack of Gun Control

    5. Abortion Restrictions

    6. Lack of Diversity

    7. Education System

    8. Natural Disasters

    9. Property Insurance Woes

    10. Traffic Congestion

    11. Job Market Saturation

    12. Water Scarcity and Drought Concerns

    13. Environmental Concerns and Pollution

    14. Social Issues and Inequality

    (I'd probably shoe in Healthcare somewhere too)

    Race to be a third world country is in full gallop now.

    Boomers are leaving America to retire abroad in droves because the U.S. is just too expensive


    My son said that sounded right.  Boomers kept voting for the assholes who fucked up this country, then just leave it because it's too fucked up.  Fortunately for them they have enough wealth to make such a move.  

    • Like 3
    • Rage+1 3


      On 7/10/2024 at 1:22 AM, pyrohornIII said:
    Texans are leaving the state due to:
    1. Scorching Summers and Extreme Heat
    2. Property Taxes
    3. Political Climate
    4. Lack of Gun Control
    5. Abortion Restrictions
    6. Lack of Diversity
    7. Education System
    8. Natural Disasters
    9. Property Insurance Woes
    10. Traffic Congestion
    11. Job Market Saturation
    12. Water Scarcity and Drought Concerns
    13. Environmental Concerns and Pollution
    14. Social Issues and Inequality
    (I'd probably shoe in Healthcare somewhere too)
    Race to be a third world country is in full gallop now.

    Boomers are leaving America to retire abroad in droves because the U.S. is just too expensive

    My son said that sounded right.  Boomers kept voting for the assholes who fucked up this country, then just leave it because it's too fucked up.  Fortunately for them they have enough wealth to make such a move.  
    And they're probably still making in their votes.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 1


    my top three reasons were 1, 3 (which i think encompasses most of the others on that list,  really) and these...







    in no particular order 😡

    • Haha 1


      On 7/10/2024 at 1:22 AM, pyrohornIII said:



    Texans are leaving the state due to:

    1. Scorching Summers and Extreme Heat

    2. Property Taxes

    3. Political Climate

    4. Lack of Gun Control

    5. Abortion Restrictions

    6. Lack of Diversity

    7. Education System

    8. Natural Disasters

    9. Property Insurance Woes

    10. Traffic Congestion

    11. Job Market Saturation

    12. Water Scarcity and Drought Concerns

    13. Environmental Concerns and Pollution

    14. Social Issues and Inequality

    (I'd probably shoe in Healthcare somewhere too)

    Race to be a third world country is in full gallop now.

    Boomers are leaving America to retire abroad in droves because the U.S. is just too expensive


    My son said that sounded right.  Boomers kept voting for the assholes who fucked up this country, then just leave it because it's too fucked up.  Fortunately for them they have enough wealth to make such a move.  



    Leave one of Austin’s legendary funk bands out of it.





      On 7/10/2024 at 1:22 AM, pyrohornIII said:



    Texans are leaving the state due to:

    1. Scorching Summers and Extreme Heat

    2. Property Taxes

    3. Political Climate

    4. Lack of Gun Control

    5. Abortion Restrictions

    6. Lack of Diversity

    7. Education System

    8. Natural Disasters

    9. Property Insurance Woes

    10. Traffic Congestion

    11. Job Market Saturation

    12. Water Scarcity and Drought Concerns

    13. Environmental Concerns and Pollution

    14. Social Issues and Inequality

    (I'd probably shoe in Healthcare somewhere too)

    Race to be a third world country is in full gallop now.

    Boomers are leaving America to retire abroad in droves because the U.S. is just too expensive


    My son said that sounded right.  Boomers kept voting for the assholes who fucked up this country, then just leave it because it's too fucked up.  Fortunately for them they have enough wealth to make such a move.  


    Two people come for every one that leaves 

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