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Burnt Ends Dinner with Gunnar Helm March 28th ×

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  2. "Former presidents and their spouses receive life-long Secret Service protection under federal law, but the protection afforded to their immediate families over the age of 16 ends when they leave office. But outgoing presidents can extend protection for those who might otherwise not be eligible for up to six months after they leave office, something Biden did for his children and Trump did for his family after leaving office in 2021. Former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush also extended protection for their families for a period." https://www.npr.org/2025/03/18/g-s1-54407/trump-secret-service-protection-biden-adult-children
  3. 1) Those are good uniforms. 2) Good luck to him. That's a program that deserves better than it has gotten over the past few years.
  4. Inside EVs again with more bad news for swasticar owners.
  5. didn't he give his kids a full year of protection after he left office ?
  6. I thought this was a pretty good analogy:
  7. She's gonna age like unrefrigerated milk.
  8. "This is consent. Do you do that here? We just started." might be my favorite line in three seasons.
  9. Anyone here had a biopsy sent out for further analysis? I've had a MRI,cat scan, then biopsy. Still no answers.
  10. Michigan is a good job but Texas has nicer facilities and a much nicer arena. Not sure what their NIL is like but at best it's probably a wash with Texas. I think Texas is pretty clearly the better job moving forward but it's easy to see a coach staying at UM long term.
  11. Salties in Australia say hold my beer - but point taken
  12. You're coach is ours lil bro
  13. good luck getting that market share back
  14. So I guess @Derka and/or @henrygandorf is Devin? Are y'all doing a co-manager thing again this year?
  15. article about swasticar's insurance rates - Due to the shitty design, it's already almost as expensive to insure a swasticar as it is a Maserati https://insideevs.com/news/753730/tesla-insurance-vandalism-elon-musk But...
  16. There are people that would rather live in Fairbanks, Alaska than Austin. If I've learned anything it's that there is no such thing as universal preference. Personally, I think Austin's great except for the traffic, but it's pretty easy to see that it wouldn't appeal to a lot of people.
  17. nectar of the Irish Gods. Grapefruit heaven.
  18. I'm going to make a pic of the bracket with who has been taken already crossed out and upload. I'll try and keep it updated every roundish while we draft so we can keep track of who is available.
  19. Very cool. We restarted our little one acre pond 2 years ago and the bass are starting to get pretty big. This is water turkey (aka cormorant) season so I'm out there a lot with my wrist rocket scaring them off. Too bad I can't just kill them. cough cough
  20. well that makes sense I suppose
  21. What is the mood on premium after their class getting flipped?
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