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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/18 in all areas

  1. Imagine that, the Hastert rule is being used to harm children.
    9 points
  2. The data suggest that immigrants, including immigrants in the country illegally, also commit crimes at a lower rate than male members of the Kushner family.
    9 points
  3. My dad was on Royal’s first Championship team in 1963. Never played an O/D snap until around 3:00 left in the game versus Navy. Although he did play special teams for years, it was those final minutes that he “lettered” at UT as a football player. Years of practice and no “playing time” earned his respect among fellow players. His first year on campus had him working the dinning hall as a partial scholarship. The kicker was, that it was the athletes’ dinning hall, so after practice and showering, he had to assist those who he had just practiced against and with. I’m proud of him just as if he’d been an All-American, but he was on the team and got a “T” ring upon graduation from Coach Royal and UT’s first football National Championship. When they had their 40th Anniversary weekend, prior to the Arkansas game, he was one of three asked to speak at the banquet with the team and Coach Royal. He came from a small school in Hardin County and could’ve gone to Rice on a full scholarship, but another fellow Hardin Co. guy, Tony Crosby (kicker from Kountze) helped talk him out of it - so I was told. When they had the 50th celebration a couple years ago, I got to see him on the “jumbo tron” scoreboard - his first and most likely last! As always - “Hook’em”!!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    8 points
  4. He likes his steaks burned and with ketchup. He nominated Betsy DeVos for Sec. of Education. He put Rick Perry in charge of our nukes. TexAgs absolutely loves him, as do many Okies. The warning signs were all there.
    8 points
  5. 2018 - omg civility is dead 2016 - fuck your feelings, snowflakes
    8 points
  6. Or you could rinse your eyes out with bleach.
    7 points
  7. A board member of the NRA (Ted Nugent) called Hillary a cunt and told her to suck on his gun and he got invited to the White House. So, spare me the false outrage from conservatives about our political discourse.
    6 points
  8. This. If she was part of an administration with any pretense of working in a bipartisan way to solve America’s problems on behalf of Americans, then I’d be 100% against it. But she isn’t. She’s in an administration that blatantly lies, works solely for the good of some Americans to the active exclusion of others and has made fomenting divisions its bedrock. If your rhetoric is “fuck you,” then you don’t get any sympathy from me when someone says “fuck you right back.”
    6 points
  9. Can’t you read? He married a collegiate cheerleader!
    6 points
  10. No, actually there's not. That shirt represented a movement for Trump voters. "Fuck the snowflakes and civility." "Trump talks just like me." Etc etc. The problem is that they thought it was just for them to present outwardly, not for others to hold them accountable to. Trump took a minority ideology and amplified it and now it's unleashed in all areas of society. This was the weapon everyone warned about with Trump.
    5 points
  11. They don’t embarrass themselves. They just run out of dignity.
    5 points
  12. This kind of shit infuriates me. All of these Washington "insiders" can go fuck themselves. I don't give a shit if they're D or R. They are so far up each other's asses and most of their criticism of Trump has been completely hollow. The establishment has caused this mess, and they are not going to get a free ride if/when a Democrat is POTUS in 2020. This shit ends now.
    5 points
  13. They don’t give a shit about the Constitution outside of the Second Amendment. The GOP are fake patriots, wrapping themselves in symbolism while shitting on the substance of American values.
    5 points
  14. Hey, Jeff Flake? Did you forget you are currently a United States Senator? And therefore have the power to actually do something to thwart the current insane occupant of The Oval Office? Either put up or shut up.
    5 points
  15. tldr If the aggies get everybody on their wish list (spoiler: they won't), then they'll be 15 points ahead of bama with only 10 more players
    5 points
  16. This is my favorite type of Trumpster. The 'bro, I'm chill' version. Pretty much nobody neutral is acting nonchalant about the Dotard being completely out of control. Hell, I was on the R 'team' and still find myself completely on the 'fuck this asshole' side. If you see everything that's going on and act chill...yeah that's a red flag that you might just be an orange cock gobbler. There's nothing wrong with that - just own it. Quit acting like anybody nonpartisan is going along with Trump, like 'oh yeah, he's pretty much a scumbag, but no more than past Presidents'. That's complete bullshit. Oh and your 'my family had a farm on the border and we had lots of immigrants working on it' jive comes off exactly like the bigot who gets caught dropping the N word, then comes off with the 'bro, I have lots of black friends.' So, long story short, I'm calling bullshit. Nite.
    4 points
  17. Exactly. What we need, obviously are spaces where we are safe. Let’s call them “safe spaces”.
    4 points
  18. Mama Leal looks like she's ready to blink "torture" in Morse code.
    4 points
  19. maybe it's just me, but the difference in charlotte's expression between those edits is priceless.
    4 points
  20. 100% this. I was going to write something snarky about my husband's playing, but I chose not to. He wouldn't know a humbucker from a p90 if you asked him. I just learned what the hell you guys are talking about. Now, he might get into it but I have no idea. Hell, I'm kind of excited about trying it out.
    4 points
  21. you sure? I think when they finally have her in the straitjacket, the mask will be pulled off (scooby doo style) and it'll be hamm. He'll of course say "I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you kids!)
    4 points
  22. When I worked for a large tech corporation, we put more effort into keeping track of laptops than the feds put into keeping track of these kids and their families Hell, when I was in the Army, we out more effort into keeping track of all sorts of equipment (not just rifles and sidearms) than the feds put into keeping track of these kids and their families I don’t think they planned on reuniting the families. By scattering the kids around the country, they were out to not only keep them separated, but make it as difficult as possible to reunite the families.
    4 points
  23. I like this new trend of making everyone associated with Trump as miserable as possible. If the republicans won’t impeach him, make him and everyone in the administration regret the day he took office. Shun them all.
    4 points
  24. Not have a massive coronary?
    4 points
  25. 20-0 wouldn't satisfy me enough for the bullshit of Panama's qualification run. I only wish that it was a 1-0 loss on a phantom goal. FUUUUCK PANAMA.
    4 points
  26. The fucking US couldn’t qualify over this Panama team. National embarrassment.
    4 points
  27. I like you, man, but you can go fuck yourself on this one. Give me OSU without caveat.
    4 points
  28. Congrats to your Dad from a fellow letterman. Very few fans truly understand the dedication and hard work that goes into all of this. Not being rude but they come to the games and cheer for the team and some of those on the field get lots of publicity but there are a lot of Mickeys that are need to make the team successful. Thanks for posting.
    4 points
  29. You know how some girls are just crazy, bitchy, and make everyone around them miserable? Yeah, those girls eventually grow old, too.
    3 points
  30. If you stab a man to death over register money, you’re pretty much a garbage human being. You deserve all the bad things coming your way. That being said, if I got life in prison for something, I would enjoy it more if it was with all women instead of all men. That’s just a fact
    3 points
  31. Tony Kemp is moving up on my list of favorite Astros. He’s tied for 1st with everyone except Giles, Harris and Jake.
    3 points
  32. Bring it on!! oh, it's been Broughton.
    3 points
  33. I didn’t know that eye cancer was contagious. Alas, I have it now courtesy of Longhornfrenzy.
    3 points
  34. I’ve left the whale chasing to Vic Mackey.
    3 points
  35. Statistically, members of Trump’s campaign team are more likely to commit a felony than an illegal immigrant.
    3 points
  36. Every day he doesn't have an MI or stroke out is an unfortunate day for America. I can't believe I'm writing that about the President of the United States, but here we are.
    3 points
  37. And now with the pan goal, and seeing them orgasm over simply scoring at this level, the embarrassment of concacrap increases.
    3 points
  38. 3 points
  39. This sounds like something a college freshman would say while smoking pot. It doesn't even make sense.
    3 points
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