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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/18 in all areas

  1. The last 8 year have made me into the most jaded asshole. Fuck this moral high ground be the bigger person bullshit, the last decade has been nothing but everyone shitting on Texas any chance they got. So I like Herman. Why? Because the dude is an asshole and if you want to play fuck-fuck games we will. Eat bag of gorilla shit mizzou we beat your sorry SEC-SEC-SEC ass.
    24 points
  2. Is this how one gets blocked from the midget’s Twitter?
    19 points
  3. 15 points
  4. 10 points
  5. I cannot fucking believe there are still people who are finding ways to defend Charlie Strong. Just to recap: 1. He hired Shawn Watson. And retained him. 2. In 3 years his solution to addressing the QB position? Potato. 3. He lost to Kansas. 4. He, more than once tried to decline a penalty that would have helped his team. 5. He admitted after the Notre Dame loss in 2015 that he did not really follow the offense during the offseason. 6. We sucked shit through a straw on defense despite his focus on that side of the ball. 7. Special teams made Korky from Life Goes On look like the president of Mensa. Anyone defending that fraud of a coach can go fuck themselves.
    9 points
  6. He’s not backtracking. He’s gaslighting. Trump broadcasts multiple contradictory messages, to build in deniability. Whatever position he wants to claim he took, there’s a clip of him taking that position he can point to. It’s obvious bullshit to everyone except the morons in his base.
    9 points
  7. Probably already posted, I don't care:
    7 points
  8. As a neutral observer, fuck Drew Lock and Missouri. I'm not aware of what other shenanigans they pulled that week, but if your players are doing the horns down on the field, you've forfeited your right to whine about shit like this.
    7 points
  9. Someone still seems salty he got shut down by a Big 12 team missing half of its starters.
    7 points
  10. Ordered pizza for supper. W - I like it when they cut it in squares. You get more pizza.
    7 points
  11. They misspelled Mar-a-Lago.
    5 points
  12. They'd have to tie down his hands to keep him from jacking off and throwing semen at the screen.
    5 points
  13. He also predicted Mrs. Hamm would commit for 2019. 0-16 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  14. And, by the way, this is how most treason happens. It not usually someone who just hates their own country and wants to destroy it. It's usually someone who (1) convinces himself that their country won't really be harmed by the initial ask, so what if I make a few bucks, or fuck this chick, or avoid the harm I'm being blackmailed about; (2) is angry at someone specific who fucked them and is getting payback at them; or (3) thinks their country and the world will actually be better if they help out the foreign intelligence operative, like the traitors who thought America would be better as a communist nation, or Theodore Hall, the Los Alamos scientist who helped the soviets build the bomb because he thought there needed to be a counterbalance to the US being the only nation with one. People rationalize treason like this by thinking "hey it's good for our country because I like Republican policies and judges, and I hate those smug elitist libs. So what if it also works out well for Russia?" Which is wrong on its own terms, but also never ends there, because enemy nations have a greater goal beyond the short-term collaboration you accepted, and now you're on the hook.
    5 points
  15. You know--when you think about it, Mueller has really been masterful in his timing on all of this. It wasn't an accident that the Government just happened to roll out an indictment of 12 GRU agents the day before Trump went to meet Putin. Mueller knew what he was doing. He knew Trump was going to fellatiate Putin, and Mueller created the prism through which that was viewed. And then, immediately afterwards, the Government followed with an indictment of a Russian spy in bed with the NRA. And in so doing, the Government makes clear that other Republicans ought to think twice before supporting Trump too loudly, because they're going to get caught up in this. So while you don't see many Republicans vocally criticizing Trump, nor do you see them loudly supporting him. And now the IC is getting in on the act with the story in The New York Times this morning that Trump was briefed on the overwhelming mountain of evidence that implicates Putin personally. And yet he still went and bent the knee to Putin. The pace of all this is accelerating. We're probably not going to have another set of indictments this week, but we might. Because next week is the Manafort trial, which starts this whole thing going again.
    5 points
  16. Fuck that shit. For decades Texas has been mocked by opposing coaches, players and fans who do the horns down and more. For decades Texas has been a mostly classy team. Texas gets penalties called on them for shit like holstering the guns against Tech while in the same game Tech is allowed to do the horns down multiple times. This type of stuff has been going on forever. Being the classy one has cost Texas many times over the years, for instance not running up the scores in 2008 while OU did. It's time to take the gloves off and fight back.
    5 points
  17. I don't know.... but I kinda like that Herman is a prick. Fuck a bunch a friendly mother fuckers.. stand up for your squad and your school and fuck everyone else.
    5 points
  18. First, last, and most: get the big money out of politics. Small donations from actual individuals are fine. Big bribes from corporations and the ultrarich are just that, bribes, and they come with an implied or explicit quid pro quo. Always, without exception. Make donations over a certain amount (let's say $1000, adjusted periodically for inflation) illegal. I don't consider money to be speech any more than I consider speech to be money, and I don't get paid for spouting off on street corners, so it's not a First Amendment issue, and I'm as close to an absolutist on actual 1A issues as you're likely to find. Public financing of elections, the only exception being the small donations from individuals. Bottom line: make the government accountable to the people. I don't know if it ever has been, but it's a necessary step. This by itself would solve most of the problems we're seeing. Not all, and it would take some time for the pathologies that have been bred into the current system to work their way out, but in time we would have a healthy political corpus without the influence of the root of all evil.
    5 points
  19. Holy fuck, stop with this inane bullshit. And I don't mean dotus. Take it to another thread.
    5 points
  20. 5 points
  21. "...he's a bumbling nitwit billowing a cacophony of half-thoughts, emotional infantilism and political prolapse one might assume a call to nature's clarion blew a brain shit."
    5 points
  22. Turn one of those small green ones into this Pan fried mahi with lime jalapeño cilantro ranch, cabbage and good flour tortillas. Not pictured is El Yucateco XXXspicy. Contrasts A+ with the coolness of the ranch.
    5 points
  23. That's cool, I get it. I have a bachelor's degree in History and I'm software engineering manager. I don't really care about specific crybabies who went off and got a phd in gender studies or shit history and can't figure out a way to hack it. But if we're going to talk about generational stuff, and we're looking at a generation who was raised on "go to college no matter what and then you will achieve your dreams", and then they come out to no jobs and a fucking mountain of debt that they can't bankrupt out of and the boomers are going to eat through all of the social security and are pointing at them saying "shoulda been a plumber what were you thinking lol", that's a fucking raw deal. Generationally. The goal should be that average people making average choices with average talent can have pretty nice average middle class lives.
    5 points
  24. 5 points
  25. F cancer. We need this man today.
    4 points
  26. Well, he’s a fucking pussy, so....
    4 points
  27. While I might pass on Kentucky Owl at MSRP, you know what I won’t pass up on at MSRP?... Jackpot.
    4 points
  28. Spent the week of July 4th down on the west end. Another great week down in Galveston, though the water was pretty rough up until the Friday (the day we left). Took the kids out on a fishing charter to the jetties, they had fun catching baby sharks and hardheads. We had two keepers (shark) and ended up frying and grilling them for fish tacos. They were excellent. Soaked the filets in whole milk overnight. Made a beer batter for half the meat, grilled the rest after seasoning with s&p, old bay and lemon juice. Grilled up perfect. We hit up Nate's once for dinner as it's now a tradition with the kids. Food was still good. Grabbed some steaks and dogs from the grocery next door for dinner on the 4th. All in all, we ate well once again. Only disappointment, we weren't very successful in our crabbing this year.
    4 points
  29. Nonsense. they were a zaza dirty play away from having a good shot at winning another title in 2017, imo. PATFO constructed a team with two badasses in Aldridge and Leonard. Leonard went awol and they got a great trade given circumstances. This trade gives them a chance to be really good in the future with a core of dejante/white, derozen/Lonnie, gay, LA, and poetl as your core. Cue the "but they'll never beat the warriors" Whiney pants posters. No one will. But in a few years we'll have a great team of young talent mixed with solid veterans. love this trade. Love pop. Love the Spurs. F the haters.
    4 points
  30. Here's a blurb: Fuck you Chip Brown.
    4 points
  31. We're not coming back. This country is full of fucking morons. 70% of Republicans approve of the way Trump is handling Russia. Think about that.
    4 points
  32. I still feel the same way about Herman mocking them as I did right after the game. It's fucking hilarious. I feel that way because of how the Mizzou team, fans and SEC homers acted leading up to that game. They disrespected Texas nonstop at the pregame festivities. Their fans and the SEC homers talked shit nonstop leading up to the game, basically saying Texas didn't deserve to even be on the field with that mighty SEC team. Then even during the game their team talked shit, did the horns down and acted like arrogant pieces of shit while getting their asses kicked. If Mizzou had been a classy team all week I would be pissed that Herman did that. But they weren't at all so I find it hilarious.
    4 points
  33. My hope is that it starts with a public hanging in the shadows of the Washington Monument. After that im open to any idea
    4 points
  34. Jesus Christ, let it GO.
    4 points
  35. I think he is talking about waddle but guess from left field would be Wilson.
    4 points
  36. It’s never too late to do the right thing.
    4 points
  37. So millennial are the new baby boomers. Does Gen X have to do fucking everything in here?!?!?
    4 points
  38. Your mom loses 8 inches every time I pull out
    4 points
  39. What Mackovic left behind: Ricky Williams -- Heisman Shaun Rogers and Casey Hampton -- multiyear NFL starters, one of whom should be in the HOF; 8 Pro Bowls between them. Major Applewhite -- elite college QB Kwame Cavil -- 100 catches in jr year, Wane McGarity, -- all conference receiver Leonard Davis -- all American, multiyear starter in the NFL, 3 Pro Bowls Quentin Jammer -- all American, 11-year starter in the NFL D.D. Lewis -- all conference LB, 8-year NFL career Hodges Mitchell -- decent enough RB; still top ten in career yards at UT Most of those guys were underclassmen; Brown had something to build on, and in those early years, he did recruit his ass off. What Mack left behind D'Onta -- great workhorse back. Remains to be seen what kind of pro he will be. I'm getting sick of typing this, but Mack did not want to take him. He only wanted Armanti and almost managed to piss both of them away on the eve of signing day because he treated D'Onta like shit. Malcom Brown -- great DT, but no Casey Hampton Quandre Diggs -- didn't amount to shit until Charlie's first year. So-so NFL CB, since moved to safety. Jordan Hicks -- fragile but great LB All gone after year one of Charlie And Hassan Ridgeway -- borderline starter in the NFL, hurt all the time in college. And that's not even getting in to having to roll with Tyrone Swoopes and Jarrod Heard at QB and the sorry OL. Please tell me who could win more than 7 with that. I've had people tell me straight faced on these boards that we would have won none of the close losses in Charlie's first two years if we had Ash under center instead of Swoopes or Heard. Like Ash wouldn't have been worth a TD or two per game as opposed to a slow inaccurate but tough dude like Swoopes, or Heard, who was fast and inaccurate and running for his life behind the worst OL we've ever had in my 40 years of watching this team.
    3 points
  40. “The same thing we do every night, Pinky: try to take over the world...” I keep going back to the well on this joke because it will never stop being funny.
    3 points
  41. Are they selling any pocket pussies? I mean other than Cruz himself.
    3 points
  42. As far as I’m concerned, Case McCoy only played one game, and he’s a goddamn Longhorn legend
    3 points
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