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49 points
Unless you have a definition of "earning" other than operating revenue, aggy didn' "out earn" UT during Charlie's tenure. The entire boost in aggy finances has been driven by their capital campaign that people are claiming to be revenue. If you have ever invested in a company, you should be able to understand the difference between operating revenue and capital contributions. A lot of sportswriters don't understand the difference. Which is why articles such as the Forbes article get published. In 2011, A&M had no outdoor track facility because theirs had been condemned in 2004 as a safety hazard. Their football stadium, built the same year as The Big House, was in such a dilapidated state that the fire marshal had declared the electrical a safety hazard, the plumbing was barely functional and they couldn't light the sign on the exterior that said "Kyle Field." They borrowed $350 million, and had alumni donate $285 million to finally, at long last, do something about their infrastructure. Programs such as Michigan and Texas have consistent revenue to maintain facilities. Second tier programs, such as Texas A&M, have to let their facilities degrade to the point of being condemned, and then cash in on their once-in-20-year "resurgence" to generate money to catch up. The ability to maintain facilities at a high level, and the inability to keep facilities from being condemned differentiates top tier and second tier programs. Think back to when any UT athletics facility has ever been condemned as a safety hazard. Imagine have multiple facilities on campus condemned as safety hazards. In that thought, you will understand the difference between UT and A&M. As an aside, their new outdoor track facility has a maximum capacity of 3,500. The state high school track meet regularly draws 20,000. It is held at UT because UT is the only school in the state with the finances to afford facilities sufficient to host the meet. Yes, aggy has finally done something about their dilapidated facilities. They have borrowed a lot of money to do it. From their alumni they raised less than Oregon or Oklahoma State did for their facilities projects. aggy spent so much on their football project, they were left without funds to build a proper track facility. They still can't afford to repay the loans they have owed their academic side since 2006. They didn't generate enough operating revenue to cover expenses in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012 or 2017. Ask aggy about considering sending an 8-figure check from athletics to academics even once, let alone every year, and they will cough up a badly squeezed testicle. And they call that "redneck riches." Congratulations, aggy. You have reached the pinnacle. Maybe now they will start trying to find the money to get their indoor plumbing fully functional. Because, you know, indoor plumbing isn't something everyone is used to, but must of us who aren't aggy are kind of used to it.35 points
15 points
Who cares. When we tell people the UT experience is fundamentally different than that at A&M, we know of what we speak. Either people get it, or they don't. On the academic side, the annual operating budget at UT is $1B more than at A&M, even though UT has about 15,000 fewer students. A&M ranks below even U of H in professor salaries. That $1B, spent on attracting talented professors, on labs, on support infrastructure, etc, makes a huge difference. I'm not going to raise my voice very much to explain to kids that they should stay out of trouble, study in high school, and try to get admitted to UT Austin. or UT Dallas, or UT San Antonio, or eventually UT Law, or UT Southwestern, or UT Dell Med, or UTMB Galveston, (see where I am going with this?) A&M claims a connection to the U.S. military. The U.S. military (Army) picked Austin as the HQ for the new command that will be the foundation of our national defense for the next 100 years specifically because of the intellectual capital associated with UT Austin. The intellectual capital associated with UT Austin is precisely what drives the economy of the Austin metroplex. The intellectual capital of Texas A&M is what drives the economy of the Bryan/College Station farm belt. Visit each of the two areas. Tell me if you can discern any difference. Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston comprise a very vibrant economic region. There is a dead spot right in the middle of that region. The epicenter of that dead spot is College Station, Texas. If you don't believe me, look at a map. Recruits will do what recruits do. At 17 or 18, no kid really gets it. But there is a "it" to get.14 points
I mentioned this morning that the actual TAMU College Station dowment, as reported by the university and verified by their auditors in the NCAA financial filings, is a little over $400 million, the rest of their claimed endowment is an interest in the PUF they claim pursuant to their status as a branch of The University of Texas. No P UF money is part of the A&M endowment. The PUF funds the AUF, which in turn distributes money to the respective systems. So, the aggy claim their endowment incluses PUF money is pure aggy bullshit. It is the TAMU system that gets the money, not exclusively the College Station campus. UT recognized this distinction and claims no PUF money whatsoever in reporting endowment figures. For the record, as of July 31, 2018, UTIMCO was managing $44.9B, of which only $21.8B was PUF money (last I knew, the university lands were valued at another $8B).I haven't seen any recent production or royalty reports, but around $1B of new money is added to the PUF every year in addition to investment income. One little bit of fun Del Conte is having these days deals with the alumni around Austin in the tech world. Here is something most aggys have no clue of. George Kozmetzky was a former GI who used his GI Bill benefits after WWII to go to Harvard Business School. Afterward, he worked for Howard Hughes at Hughes Aircraft as a computer geek and then founded Teledyne. In the 1970s, he was dean of UT's business school and pushed the university into the computer age. Kozmetzky worked with Bobby Inman to build UT's computer science program. Inman was a guy who served as Director of Naval Intelligence, the #2 at the Defense Intelligence Agency, Director of NSA, and #2 at CIA. In the early 1980s, Inman used his connections to bring MCC to Austin. MCC lead to Sematech. And from that sprung the technology industry that is currently driving the Austin economy. So a lot of the tech industry in Austin sprung up between 1975 and 1990. Do the math and figure out the ages of the people who were starting their careers back in 1975. Dell started building his computers from his dorm room in Dobie around 1982. He is sitting on about $25B. Think of how many of those Austin computer hippies are getting ready to cash it in, call it a career, and then start managing their intergenerational wealth. How many billions do you think are going to change hands in the hills around Austin over the next 20 years. And which educational institution do you think will be the recipient of the charitable education donations associated with that money? As it stands today, aside from tuition, considering only federal, state, and institutional funds, UT is funded at about $43k/student every year. At A&M, that figure is less than $20k. One of the biggest battles Fenves, Kay Bailey, Rex, and the rest of the crew are fighting is to get an ironclad guarantee from the legislature that alumni endowment gifts won't be offset by the legislature cutting funding to UT, thus taking away the net benefit of the donation. Del Conte is raising about $250 mil for the SEZ, about $500 mil for the new basketball arena, and about $400 mil to endow all the sports scholarships. Well over $1B is going to flow through Bellmont in the next few years, in addition to $200 mil/yr in operating income. There is great political concern when that money starts flowing through. UT could easily show $400 mil/yr in just athletics cash flow. And that will be for at least three years in a row. And after that, there will be another capital campaign for the endowment. And, as I said, UTIMCO is already managing $45B (On the other hand aggy's TAMU Foundation, the manager of the actual aggy system endowment, has about $1.8B under management) It is nice the aggys have finally given to update their facilities. I'm glad they are drawing attention their newfound redneck wealth. But it is an entirely different level of wealth to have so much that you dare not speak of it. The legislature is addressing higher education funding in the upcoming session. Once that gets settled, just watch what happens. It will be a fun next 20 years for UT Austin.10 points
10 points
Well, yeah...a couple. My pastor wife. The folks I serve on a denominational board with. The folks who I'll be working with to install a friend as a new pastor at a church this weekend. All the folks I knew in my 12 years of Catholic education. So, I guess more than a couple. And, as my pastor wife and I were discussing last night, observing the crisis of mainstream American Christianity being anti-Gospels, the crisis of institutions of "The Church" (not just confined to the Catholic church) concealing and enabling decades/centuries of horrific abuse, she said "we need to face the fact that the Church is dying. And maybe it needs to die." The point being that, yet again, we have so perverted the church to serve our worldly goals that it is no longer an institution OF God run (with many flaws) by men, but rather is entirely an institution of men, run entirely with disregard for or opposition to God. There can be no sound argument that Jesus would do anything but devote his entire self -- including sacrificing his life -- to serve the least among us. Folks like little Guatemalans, both adults and children. As just one example. Yet American Christianity -- the dominant Church, the Church of the Empire -- stands against them. Yes, there are many Christians living The Way (as Christianity is). Go down to McAllen, and the work that many Christians - including the Catholic Church -- are doing is indeed divinity here on earth. But they are working AGAINST the dominant "Christian" creed of our country and era in doing so. The Church -- the Church of the Empire, of the dominant culture -- may indeed need to die. So that the Church, the body of Christ, can be reborn. It's already had to happen once. True acts of Christian charity, those.9 points
8 points
I’m a person of the border. My family has been there, on both sides, since it was just a river. Back the FUCK OFF on the nickname issue. Everyone down there has a nickname. Including the white folks. And a shitload of those nicknames are in Spanish. There’s nothing fake about his name. There’s damned well some elitist cluelessness in attacking it, though. If you’re looking for fake, look to the fucking Canadian pretending to be a Texan. Doesn’t get much more fake than that.8 points
"It's a write-off for them." "How is it a write-off?" "They just write it off." "Write it off what?" "Jerry, all these big universities, they write off everything." "You don't even know what a write-off is." "Do you?" "No, I don't." "But they do. And they're the ones writing it off."7 points
UT has more NCAA national championships since 2000 than A&M has in the history of their school. UT also has more NCAA championships in just one sport than A&M has in all sports, all three genders (male, female, aggy), in the history of their school. Then again, having more NCAA championships in just one sport than A&M has in all sports isn't much of a boast. So does Okie Lite, West Virginia, etc, etc. U of H has more team national championships that A&M. UTEP has more individual NCAA champions than A&M. And then there is aggy academics. Have I told you A&M prides itself on its engineering? If you get into a conversation with an aggy, ask them to tell you about aggy engineering. When I am down in Texas and talk with kids, I make sure to tell them to mind their parents and to work hard in school. And I explain if they don't, the only school they will get admitted to is Texas A&M.7 points
7 points
3,000 did in Puerto Rico hurricane? It’s the mayor’s fault! 3,000 did in the World Trade Center? The mayor is the real hero!7 points
7 points
Well - you assholes couldn’t keep your mouth shut so you got me banned. The comment was pretty hilarious though. . . You have been banned for the following reason: troll fom [sic] scat site. Can’t even remember that they’re the scat site?7 points
There's a reason he's branded himself as Ted in this election. And it's not because of some childhood nickname.7 points
Corporate donations to a candidate are free speech, but individual citizens donating to a candidate's opponent is a bribe." SMH.6 points
There wasn’t enough bullshit in a thread about Trump so y’all had to throw in religion too.6 points
I would rather have Frankie MacDonald on the Weather Channel. I would also rather have Frankie MacDonald as president, so there's that.6 points
Call me when they finally pay back the loans they owe their academic side and start pumping $10 million+ back to the academic side every year. If they are truly generating excess revenue, the also need to be helping the academic side improve the educational experience for the students. Oh, but I forgot, they are aggy. Vocational schools don't really do the "educational thing." Never mind, just keep being aggy. But maybe you want to spend some money and get the indoor plumbing fixed. Just a suggestion.6 points
5 points
Aggy should follow the model of West Point and have some kind of honor code, like this one perhaps:5 points
5 points
Wife's daughter is moving out of the house and into an apartment. I am grateful. Daughter could stay as long as she wants but she got a big ass 1 year old dog that is a deal breaker. Plus it will be closer to her new job and social life. Anyway, wife decides to get a Uhaul for the move. I can't help Friday night or Saturday night but am happy to help Saturday during the day. Me. Why do you need a Uhaul? What are you moving? Wife: Bed (broken down), Desk and boxes. Me: You don't need a Uhaul. Wife: I want to rent a Uhaul. Me. We have 3 SUV's we can fit it all plus you have already taken stuff over there. Wife: I want to make one trip. Me: If you're going to do that get the smallest thing you can. Wife: I already rented it. So we go to the Uhaul place on Friday at 3:00 to get the TRUCK for a 24 hour rental. I am laughing at the size of the truck but hold my tongue. Wife decides she will move Friday night instead while I'm gone. I protest a little but know she is full steam ahead. I leave. She loads the Uhaul. Drives to the apartment with a truck that could only be 1/6 full at best, with twin 10 year olds inside the cab and a 22 year old daughter on site to help move everything. Apartment is on the 2nd floor. Only way to get to second floor without stairs is by parking garage. Parking garage has 8ft clearance. Truck 11ft. When I get home Friday night wife says, I need you to help me take the desk out of the Uhaul and put it in my truck in the morning. We couldn't get it up the stairs. I'm not bitching. I didn't have to move anything into the apartment and they did it all. Hell, I still haven't seen the apartment as they made about 4 trips there and back while I was gone. It's still stupid.5 points
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pa8yjm/trump-911-fist-pump-photo-meme-photoshop-vgtrn?utm_source=dmfb5 points
I'm on my work computer while I am on vacation, and it has javascript shut down, as well as other security measures, so I'm not sure if these jpgs or just the links show up on your machine, but here goes: Here is the annual debt service of aggy athletics, taken from their budget documents. The $1.6 mil is the annual repayment of the debt. https://imgur.com/Wv4ayHg Here is where the understanding aggy couldn't cover operating expenses in 2017 came from: https://imgur.com/PDLXEYU Here is where the inability to cover expenses in 2012 came from. It's buried in the article, but it is there: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/college/2013/05/07/ncaa-finances-subsidies/2142443/ Here is the link to the original $16 million loan from 2006, that they tried to hide from the taxpayers: https://www.theeagle.com/news/local/a-m-lent-athletics-million/article_6d3d276a-2f0d-5eaa-bffd-5fd72b27e147.html Let me know if you need more info.5 points
5 points
21 straight hours of surgery. BAMC in San Antonio. 540 spine surgery of a soldier that was hit by an IED and was flown straight into Lackland (via Germany, I think)5 points
5 points
I think I might have a “best of” candidate. Wife was watching Obama’s speech at Illinois and kept repeating that she didn’t understand why Obama cared about the mid-terms. She said it several times. Finally I said that the elections were really important in November so he should care. As I stared at her, I could see her mind finally realize that he was talking about the midterm elections, and not the University of Illinois mid-term exams.5 points
Willie Nelson is doubling down on his support of the U.S. Senate candidate, headlining a rally and concert set for Sept. 29 at Auditorium Shores. Also on the bill are Joe Ely, Carrie Rodriguez, Tameca Jones, and Nelson’s sons Lukas and Micah Nelson. An initial report of Leon Bridges being on the bill is unconfirmed, Nelson’s publicist said Wednesday evening. Admission is free but requires an RSVP via O’Rourke’s website.4 points
Recruiting has taken a big step back this year while our competition for talent is moving forward. We are also starting to fall behind on 2020 which will snowball if this season keeps going on our current trajectory. missing out on top talent along with shitty coaching is going to drive this program into the ground so much further than we already are. we need to give this guy 4 years so his roster is stacked with "his guys"? Fuck, that's the most over played, tired argument in college football. It's a transient sport by nature, turnover is perpetual with kids staying 3-5 years and leaving early for the draft is picking up pace across the country. it's not exactly like he's upgrading the roster from 3*s to 5*s. We are still loading up on 3-4*s with a couple 5s sprinkled in, just like the roster he came into. If he can't do shit with what he inherited, having "his guys" isn't going to make a fucking difference.4 points
4 points
4 points
You know you can also pack all five of those things up in your car and drive somewhere to enjoy them without fear of the roof caving in on your fucking back.4 points
This is yet another reason why folks on here shouldn't be quick to bash on Joel Klatt. He's a pretty good at calling games, and overall fair toward Texas. And more importantly, he's not a member of the large media group that reflexively gargles the SEC's balls.4 points
I will represent you. I also represent the stunt ranch next to immamac's house. I will be filing both cases together to save money, so your daughter is going to need to learn how to do some stunts and also testify that immamac was driving the car that hit her. I've already got experts (Derka) lined up. I will PM you with the details.4 points
4 points
This looks like they blended their capital campaign $$ for the stadium with... actual revenue? And call it profit?4 points
4 points
4 points
4 points
4 points
4 points
4 points
Okay, but who asked you? I graduated from UT in 1999. I've been a fan since the early 80s. You don't want me on the bandwagon because I'm vocal about the shit show our program has been for years? Well, you don't get a vote. I'm an alum and a die-hard. And as such, I'll be as critical as I want to be when it's warranted. And this rah-rah, sunshine-pumping garbage after a completely inexcusable performance, again, is part of the problem, not the solution. Line in the sand. Kiss my burnt orange ass, kid.4 points
4 points
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