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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/19 in all areas

  1. Why don't you tell us, you disingenuously named fuck?
    15 points
  2. Some people did some stuff today nothing to see here
    14 points
  3. i hate most ipa’s and assume those who claim to love them secretly hate them too
    10 points
  4. You’re simply wrong. There’s definitely a way it doesn’t go political, and that’s by choice. You can choose to focus on the human impact and mourn the loss of life. You can choose to seek out ways to help the victims and houses of worship. You can wait to pass judgement until objective, provable facts see the light of day Instead, you chose to make a political statement, and what’s worse: you were too chickenshit to own it when called out, and instead said it was unavoidable. Own your choices, coward.
    7 points
  5. He also said, "A statement that the investigation did not establish particular facts does not mean there was no evidence of those facts."
    6 points
  6. Translation: "Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I'm fucked."
    6 points
  7. Why limit yourself? Celebrate the full form. I roast a whole bird about twice a month. It's usually the base for four or five other meals (e.g., wings and legs a la carte, thighs on rice with grilled veggies, and breastesses sliced up for taco meat). Here's last night's effort:
    6 points
  8. Cheers, fellas
    5 points
  9. Remember that time Donald Trump reveled and whined about being a victim who endured the "worst and most corrupt witch hunt" on Easter? On Easter? Yep, Easter.
    5 points
  10. There’s a politics thread for anybody that wants to go that route with it.
    5 points
  11. Un possible, simply un possible. Waiting on Congresswoman Omar Ilhan (and all the recent Muslim elected officials ) to publicly, and loudly condemn these acts of cowardice.
    5 points
  12. Maybe Mrs. Hate uses it to wash off cucumbers?
    5 points
  13. Ranch dressing sucks. Can't understand Texas's obsession with this Californian shit.
    5 points
  14. If it didn't have the date from 12/1/02 on it, I would have sworn this was from this year.
    5 points
  15. Learned the Night King has a clear motivation: getting to Bran/Three-Eyed-Raven, erasing the history of man A significant development since we had nothing definitive before as far as NK's motives
    4 points
  16. I just finished reading the report and what you say is false. The concept of “collusion” is not considered in the investigation. Rather, the evidence is evaluated within the framework of conspiracy law. You don’t get to condescend when you start off with a false statement.
    4 points
  17. We're coming for that Silver Boot. Took another series from Aggy.
    4 points
  18. Easter shrimp-n-sausage gumbo.
    4 points
  19. It's beautiful. One dog goes one way and the other goes the other. One's going east, the other’s going west. So what? And this rabbit saying, "Whaddya want from me?"
    4 points
  20. Uhhh Chicken Fried Steak isn’t made with some prime cut of steak...it’s cube steak typically sourced from the round (you know the ass end of the cow)
    4 points
  21. 4 points
  22. Asked directly, Rudy Giuliani said it was okay to do nothing about Russian theft if the allegations that an adversary is corrupt are true. - meet the press interview 4/21/2019 There you have it - a wink and a nod at Russian espionage during its course is lawful according to the President’s personal attorney. No duty to defend our country. The best and most audacious “but Hillary” claim yet.
    4 points
  23. Obligatory religion of peace post.
    4 points
  24. Anastasis isn’t actually #teambothsides. He’s just a republican that’s embarrassed to admit it.
    4 points
  25. What did he call it? Widow's wail. He really was a cunt, wasn't he?
    4 points
  26. Happy Easter weekend Lamb Shanks Start with 3 of these and brown the outsides. Then sautée this stuff in the oil and grease left over Then put the shanks back in with beef broth, red wine, chopped rosemary and parsley, tomato purée and paste, bay leaves and braise for 2.5 hours. Served over cauliflower mash with a shitload of butter and garlic. Also had some sprouts I roasted in the cast iron. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    4 points
  27. Honestly, that stat/claim is worthless based on a small poll of voters. But my issue with Bernie crazies is they are in the clear minority of the Democratic Party voters as we speak. Right now, the best polls have Bernie getting 30% of the D vote. His diehard supporters are trying to take down any legitimate D candidate, outside of maybe Warren. It's not just people on Twitter with a handful of followers. It's accounts with bigger followings that are mean spirited and grading on a purity test that only Sanders can pass. I can appreciate the spirit and desire for progressive values, but the friendly fire is inexcusable. Support Bernie. Tell us why you think he's the best candidate. A lot of us are tired of the disingenuous bullshit, and it's frustrating that it's not just coming from the right. I like Bernie. I will happily vote for him in the general election. But his most diehard supporters can fuck right off.
    3 points
  28. 3 points
  29. Finally got this put up. Thanks AO, looks awesome.
    3 points
  30. I could see EJ drinking water from water fountains like the people of Pawnee on Parks and Rec
    3 points
  31. Batronic: Boeing fucked up Surly: ... Batronic: the FAA fucked up Surly: ... Batronic: the airlines fucked up Surly: ... Batronic: the pilots also fucked up Surly: YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!?!
    3 points
  32. I want him to come here and be a Longhorn. He'll be a credit to the University in whatever capacity.
    3 points
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