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  4. Vic Mackey

    Vic Mackey

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/19 in all areas

  1. 18 points
  2. Just put where they're going in the title, this isn't an awards ceremony.
    17 points
  3. 14 points
  4. Hard to say. We know he’s injured, and we know he’s out for the season, so we can assume that he’s out for the season because he’s injured, unless it’s for another reason. But he’s definitely out for the season and injured.
    12 points
  5. Vic Mackey gives OU Photoshoppers material. good job dumbass
    12 points
  6. Seen today near the Galleria in Houston. My in-laws (who are FOBs) had no idea why the fuck I started bursting in laughter and taking pics with my phone. It wasn’t worth the effort to explain it to them Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    11 points
  7. Don't forget after Donald Trump is no longer in office that your GOP neighbors were complicit in their purposeful ignorance and self-delusion. Never again listen to any moral argument they try to make, as their moral "foundation" is utterly meaningless. It's only tribalism, truth is not important, morality is not important, principles are not important, being in power is what is important and nothing else. I give old senile people a pass here, they are not honestly capable of discerning truth from fiction. But those that are not senile, have simply proven that they are neither moral nor principled at this point. Simply as you know they would be absolutely losing their minds had Obama or heaven forbid Hillary Clinton done exactly what Trump has admitted to doing already. We used to be a country that could at least see the truth whether it was good for our political party or bad for our political party. The GOP now lives in a false reality without any morals or principles to guide them.
    10 points
  8. Vic and Zepol most nights of the week.
    10 points
  9. I really don’t know how people watch this anymore. Every person on that stage annoys the shit out of me.
    9 points
  10. Catches better than Ingram.
    9 points
  11. WVU did not honor any backside constraints because they KNEW Sam wouldn't be risked against the likes of them. That allowed them to slant DL into the zone runs and to bring a backside blitzer crashing down to take away the cutback. OU will never have that luxury.
    8 points
  12. The last 2 TDs when we were playing a true freshman CB after the game was pretty much decided? Yeah. Fuck off. We don’t need “fans” like you. We’re going to win. And our defense will be a big reason.
    7 points
  13. You know what dictators do? Go after their political enemies and claim its all in the name of corruption. Asking China, Ukraine, or Russia to get involved in our politics should never be the new normal.
    6 points
  14. I’m kind of morbidly curious how far they’d take this. Like Costanza driving Susan’s parents out to the Hamptons. What if Trump actually DID shoot someone on 5th Ave? Would the Sunday shows look the same? “Look I’m not going to talk about Trump. If he wants to shoot people he’s going to shoot people. I want to talk about pizzagate. Or something.”
    6 points
  15. 6 points
  16. And a message to anyone who thinks about testifying against dirty cops in the future. The cops are nothing more than government sanctioned mafiosos.
    6 points
  17. Yeah we watch too much TV. Like the news. Like...the Houston news. Anything in Houston news? Oh yeah....an an execution team of cops who fabricated evidence and murderous two innocent people. You disappeared from that thread real quick after condescending to everyone on it.
    6 points
  18. I’m just going to suggest you edit your post ASAP before anyone else sees this. Or ask your husband to do it for you.
    6 points
  19. 5 points
  20. I’m staying in the same hotel as the channel 11 people and I asked them where Jennifer Reyna was staying, they didn’t know. #cockblockers
    5 points
  21. she is a chunkier Mexican lady you won't like her.....oh shit it is Vic never mind
    5 points
  22. EndZone collision set off a few car alarms in the parking lot
    5 points
  23. Weird happenstance I just realized, three of our touchdowns were from the same spot on the field, the 13 yard line and gong into the same end zone (Burt reception, Ehlinger run 1, Duvernay run) and the Cosmi throwback was almost a fourth, but from the 12, and into the same end zone. If you were high right now, this might be an even cooler story.
    4 points
  24. On the “Name this band” thing, this tweet is amazing.
    4 points
  25. VIc gives every fanbase that hates Texas material
    4 points
  26. Last year, we had 2 conference losses - okie lite and WVU. Well this year we've beaten both. Is this good?
    4 points
  27. I’m rooting for LSU to skull fuck everybody (especially aggie) and get a rematch in the playoffs and pay them back!
    4 points
  28. Cosmi’s TD wasn’t a rush. Pretty sure he caught the pass. Does a lateral pass count as a rush TD? And stop whining, people! After the last few years just enjoy winning again. Shit I'm sure some of y’all bitched during the ‘05 season
    4 points
  29. Fuck everybody who ever doubted Shane. He was as advertised. His deep ball is the real deal. With a O line that can hold their own he is the real McCoy. SMU is 6-0 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  30. I watched a bit of the OU KU game today. OU is pretty soft in my opinion. Bunch of finesse bullshit. Punch them in the mouth and fuck their shit up.
    4 points
  31. This is getting repurposed to throw shade on various teams but I like this version the best
    4 points
  32. You're a huge WW2 buff yet haven't seen BOB?
    4 points
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