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you know... i'm just sad this morning. like, i kind of feel like i could cry easily over all this. its just so sad, not just Trump, he's a clown, but that half my country, that half the leaders (or more) of my country can so easily toss aside the fundamental principles that this country was built on. these people testifying have dedicated their entire lives to protecting and serving those principles. i've never been a jingoistic ideologue, rah-rah-my country kind of person. i fucking hate Lee Greenwood. but objectively, this whole thing is really kind of just breaking my heart. it's really, really sad, what we have become. and there's not a damn thing i can do about it 😞18 points
15 points
Wel. I’m an Independent who has a strong voting record of voting for both Democrats and Republicans and there is zero doubt whatsoever that he broke the law and has committed a serious crime. The evidence is overwhelming. So really you must be saying that you and the Independents you’ve quoted don’t care whether our government is corrupt. That may very well be true. We see it everyday from people’s personal behavior too. This country exists and achieves great prosperity mostly because it tries to operate legally and fairly for its citizens. Your lack of ethical and moral standards tears down this country, not strengthen it. You and the others that think this way are a terrible people.14 points
14 points
Counterpoint: The people who can provide exculpatory evidence to benefit the President have been ordered not to testify by , uh, hold on, allow me a moment, uh ... the President. As you can see, the President not allowing these people to testify on behalf of the President is just one more sleazy and unfair tactic of the, uh, just a moment, my apologies, ... Democrats?12 points
11 points
They didn't care about the actual investigation. They just wanted the video of Ukraine saying they were opening the investigation on CNN to use in 2020 campaign ads and Trump could use it as a reoccurring argument in debates and rallies. The Hillary email investigation worked well for him in 2016 even though nothing came of the investigation.10 points
9 points
Ya know, most days I consider myself pretty smart. I’m no genius or anything but a reasonably intelligent person. Then someone like Fiona Hill comes along and makes me realize, damn, I’m an idiot.9 points
9 points
Good lord now I just feel sorry for you. I’ve often come to the defense of more conservative posters in the CR when posters go too far with their far left opinions, but you just seem to be utterly clueless. You aren’t giving me any opportunities to come to your defense. I’ve personally overhead dozens if not hundreds of phone calls overs the years as has everyone else on the planet. But you tirelessly scan the internet looking for any proof point you can find, no matter how ridiculous, and come running back here to post it, sit back, fold your arms, and smirk, all the while not realizing you’ve just embarrassed yourself again. Wake up dude. With all the lies by the Republicans and Trump and all of the overwhelming evidence we’ve seen in the last week, you are hanging your hat on some dude lying about overhearing a phone call? That’s ridiculous. How about listening to what Nunes and Jordan have been saying the last several days. They are spewing absolute nonsense. Can you really not distinguish nonsense from actual facts? Are you really that limited intellectually? It’s okay to admit it if you are.8 points
holy shit. can I hire her to talk to my wife next time we get in a fight?8 points
8 points
8 points
7 points
Anyone uninformed enough to be "swayed" by a Senate victory would most likely have voted for Trump anyway. And you are not taking into account the momentum an acquittal would create on the left. That would make it very clear that elections are the only way to remove this guy.7 points
Testimony from people like Hill, Vindman, and Yovanovich make me thankful that there are intelligent, moral people who are working to ensure our country doesn't slip down into the fifth level of hell under the Asshole In Chief.7 points
Tell your sis to suck his dick, make him a sandwich, and not talk too much. Then he won't give two shits if you show up for Thanksgiving.7 points
Fuck this. What the fuck good is a censure, anyway? That would literally be letting him get away with treason and all manner of abuse of power, and encouraging more.7 points
Reading the promises and the serenity prayer for the first time in a long time, well then promises at least. Holy shit is all I can say. Probably a couple months ago I read the serenity prayer and discovered that I indeed do have the peace, the serenity to accept the things I can not change. Read the promises just now, there really is no longer any self pitty and I was filled with it, overflowing is not an exaggeration. There are times when I have my doubts and self pitty creeps in, but it goes away because I have proof that faith is stronger than doubt. Sitting here waiting for word on a background check for a job that would allow me to stop working two jobs, would end the game of trying to make my ends meet check to check, I sat in doubt yesterday, not today, I'm fine with whatever happens. The money would be great, but finding inner peace far outweighs the rest. If I need to keep grinding, then so be it. I urge those of you who still struggle to keep grinding, to not give up on that peace that is in us all, you'll never know when you will find it and where. Might be something someone says to you, might be in a book or pamphlet that leads you there. Just keep picking yourself up every day, every moment. It happens.7 points
I'd like to thank the American people for putting Democrats in charge of the House. Otherwise, we wouldn't be seeing the extent of Trump's corruption.7 points
Schiff is my Congressman, and I'm proud to have him as my representative. He's a a perfect representation of "We are better than that," but unfortunately around 40% of this country isn't, due to ignorance, misguided ways, or plain selfish corruption. But Democrats seem to be bringing knives to a gun fight. Republicans are willing to do whatever is necessary, including bringing in a foreign nation to assist them in their agenda and power grab. Lying, cheating, gerrymandering - whatever the fuck it takes. Yet Shiff's final response is, "We are better than that." Yeah I get it's a nice nod to Cummings, but Schiff is trying to appeal to a vision that seems a little out of reach right now. I'm leaning toward bringing a Howitzer to the gun fight from here out. Not sure how to do it, but it's time.6 points
Eta - we've all heard conversations through other's phones, so fuck off you troll6 points
6 points
I have some beliefs that align with traditional republican policy positions and moral standards. There’s just one tiny problem. The Republican Party doesn’t actually act according to its policy positions or moral standards. So....eff em until they change.6 points
If I had a gun with two bullets and was in a room with Jom Jordan, Hitler and bin Laden I would shoot Jim twice6 points
He's had it out for them ever since they switched from steam catapults to electromagnetic.6 points
I think abstaining is the best course for you on several fronts.6 points
I've already come to terms with the double-digit Baylor loss. The loss to Tech will break me. I may do something crazy, like date a divorcee from Mississippi or buy a broken waverunner that needs a little work. I'll hold Tom and all of you guys responsible.6 points
I never discuss politics with Mrs. Scorpio. Like I’m going to listen to the political opinions of a 15 year old. Ridiculous.6 points
Kind of related story: A couple of years ago while living overseas the expat community had a get together that included a chili cookoff. The meat you could get there wasn't terrible, but it was lean AF so I made my chili with half beef and half pork to get the fat content right. Judging for the contest consisted of everyone in attendance voting for their favorite. Problem is, we had a sizable Muslim contingent so I was going to be starting in a pretty deep hole since those potential voters wouldn't test my chili much less vote for it. So in the end I just told everyone it was beef chili. Everyone tried it, no one dropped dead or got smited by Allah and I got 2nd place. Maybe I'm going to burn in hell for that, but I don't care.6 points
I am in the same boat. Ronny was a God to me. Although, at the time he was first elected President, I was only in 8th grade and by November of '84 I was not yet able to vote. I was young impressionable and manipulated by my parents. But more than that, at the time, we had just gotten out of 'nam ('75), had been through 2 gas shortages, 20% interest rates, hostages in Iran, and Manhattan was burning nightly. Carter was a good guy and a smart guy but seemed powerless in light of the conditions. Reagan came along with his slick speech, down home letters, and his balanced California budget, and it seemed like the second coming of FDR except as a Republican. Really, without saying it, his slogan was MAGA. Except that he was actually somewhat competent, although lazy, and despite his other flaws, was a leader. His administrations still reverberate today for better or worse. So aside from the "deplorables" , there is still a sizable number of people my age and mostly older, that cannot shake this influence. It is like a religion they were taught as children that still holds sway over them. Despite having the entirety of world history at their fingertips and more than enough time to explore they chose to be lazy and have their thoughts dictated to them.5 points
5 points
I for one wouldn’t mind a picture of Mini Kenny at the dinner table.5 points
Only Democrats could be concerned with the way these hearings are going. The objective is to reveal the truth, nothing more. If you were hoping for more, you are a fool. Stop with the hand wringing, the pearl clutching, the "oh my goodness this isn't a home run" reactions. We were down 11-2 in the bottom of the 9th, a home run wasn't enough to win this particular game. Grow up. This is about something far more important than chicken-scratch political points.5 points
5 points
5 points
5 points
My parents followed none of these and I turned out pretty good Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk5 points
Yep. Look what the investigation of Hillary did and she was eventually cleared. Things don't work the same way for Republicans though. Like Trump, they can be dirty, they can be constantly under investigation, they can grab pussies, etc. Nothing will undo them as their voters really seem to require no ethical behavior at all from their representatives.5 points
Simply announcing the investigation would effect the intended political influence.5 points
That one bothered me when I first read it too. I will say this, with our kids, every teacher they had through school received my phone number with the caveat, : if you ever have an ounce of trouble from my kid, call me one time and that's all it will take. If there is an opportunity academically, we would love to discuss and develop an action plan." When their EC's had events, at least one of us was there. Having a presence in their activities at school is fundamentally important. Always taking their side against teachers/coaches/ etc and helicoptoring your precious little angel is destructive. I think that's where we're in agreement. I would choose the term "Participate" over "advocate." Our kids would LOL if someone asked them if we protected them from teachers/ coaches/ etc. They also wouldn't blink an eye when asked if they knew we had their back when it came to their efforts at school.5 points
#7 is bullshit and parents who do that are the worst. the fucking worst.5 points
5 points
5 points
5 points
5 points
Im Black, and honestly Obama was more of a controversy for my family in terms of politics than Trump has ever been. We disagreed on how well of a job Obama was doing, though the general consensus was that he was doing well enough. With Trump there is no ambiguity at all. We’re in complete agreement that that motherfucker sucks. He affirms it every time he opens his mouth. In fact, we’re so united on that belief that we hardly ever talk about him. What’s there to discuss?5 points
Gen X is the absolute best generation. Everyone else is a bunch of slap dick ass clowns. Last generation to grow up without the internet. We also know how to fuck chicks with or without internet assistance. We can fix your computer but also know when to ignore them. We also didn’t use our student loan money to travel the world and then bitch how we shouldn’t have to pay it back. Gen X is the most well rounded when it comes to employment, pussy, beer, and drugs. We respect others, aren’t snowflakes, work hard, and created great music. Fight me.5 points
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