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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/20 in Posts

  1. Trump frequently tells us that he's smart. A really smart guy, okay? Here's what I know for a fact after 43 years on this planet. No really smart person I ever met had to tell me they were smart. In fact, all the people I have met who have ever referenced their own intelligence were complete dumbasses.
    13 points
  2. With regards to Covid 19, we've seen the full spectrum of illness in our hospital. We've got a lot of positives or people in isolation being tested. Many are stable enough to go home, some in good shape, some on home oxygen equipment.. The truly ominous thing we're seeing in our ICU is that once people go onto ventilators, they aren't coming off, unless they die of course. These people are going to tie up ventilators for many weeks or worse. Our regional leadership has asked us to essentially triple our ICU capacity. Transitional care unit and post surgical recovery areas are being prepared to deliver ICU level care. ICU doctors are already spread very thin. So the plan is hospital based internal medicine docs such as myself will take over many ICU patients. Clinic internists and medical specialty consultants (probably mostly cardiology, GI, etc) will help out the hospitalists. I assume there will be similar plans on the nursing side with regular floor nurses asked to take care of much sicker patients than they are accustomed to seeing. There are probably a lot of surgeons, etc who are twiddling their thumbs with all elective surgeries cancelled and almost all clinic visits converted to phone/skype appointments. 2 more days until I get a day off though and will spend it block sanding and barring rain, putting some primer on the Chevelle. Looking forward to it. Some of the things I hear about alcoholic beverage makers switching to produce alcohol for hand sanitizer and other companies gearing up to make masks, ventilators and other medical equipment is encouraging. 'Merica!
    12 points
  3. We got our test results back today. Positive. We got tested last weekend. Our experience has been varied. I was knocked on my ass with high fever, fatigue, and nausea for 3 days but never really developed a horrible cough. I've been coughing since (2 weeks now) but it's never been a bad one. Energy is finally back after 12 days or so -- before then it was multiple naps and no ability to do absolutely anything. Spouse got it worse -- crazy deep cough, high fever, etc. Most miserable and debilitating illness ever. Cough was absolutely brutal. Still coughing like crazy but now 11 days out it is getting better daily. Kids had more minor symptoms -- one with fever and cough, one with basically nothing. Anyway it's good to be on the other side of this fucking thing because it wrecked our family for a good week and a half. Docs at the clinic on day 3 of symptoms refused to test me and told me it was the flu. Well they were wrong. We got tested four days later, negative for flu...positive for COVID. And like Staboner both spouse and kid went for a 1-2 days without fever but then it returned, which is what prolonged the illness. So if you get it and your fever goes away, I'd recommend just taking it easy for a couple days after because it ain't necessarily gone. Don't rush back into action. I better have immunity after this crap.
    12 points
  4. It has been a serious point of contention in my marriage, the copious amounts of TP my wife uses just to pee. She always says “ choose your battles” but when you blow through a roll/day practically, and I have to plunge the fucking toilet in the middle of the night, it makes me ragey, and she doesn’t recognize how much it bugs me. I blame my heavy drinking on this one issue.
    10 points
  5. Well, the proposal to stop flights from China By 1/31 got race card-shouted down.
    10 points
  6. these things are not helpful at all. data is needed, not something rife with speculation. the disclaimers are a joke.
    9 points
  7. The government should suspend the ethanol requirement for gasoline and divert those supplies for sanitation.
    9 points
  8. Bet he gets 70 miles to the gallon on that hog.
    7 points
  9. Okay, so what’s your timeline for the hospitalization numbers that you’ve stretched out here? If you’re thinking that there’s a scenario where Houston will have over 100,000 or fucking 500,000 people needing a hospital bed who cannot get it because so many other people are sick at the same time, which you imply in your post, get a grip. Classroom math gets impacted by real world variables that aren’t going into these kinds of calculations. And there are many. Weather, age distribution, schools and workplaces shutting down and when, distance between each other in real terms, quality of care, on and on. Which urge is stronger for you, the desire to masturbate over the case count or the depression that the death numbers aren’t high enough yet to cause the US government to invoke martial law for a 6 month period?
    7 points
  10. They shut down schools a month ago, and they are a culture that actually listens to their leaders. Additionally, it’s a culture that actually worships their ancestors, so they respect the elderly. They’ve also dealt with shit from China for ages so they’re used to the concept of hostile viruses that can wipe you out.
    7 points
  11. I don't think folks will stand for 2 months. Govt needs to act quicker because I think the shelf life of this "quarantine" is 4-5 weeks (i.e. early May). Thwy have to get shit in place then move to more measured actions. Reminder: Anne Frank and 7 others hid in a 450 sq/ft attic apartment for three years during WWII. No tv, no video games, etc.
    7 points
  12. Also realize that as we sit on 305,000 cases identified globally today (80k of that from China back in Jan.), 62,000 of that 305,000 were diagnosed in the last two days. The numbers get incomprehensible faster than you can respond. "If it feels like you're overreacting, you're doing the right thing."
    6 points
  13. If we get to the point where doctors have to make a decision on who gets a ventilator and potentially lives and who doesn’t and dies, I sincerely hope that they check patient’s social media accounts and factor that into their decision. If you’ve been tweeting about this being a hoax or liking Dotard’s speeches about this being an overblown flu, maybe you should move to the back of the ventilator line.
    6 points
  14. Guess who loves easy cheese on their burger and turned 3 today. Bluto
    6 points
  15. After weeks of people saying this virus is "no big deal," you've convinced me that they are right, in a sense. But it still feels like a fucking big deal. Carl Sagan's 1994 speech on the Pale Blue Dot always helps me put any struggle, no matter how big it may seem, in perspective:
    6 points
  16. The government has forced us into a recesssion out of perceived necessity by shutting the economy down. The masses across the country have largely complied without controversy besides the idiots on beaches in Florida. They’ve opened massive liquidity for banks and such with the fed. That needs to translate into assuring the lenders that they’ll be made whole and the US citizen can have relief until this period is over without a penalty or credit hit. That needs to also include life-lining apartment and condo landlords and their renters, impoverished up to uber wealthy. I hope they’re building to this, because so far, in looking at SBA stuff and the packages released so far, things like eventual credits or rebates and such won’t keep companies from having to lay people off or keep many from having to close the doors. That’s started already. They need to be looking at infusing thorough liquidity with relative ease and speed at every level of the economy and population if the shutdown is going to last more than 2-3 more weeks. They’re kidding themselves if they don’t get real about the liquidity issue if the shutdown is prolonged.
    6 points
  17. Good sporting commentary: Blimey
    6 points
  18. The American "Jesus" though, the one that hates poor people, immigrants and science.
    6 points
  19. It really shows how fucked we are as a nation that the outcome of the election is even in question.
    6 points
  20. Pretty sure I'd take my chances on doing without before I trust someone else who's probably already sick and working because they can't afford not to. coughing, sneezing, wiping their nasty hands on my shit......I just don't get this mentality. I could always sneak into a neighbor Wal-Mart as they were opening. I don't trust anyone else to give a shit about my needs more than me. That goes for food delivery too, or hell even drive-thru. No fucking way I'm assuming every single one of the workers is 100% healthy. It only takes one to fuck it all up. fuck that shit. No way in hell.
    6 points
  21. Serving #8: as a shot with a lime chaser People use limes to cover up tequila shots right? And you might think the sourness would counteract the sweetness. Well you would be fucking wrong. I could barely taste the lime, and it somehow made a chemical reaction that made a peanut butter whiskey tasted paste that’s stuck in my mouth and I can’t wash out. My dog won’t come to me when I call her anymore.
    6 points
  22. Not sure what area you are in or what types of doctors you work with, but I cancelled all elective surgeries indefinitely and most doctors I talk to have done the same. We absolutely care about this and we did not wait for the government to force us to stop.
    5 points
  23. If you support this man, you can go fuck yourself.
    5 points
  24. We have a civic duty to this country to make sure this rat fuck does not win this fall.
    5 points
  25. Daughter’s home. A little PTSD, we’re picking up Whataburger to help.
    5 points
  26. Sad to say I had to throw in the towel. Just puked all over the toilet. Had to switch to tasty beer and some online poker. I wonder if Nicole ever bought OJ peanut butter whiskey. Would explain a lot.
    5 points
  27. Serving #4: as a shot with strawberry jelly I should have used the jelly as a chaser. It was thicker and sunk to bottom so when I took the shot the peanut awfulness came first, which caused me to gag a little before the jelly fell into my mouth. Trying to swallow a thick liquid while trying not to puke is hard (that’s what she said)
    5 points
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