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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/20 in all areas

  1. Someone checked and the replay says no targeting. Head up, led with the shoulder.
    20 points
  2. What I find hysterically awesome is that all it took for the Trumpers to become not just okay with death panels, but to decry any opposition to that approach as "unamerican," was money. Predictable as hell, but still hysterically awesome. The Party of Trump has never, ever been "pro-life." It's always just been a trojan horse issue that they hold up in front of them, so they can arguably claim some sort of moral standing. They can't. It's a lie. It always has been. They are the party of wanting other people to die for their material gain. That's the truth -- whether it be soldiers dying for their economic gain, or the vulnerable dying of COVID for their economic gain, or poor people living on the margins and dying every day so that they can cram another wad of cash into their pockets, that's what they stand for. Don't ever, ever listen to what they say -- watch what they do.
    17 points
  3. Sadly, I doubt it. He could fire Jesus and half the country, would crow about how it's about time someone showed that long-haired hippie he can't just cruise through life on his father's name.
    17 points
  4. I understand your point, but we made the decision long ago as a species to care for our sick, old and wounded. That's one of the main things that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. Using the logic you've laid out, we might as well not have medical or pharmacological systems. If you get sick and your immune system fails to stop you from dying, well, that's just nature. Premature babies? Though luck. Cancer? Sucks to be you. Wounded in battle? Good luck, bro! It's definitely an option, but one that would have far reaching consequences for as a society. I'd prefer changes to the economic structure that prevented people from going broke because of illness or temporary inability to work. In other words, a social safety net for when things get tough. Think of it like the way our ancestors prepped for a long winter by storing grains, pickling veggies, and drying meats. Not as good as fresh "grass", but it will get us through until the "crocodile" risk abates. We need less greed, and more compassion.
    17 points
  5. So, when I heard Stan had died I called him. He said to me "Mr. President Sir, I want to thank you for the great job you've done Sir. Sure, I'm dead Sir, but if you hadn't acted so strongly, a lot more people would be dead". Here he was...this big, tough, dead guy, and he's crying while he's telling me this.
    15 points
  6. COVID-19 Realignment Talk - Not Going Away
    15 points
  7. Based on your prediction accuracy, it probably makes sense to declare Texas open for business effective tomorrow.
    14 points
  8. I swear to fucking god if we team up with Oklahoma...
    13 points
  9. Such a dickhead while being so so correct. Truly the best of the Shag/surl. Well done. Btw- I made a bet with one of the biggest alarmists- 50k dead by April 15 and I’d give $1000 to his covid charity of choice- not close to 50k dead by then and he’d have to follow me around the surl as my hype man- liking all my posts and telling any detractors not to argue with me bc I know things (so basically like my own personal Sydney Carton). Pretty sure there will now be 2 of us with a hype man on here in a day or two.
    13 points
  10. [/img] Pork shoulder I smoked Charro beans and pico Cheeses Walla with japs added
    13 points
  11. It's the dichotomy that I pointed out last week. He promised "I alone can fix it." He delivered "I don't take any responsibility at all." That's Donald Trump in a nutshell.
    13 points
  12. Right - this firing is going to be the thing that forces Moscow Mitch and the Senate GOP to start to do what is in the best interest of the country. LOL LOL LOL
    13 points
  13. Haven't posted in here in a bit. Been busy cooking like crazy during the pandemic and expanding my skill set. Read the Noma book on fermentation so made some kraut and kimchi. Working on black garlic and looking to dive into vinegars and garum. But I was gifted some pork trotters at the farmers market so had to make some tonkotsu ramen. Luckily I had most everything required for it in stock to go all in on it. See hand saw? Yeah, 4 of these legs had to be cut up. My jerking arm is still sore. But anyways, boiled these for 20 hours with garlic, mushrooms, leeks, ginger, onion, chicken bones, some pork belly until the broth was thick and milky (heh). Didn't have noodles so decided to make some. Never made pasta but thought I'd give it a shot. They actually turned out better than expected and ready to make more for stir frys. I had some more pork belly so made pork chashu Marinated some eggs in the left over chashu liquid, threw some mushrooms, kimchi, green onion, garlic, and bok choy and came out with this: Overall very happy with it. Other shit I've made lately: Cheeze-its, cause why the fuck not? Jerk chicken with coconut rice and black beans Pork, sage, and broccoli rabe pasta Pork tenderloin wrapped in ham and stuffed with kale, pecans, garlic and rosemary
    12 points
  14. Meanwhile, the states are doing this on their own. And without even knowing anything about who will be on this council, knowing they will be a billion times more informed, smarter, and saner than the orange man's fantasy council.
    12 points
  15. Fried Catfish, Homemade Hushpuppies, and some salad.
    12 points
  16. He's living the Republican dream with those latest tweets. He wants to personalize the profits while socializing the losses.
    12 points
  17. Another night, another 12 hours with the same N95 and "face shield" no matter how many patients I see. Will I get a modified OR gown or will it be a vaguely translucent paper smock? Either way, at least I'll have a little apron made of dollar store trash bag material to make sure I'm able to reuse the gowns! We haven't come close to peaking in Texas. Stay the fuck indoors, regardless of what the governor says.
    12 points
  18. this is actually incredible insight into how trump people think. thank you for making this post. it shows how sociopathic trump thinking is.
    11 points
  19. Whew... So glad to know that everything's going to be all white.
    10 points
  20. Well I know all of the pulmonologist (3) in Nac and they are doing a great job of explaining, via social media, to residents the need for social distancing/staying home/wearing masks. The sharp increase in numbers is due to more available testing and backlog on results. But I’m sure it’s the small towns that are going to take us all down. It’s not like NY is a total shit show or anything.
    10 points
  21. People who like to apply some twisted form of social darwinism to the human species often ignore animal behavior which appear compassionate and selfless. Bee drones aren't in it for themselves. Primates exhibit communal care of young. It's not just about the individual, but the group. Our own form of compassion, often attributed to some higher purpose, is likely hardwired into our DNA as an evolutionary fiat. And certainly in this instance it gives our species an advantage in survival. It allows us to work together, burden some minor sacrifices, for the good of the species as a whole. EMAW, as usual, is spouting nonsense that he thinks has some logical basis. It doesn't. Wildebeest migrate because it's a behavior that maximizes their numbers. Failing to address a lethal pandemic would not maximize our numbers. There is no moral or scientific basis for his idiocy.
    10 points
  22. I'll never understand interest in Ayn Rand. She was an idiot. Her writing was shit and her ideas were worse.
    10 points
  23. I'll make this easy for you. With no quarantine/ lockdown, the Imperial College London study had 2-4 Million dead just in the US. Even if it was 1 Million dead, the hit on the economy would have been much worse than what we are going through now. We aren't protecting the robust at the expense of the fragile. We're doing the best thing for everyone.
    10 points
  24. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    9 points
  25. I can’t believe the people of Wisconsin came thru. everyone who voted blue deserves a medal. Some of those people got hailed on for 3 hours to do it.
    9 points
  26. I don't see anyone advocating for that as a priority right now (unlike the martini lunches). But, yeah, a giant jobs program would be terrible right now, right?
    9 points
  27. One of the more common refrains throughout this entire thread has been that the imbeciles and fucktards in suburban and rural America are going to get us all killed, because, you know, they're apparently too stupid for words or they would have recognized the simple futility of their lives and made something of themselves by moving on up with the erudites in Austin, New York City, Seattle and the like. It's been a real hoot to see all of that come to fruition as we've witnessed Carthage, TX being salted by this virus back into the earth, and Little Rock, AR being smashed into tiny pebbles and so many other towns and cities akin to such places get enveloped by this killer as urban America has sat on its couch, eating popcorn, and laughing at all of these hillbilly dumbasses. When can we get the latest update on how your model is shaping up? It's as good as any being posted on here.
    9 points
  28. translation - i didn’t close anything but i can open everything. and if the democrat governors defy me, then the economy is on them. and if the republican governors cause more people to get sick and die, then that’s also on them. but if things start going better, what has two thumbs and deserves all the credit? this guy.
    9 points
  29. She’s the Joel Osteen of political philosophy. People want to be selfish and greedy. So when someone comes along and preaches the virtue of sin, people latch onto it and convince themselves it’s some grand insight or genius. In reality, it’s just a shitty person making money off telling other aspiringly shitty people that shittiness is a virtue.
    9 points
  30. classic Easter sit down with the fam included smoked ham with jalapeño pepper glaze, green beans, family recipe tater salad, blueberry slaw, goat cheese deviled eggs and the wife’s sourdough popovers. looking forward to a week of ham sammich Ed with potato salad and slaw.
    9 points
  31. Suck literally every dick, John Roberts.
    8 points
  32. As long as Texas doesn't end up in the COVID-SEC I'm ok.
    8 points
  33. 8 points
  34. and when Trump is gone, whether that is next year (unlikely), or 5 years from now, or whenever, these folks will still be here - tens of millions of completely worthless, total hacks who offer little to nothing of value to society (all current Republicans). its not like they are all of a sudden going turn into reasonable people who decide that democracy and the interests of the country are more important than their own personal and party interests, and owning the libs. It has been said many times - Trump is just a symptom of a much larger problem. that problem is Republicans. they elected him, they cheer on his racism, his fraud and corruption, his complete ineptitude, his repeated humiliation of the country on the international stage, his treason, and now his negligence that has led and will continue to lead to thousands of deaths. they have had opportunity after opportunity to stand up and say, you know, we made a mistake with this guy, we can do better - and have failed to do so - ever. and they all continue to support him. Republicans are a cancer. Trump is simply the public display of that cancer. they are who (many of us) thought they were.
    8 points
  35. 7 points
  36. this is an interesting social exercise, to be honest. my wife is a teacher (charter, not aisd), and i have two middle school aged sons, so we get to experience both sides of the teleteaching phenomenon. part of me listens to her meeting her class online a couple of times a week, and it just doesn't seem like she's teaching much on those sessions. she's part therapist, part motivational speaker, that sort of thing. but she teaches second grade, so there's not much more she can really do. she meets with them as a class twice a week, and individually twice a week. most of the actual learning is done via exercise through an online portal. alternately, my middle schoolers (in aisd) meet their teachers in a class session twice a week. class length varies by teacher. they get an assignment to complete by the next meeting. so school really only takes about an hour or two a day. my theory: our children are going to fall so far behind because they aren't learning what is necessary, or, and i lean in this direction, we are going to discover that the average school-day for our children is an anachronism, as is the expectation for the amount of homework after a full school day. i think this may be one of the biggest societal changes that results from this whole thing. there are other big things, such as how we work and operate socially for work. but ultimately, this may completely unmask how we get concepts across to students. i wonder if we don't fundamentally shift to a college "hours" concept for middle and high school education as a result of this, assuming clear positive outcomes.
    7 points
  37. Or because social distancing is working as it has in other places in the world. Just spitballing here.
    7 points
  38. Watching Adam Schiff's closing argument in light of this pandemic is a gut punch of what might have been had we gotten this attention whore out of the way in time. I think Pence would have been more inclined to listen to the experts and maybe would have been more like South Korea in shutting things down sooner. I don't know but I would have had more confidence in him than the orange shitass in charge now. Oh, and fuck these fuckers every last one, Amen.
    7 points
  39. He mistakes "boiling with rage" with cowering in fear. I don't fear Trump. I hate him. He is my enemy. He is the enemy of all humanity. He is purely and perfectly evil (see my analysis before -- true evil isn't scheming malevolence -- it's selfishness to the point where one will sacrifice all of humanity for his own gain). I'm not afraid of him. I want him to burn in Hell, sooner rather than later.
    7 points
  40. Posted this before in the bourbon thread, But my supply is good for the duration. So ready to have people over to share though. Miss my bourbon and cigar friends so damn much. We’ve resorted to Zoom drinking sessions each night around 9:00. But it ain’t the same.
    7 points
  41. Forgot it was Easter until after I went to the store. Had a chicken in the fridge. Made fried chicken. Didn’t have time to brine. Didn’t matter. Was awesome.
    7 points
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