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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2020 in all areas

  1. 247 dropped him for lying to his best friends father
    22 points
  2. Whoa Pam. For someone who went apeshit just now for someone posting an interview with a Stanford disease specialist, just because it aired on Fox News, this seems like a historically quick return to you posting fucking politics. Get your ass back to the fucking cloak room since you can’t fucking help yourself.
    20 points
  3. Check Out This Fucking Sandwich: homemade Guinness braised corned beef, turkey, spicy kraut, swiss, dressing
    17 points
  4. I imagine those quarantined with Pam are wishing for the sweet embrace of Corona death. What a whiny cunt.
    14 points
  5. They're rules followers. The same with other countries. Here, we're asked to do some simple things and you have the "muh rights!!!" crowd and you have the "I'm doing St. Paddy's day and spring break crowd". To paraphrase, we're a nation of (mostly) idiots.
    14 points
  6. Washington got on board with the lockdown quickly. Deaths are low because the infection rate is low. NYC is at more than twice its usual death rate right now. Its hardly an overcount. Significantly more people are dying in NYC right now than ever before. You know, there were probably several terminal cancer patients or people at various stages of heart disease that died in 9-11. I don't recall a single person suggesting they shouldn't count as terrorist victims. You do also realize that a 40 year old with asthma can live to be a 70 year old with asthma, right? He isn't going to die soon absent covid. I thought this was supposed to be the apolitical board. Why are people running with Tucker Carlson talking points and posting his videos? But I do have a question for you, onboard. Why do you need for the covid impact to appear minimized? Just let the numbers speak for themselves. Social distancing is working and thats a good thing.
    13 points
  7. Speaker Pelosi weighs in: In order to move forward, we must first understand the truth of what has put us in this position: The truth is that Donald Trump dismantled the infrastructure handed to him which was meant to plan for and overcome a pandemic, resulting in unnecessary deaths and economic disaster. The truth is that in January Donald Trump was warned about this pandemic, ignored those warnings, took insufficient action and caused unnecessary death and disaster. The truth is that Donald Trump told his most loyal followers that the pandemic was a hoax and that it would magically disappear, thus endangering lives and paving the way for economic disaster. The truth is that we did not have proper testing available in March despite Trump repeatedly claiming that we did; and even now, we do not have adequate tests, masks, PPE, and necessary equipment, which creates unnecessary death and suffering. The truth is because of an incompetent reaction to this health crisis, the strong economy handed to Donald Trump is now a disaster, causing the suffering of countless Americans and endangering lives. The truth is a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others.
    13 points
  8. And the people who scream the loudest are the ones who want to spout and link to their political crap, and just have a safe-space where they're immune from criticism for the idiocy of what they share. There is no bigger group of "snowflakes" in this world than MAGAts. None.
    12 points
  9. We got ours Monday and a decent chunk will go to defeating Dotard in November.
    12 points
  10. hey all you cool cats and kittens.... I just successfully defended my dissertation at Nebraska (via zoom of course), and I'm now Dr. Pancho! I will be drinking the rest of the day, which has actually will be just like a normal Tuesday since quarantine.
    11 points
  11. The WHO is a UN body that relies on information freely given from world governments, relies on said governments for funding, and has relatively zero leverage on world governments. They have no ability to make decisions for any world government, it only offers guidance based on the data made available to them. The US has a vast intelligence gathering apparatus (human intelligence, satellite imagery, signal intercepts, the list goes on) in China, and has vast leverage on almost all world governments due to its prolific economy and military power. Even if we couldnt directly squeeze China, we can normally get enough support to collectively squeeze something like China into getting back in line. Tell me again why you would put the blame on the WHO, when the president and his staff has access to better information than them on a daily basis?
    11 points
  12. The DT thread is proof that it's only politics if the left does it.
    11 points
  13. They are. Vanilla ISIS Y’all Queda
    10 points
  14. For someone who hates Trump and Trump people, you sure as fuck act just like many of them. “Not watching, Fake News! But after not watching I’ll shit all over it.” At least have the courage of your convictions to read the book before you burn it you cloak room troll. GTFO.
    10 points
  15. Pam cloak room'd this thread. Again. Repeatedly. And you walking around Pos Reping her for saying we should be running the WHO, a definitely political post, certainly seems to contradict you claiming to pos rep the people who bring information. And then you drop nuggets like this, which illustrate your true feelings: You don't believe there's such a thing as a no politics pandemic thread because the president in charge when it hit was a Republican, and you chafe that you can't just say whatever you want wherever you want. Just. Go. Post. In. The. Cloak. Room.
    9 points
  16. It never happened. Find me a single Pelosi or Biden statement that said it. Don't post that Biden tweet because if that is what you are referring to, you have zero reading comprehension or understanding of context. The democrats (at least among leadership, maybe a Rep here or there) did not criticize the travel restrictions (it wasn't a ban, either, and 10s of thousands continued to pour in from China). The more you idiots say it doesn't somehow make it come true.
    9 points
  17. March 8 Fauci on Meet the Press: "protect the vulnerable" "right now, no large crowds, no long trips and above all don't get on a cruise ship" "start seriously looking at social distancing" "don't want to go to massive gatherings"
    8 points
  18. Chapo, Billy (Warren Buffet) really likes this super hot girl Mary (Oxy). Mary got in trouble and needed money for an abortion. Billy gave Mary the money for the abortion. In exchange, and to make Billy feel cool, She totally said she would go to every spring, summer, fall, winter dance with him because of it. But when the spring dance came closer, she couldn't afford to buy a dress for the dance because her mom is having a hard time selling her new jewelry line. So Billy was like, it's cool, don't waste your money on a new dress for the dance. Just give me your autographed panties and I will show it to my friends who will think I'm totally badass. Billy doesn't want to give up on going to the dance with Mary, but still wants to look cool. I mean he did loan her that money for the abortion. If she bails on the dance a couple more times or doesn't put out for Billy, then Billy might have to ask for the abortion money back.
    8 points
  19. The economy is gone in the short to medium term. Tens of millions unemployed and many consumers aren't going to be out in droves even if all local, state, and federal restrictions were lifted May 1, which they won't be. So the deaths vs economy choice isn't real. You can have a hive spike in deaths with an economic downturn or you can have an economic downturn that will have a stronger recovery with a significantly less ravaged healthcare system and population. That's the choice. blockquote widget
    8 points
  20. I can’t even help but laugh at the unnecessary name calling. I don’t think I’ve ever said a word to you in 12+ years on these boards and your 5’7” tucked in polo shirt wearing, half balding, big nose having, giant Adam’s apple ass comes hard at me in the paint like that. I have no idea if it’s true, it’s just how I imagine you look like
    8 points
  21. That's probably a lower rate than Trump Steaks caused.
    8 points
  22. The SEC may not have anyone left to schedule out of conference.
    8 points
  23. Jesus Christ. About 40x more the number of posts complaining about CR than number of posts actually going CR. Just report and neg and move on. Twitter is becoming more tolerable than this place.
    7 points
  24. It's not a dream destination, but Vegas is fun as hell. You sound like you suck.
    6 points
  25. Chapo, Billy (Warren Buffet) really likes this super hot girl Mary (Oxy). Mary got in trouble and needed money for an abortion. Billy gave Mary the money for the abortion. In exchange, and to make Billy feel cool, She totally said she would go to every spring, summer, fall, winter dance with him because of it. But when the spring dance came closer, she couldn't afford to buy a dress for the dance because her mom is having a hard time selling her new jewelry line. So Billy was like, it's cool, don't waste your money on a new dress for the dance. Just give me your autographed panties and I will show it to my friends who will think I'm totally badass. Billy doesn't want to give up on going to the dance with Mary, but still wants to look cool. I mean he did loan her that money for the abortion. If she bails on the dance a couple more times or doesn't put out for Billy, then Billy might have to ask for the abortion money back. Mary used to hang out with a couple older boys named Boris and Abdul. They would take her too the movies and buy her stuff too when she was young. But then Mary blossomed into this super hot girl and stopped hanging out with those guys because they were controlling and lame. But those guys were tired of Mary getting all the attention, so they wanted to cause her problems. They released a video of Mary blowing Boris and Abdul. Yeah, it was embarrasing to them too because it showed their small dicks, but it really made Mary look bad.
    6 points
  26. For your livestock update, cattle packing plants fairly level with yesterday around 80% of capacity with Cargill cutting a shift in Colorado on top of the other issues. Hogs were inline with yesterday at about 85% of capacity, so we are holding up much better after the big down day on Monday. Beef values are still moving higher, while pork has remained pretty flat.
    6 points
  27. If NYC typically sees around X number of deaths per day, and then begins to see X+Y number of deaths a day (and Y is a material number -- like a triple digit number), isn't that a strong suggestion that something near-term and specific caused that uptick? It's not some sinister plan -- it's sound statistics with imperfect data, and when you layer that on the fact that we know for a fact that people are dying at home of serious respiratory illnesses, it's a pretty reasonable inference. We don't have perfect data, and never will. But a hypothesis that the dramatic uptick in daily deaths - which coincides with an outbreak of a novel disease - is attributable to that disease as opposed to a lot of folks coming down with a sudden peanut allergy, is a sound one.
    6 points
  28. And don’t forget, “nobody could see this coming!” But Obama should have? I would love for a reporter to grill Trump on this. “Why should Obama have seen this coming? Is that an admission that he’s smarter than you?” ”He’s not smarter than me.” ”Then why should have seen this coming if you couldn’t? It seems like you’re expecting more of him because he’s smarter and should have predicted this but you couldn’t because you aren’t that smart.” Trump explodes. May drop an n bomb.
    6 points
  29. No. It isn’t. If a news article about antibody tests came from CNN.com would anybody actually care? Or are you just that big of a dork because you do care?
    6 points
  30. not sure if you realize this but the whole point of organizations like the UN and WHO is limit the US influence and have us cut checks. These orgs are like the trust fund kids everyone rails about. Edit: its bullshit we even give money to these criminals and clowns. that money could go to improve the standard of living for people in the US. someone shouldtotal up the amount of money we've given just these 2 organizations with zero benefit to the US. fuck them and their bullshit.
    6 points
  31. my wife was studying In grad school at UT Southwestern while I was at UT Austin. Been quite a while since I’ve thought about a Pussy handoff in Waco.
    5 points
  32. I purchased a Taylor last spring. I posted in this thread quite a few times before and after. I was getting along pretty good and then I started having nerve issues in my right arm. Like crippling pain issues. I had to put down the guitar. I just couldn't handle the pain plus I had to because being able to do my work was far more important. Fast forward to this January and I had not one but two surgical procedures done on my right arm on the same day. One was for carpal tunnel and the other was for ulnar nerve entrapment. Three months later I'm pain free and I've picked up the guitar again. At first it felt like I'd never held a guitar but in a couple of days my chords are about as clean as they were before I had to put it down. Just wanted to post this. I'm happy to be back with it in my hands. If any of you have tips for a rookie please feel free. I'm an open book. I'm doing mostly Justin Guitar right now but once COVID-19 is done with I plan to begin weekly lessons. Thanks for reading.
    5 points
  33. 5 points
  34. or a microwave. we fucking get it.
    5 points
  35. How is an interview with a doctor at Stanford politics ? I watched the interview, and politics didn't seem to be part of anything the doctor talked about. But hey I could be wrong, please point out the politicy parts.
    5 points
  36. Was this the planned downtime on 4/14/20? How do you run out of gas when it's 1.20 a gallon
    5 points
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