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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/20 in all areas

  1. They won’t admit it because his voters identify with The victimhood Trump spouts. Why are all his most passionate supporters generally middle-aged / old white people? Why is the religious right so much in his camp? The rich? They identify as victims. Middle aged / old whites are so used to getting their way, so used to being born on 2nd base that when shit goes sideways it has to be the ‘others’ fault. Whatever that is. Deep state, immigrants, minorities, China, etc. The religious right has been on the victim trip for way longer. But their 1980’s-today dance with the Republican Party has really amped it up. No prayer in school, abortion, falling church attendance, etc has all been due to the colluding forces of the devil, the secular left, feminists, Jews, Muslims, and the communists. The rich are victims because their money is always under attack. They must at all times defend it from increased taxes or increased costs due to government actions. Much of those actions are due to the larger amount of the less worthy folks who aren’t of the same ilk as them. They view government / the public sector for those who aren’t smart enough to make it in the private sector. They view anyone not rich as somehow less than because the only really objective score in life is how much $ you have. That’s your worth. There’s a lot of overlap between groups, I know. But if they all are to admit that he’s not up to the task, then they’d be admitting that the reason their life sucks (well not for the rich.... they’d have to admit they were wrong which may be worse for people with egos that large) is because they aren’t up to the task.
    17 points
  2. Seriously cannot wait for the day I can click on "Football" first and not "Daily Texan."
    16 points
  3. Not even a plague could bring this country together. Nope, we have the pro-plague people protesting in the streets against the anti-plague scientists that want them not to die.
    12 points
  4. His "mitt work" is very controversial in the pugilist community. It wasn't at a gym supervised by any professional trainers. Just him at a storage room/home office. A great feat for sure, but didn't accomplish any real training they say.I tend to agree. Not much different than me bragging to my gym bro's about my Century BOB XL heavy bag session last night.
    12 points
  5. Last night I was in another room walking into our living room when I had this exchange: Me: Can you flip the channel over to ESPN? Wife: What channel is that? Me: 560. Wife: Is that up or down? Me: What? Wife: Is that up or down from what I'm watching. Me: I can't see what you are watching and have no idea what channel you are watching. Go to 560. Wife: I'm going through the guide, I'm almost there. Me: ------ Wife: Found it! For next time, ESPN was down. Me: Sure thing. My wife is a doctor.
    12 points
  6. Wife has a box of small graduation presents she wants to ship to daughter and her friends in Colorado, but doesn't want to go to the post office to get postage. "If I knew what it weighed, I can buy postage online and print it out." My solution: "Just estimate what you think it weighs, then buy postage for more than that weight. Who cares if you put on a couple of bucks extra in postage?" The solution she chose: Ordered a $20 scale from Amazon so that she wouldn't waste money on extra postage.
    12 points
  7. get a copy of his driver's license and tell him that if he ever comes back they'll have him arrested for trespassing. also, they might want to do something about the guy with the KKK hood.
    11 points
  8. This is not the first time you've posted some melodrama about the government taking away our freedom without criteria. Do you know what the first result on google is for "criteria to open up America?" https://www.whitehouse.gov/openingamerica/#criteria That is the White House's criteria for opening America. Such criteria exist in big bold letters and we are not meeting them. There is even guidance for states that, while I imagine isn't legally binding at all, we can still look at and see TX is not meeting. And note for all those wanting to whine about politics - I have not said anything political here. Haven't used a name or made any value judgement on the criteria. Only pointing out that they do in fact exist and that we have not met them. Texas hasn't released any criteria to continue opening up because they know goddamn well we aren't prepared to actually meet any criteria supported by medical or public health experts. The governor just gave some vague "well of course there will be more cases, but we'll really look at the data" comment. So the only criteria to get to Phase II is to wait until May 18. Then it'll happen regardless because, again, the core of the plan is "Fuck it, I'm bored, let's roll the dice." I can't really debate "My mom let me play outside so I'm special and should get my way." Cool story bro. Honestly, that's far more intellectually honest than going on pretending like the government is trying to take away your civil liberties without criteria, which is blatantly untrue. The criteria exist plainly and the government is ignoring them to start opening up. That's kind of... The opposite.
    10 points
  9. This brought up memories of my favorite description of Houston from Hunter S. Thompson. "Houston is a cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in east Texas with no zoning laws and a culture of sex, money and violence. It's a shabby, sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the west—which can mean just about anything you need it to mean, in a pinch."''
    10 points
  10. There is so much wrong with this I don't even know where to start. First - If you don't equate the economy to affecting peoples lives, then I would ask you to do a research project on the great depression. The economy will effect numerous more lives than a virus. Second - Sure I am white collar and should come out of this fine. But I know white collar people that used to work at the same company as me, that no longer do as a result of my company's reaction to this thing. My life and my kids lives aren't ruined, but a lot of things that they should have been able to take part in have been terminated and they will never get that opportunity back. Third - You are a fucking idiot if you think that the people leaning toward getting back to somewhat normal are doing it so they can travel for "funsies" and smile when they check their 401k. Are you a fifth grader?
    10 points
  11. That's not even the most offensive thing in the photo
    9 points
  12. Re how telephoto lenses artificially cram people together into nonexistent asshole-to-elbow throngs that have people muttering shit about "Darwinism at Work": Photographers Take Pics Of People From Different Perspectives To Show How Easy It Is To Manipulate Photos Telephoto Wide Angle
    9 points
  13. they actually arent, they are already budgeted for training and the air shows that were cancelled, Pilots still need to remain qualified, and instead of running a training mission out of the nevada desert, the mission is over dallas saying this is for you first responders, because never in the history of man kind have first responders or doctors had to work and save lives until now
    9 points
  14. 9 points
  15. They may say what they will about GWB, but he’s a damn good man with a heart bigger than most people we’ve ever met.
    9 points
  16. 8 points
  17. The appropriate solution is the same everywhere. Stay out of large groups. Refrain from touching public surfaces with your hands. Keep distance from others and 100 percent everyone wears a mouth and nose mask when in public. Only one political party refuses to do this. And with the nature of the virus the rest of us are in greater danger because of their selfish stupidity.
    8 points
  18. 8 points
  19. I see that we have entered into the "fuck certain people/industries I don't like" portion of the Wuhan Flu.
    8 points
  20. You mean there are some photographers out there looking to take pictures that present a view that is distorted in order to fit a particular narrative? There is a lot of legitimate concern with Corona but it’s pretty clear the media, in general, is happy to manipulate data/photos to get their target markets all fired up. I think everyone is complicit in this fuckery. We see what we want to see.
    8 points
  21. Not to derail, but this is one of my favorites. “It’s not really a covid death.” Guess no one ever really died of AIDS either
    8 points
  22. It's a little more complicated than that. First they take the hand drawn character and they smooth it out with a bunch of schleem. The schleem is then...repurposed for later episodes. They take the dingle bop and they push it through the grumbo, where the fleeb is rubbed against it. It's important that the fleeb is rubbed, because the fleeb has all the fleeb juice. Then, a schlami shows up, and he rubs it...and spits on it. They cut the fleeb. There's several hizzards in the way. The blamfs rub against the chumbles, and the...plubis, and grumbo are shaved away. That leaves you with...a regular old episode.
    8 points
  23. Aggy recruited Victory so they can finally get one on the field
    7 points
  24. Or she knew you didn’t have grass or gas.
    7 points
  25. #MartinMonday D41 HD28 needs a prettier strap OOO15M
    7 points
  26. There's a lot of truth in this. For decades, as we've become a self-therapy culture, producing your own personal victimology has been as important as your CV. Those classes and types who never really experienced victimization evidently felt either left out or (often rightfully as a group) blamed. It seems to have diminished the ideal of individuality. Even the defenders of that myth seem to want to band together to talk about how victimized they are by the collective. So scared are they that they think they need assault rifles to hold off criticism and discourse. Racial pride is a good arena to look at. To me this starts with a good movement: Black Pride. American blacks were in a state of being where they wanted to be white. Black little girls chose white dolls. Black Pride seeks to counteract that. Good. Then, like with Black Lives Matter which addresses another specific problem, other racial groups who never thought about being ashamed of their race decided that they needed to be actively proud of it. I'm no more prould of my race than I am of my gender or the place I was born. They're facts and bestow neither esteem nor shame. I don't have to argue that White Lives Matter or All Lives Matter because there is no opposition evident to those propositions. Blacks were getting killed where the rest of us were not. Maybe things will find some sort of balance. Everything is way out of whack today. Our national representative is perfectly chosen for that specific role. We are too narcissistic, blame-avoiding, and vindictive. Again, like our national representative, we can see that that combination of flaws is difficult to overcome.
    7 points
  27. Think there might be some unintended consequences here. We’ve been spending tons of money getting food from our favorite local spots throughout this whole thing. Did curbside on Friday. The patio was full of people not wearing masks. Now I’m so much less comfortable ordering from any place that has opened their dining rooms I don’t think I will be doing so for a while. Hopefully they’re making more money being open, but they might just be trading one type of income for another
    7 points
  28. Guys, it is not a revision. You're just looking at estimates from different systems in the federal government with different lag times. Here is the Covid tracking from the main tracking site showing >65,000 deaths. Notably, it is updated as of May 3rd as opposed to May 1 the other link. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html The other link (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm) is data specific to the National Vital Statistics System. I believe this is the same data used in the FluView system, and it is not as up-to-date as the other tracking. From the link: I put some important bits in bold. You can see this isn't as up-to-date because it goes from 10,000 deaths on the week ending on 18th to 3,000 deaths on the week ending on the 25th. Basically, the prior CDC numbers are more real-time reporting, while the smaller CDC number lags by quite a bit because it requires more robust records to be submitted to the system and reviewed by the National Center for Health Statistics.
    7 points
  29. As Sam Harris says, Trump is an evil Chauncey Gardner. He has no grand strategy. He has no metacognition. He’s just an idiot who instinctively runs a simple program over and over again, and that program happens to resonate with enough morons to make the idiot rich and successful.
    7 points
  30. You are one dumb motherfucker. Jesus Christ. You're hopeless. You fall for the bullshit far right tropes like clockwork. Use your fucking brain if you have one. Fuck.
    6 points
  31. Maybe he saved his calendars as a tribute to his father.
    6 points
  32. What in god's name are you talking about? All I said is that we need a plan. You don't want one? You don't think having a plan is a good thing? This seems like one of those "I want it now, damn the consequences" tantrums. People shouldn't start going out until we have a solid to plan to protect the vulnerable. I think we could have one, and think we could enact right now. I'm just asking that, you know, that happen. This is a society wide problem. It requires a society wide solution. The "let everyone individually take care of themselves" mentality is selfish and will result in an inefficient outcome. This is football board, right? How pissed would we be at Herman if he came out and said that we wouldn't practice or game plan, we'd just show up at the OU game and let each player do whatever they thought best? I'd be pretty fucking livid and would fully expect that we'd get steamrolled. Agreed that a lot of local communities and individual businesses are doing it right. And I'm glad you had the opportunity and option to protect yourself. But, personally, I'd like to see something more organized from the top down, or at least a clearly communicated framework, so that we can protect those that don't have the option or opportunity.
    6 points
  33. Seriously, unless the circumstance simply do not permit, one person per household should be doing the shopping.
    6 points
  34. Again, our choices aren't "turn economy into smoking ruin of a crater" or deaths. We can reopen the economy. We can reopen pretty much all businesses. We just have to do it right. So far, the re-openings are problematic because they aren't trying to do it right. They're just doing it. That is stupid. We shouldn't be stupid. Again, a well communicated and enacted plan will (1) prevent deaths, (2) prevent hospital overrun, and (3) give citizens the confidence they need to actually get back to normal. Just saying "re-open" does none of those things.
    6 points
  35. Martin Monday. I like it.
    6 points
  36. I think it’s pretty clear that he was absolutely burned out and tired of it all. The “gambling suspension” has been debunked over and over, but people are going to believe what they want to believe. There were more than one clips from videos during that 93 season were Jordan clearly says that he might retire because he was tired of the scrutiny and constant criticism. Of course, he could have just stayed out of the public eye rather than playing baseball, but that guy can’t turn that need for competition off. You can see it just by how badly he wanted to win that game with the security guards. As long as he was awake, he was competing at something. It’s insane just how competitive he was. I’ve never seen anything like it even though we were always told by the people close to him that he was like that. To actually be able to see it in these old recordings is amazing.
    6 points
  37. 6 points
  38. 7 months today. I’ll quit giving the monthly updates, but every time the 3rd hits and I’m still sober, it’s pretty amazing. Thanks to you all for being some inspirational.
    6 points
  39. So you think that just because most of us have white collar jobs that we have no concern for “underclass citizens“ or that we don’t have friends and family who are currently facing financial struggles? Are you that isolated in your own personal WFH situation that you don’t know people like this? Not everyone is lucky enough to be in your situation and there are real world economic consequences for millions of people during this shutdown. Food banks are setting records for families served right now if that tells you anything. A 401k means nothing to me. I’m young and have buying power so a down market is beneficial to me but I have much bigger concerns for those around me and the country as a whole.
    6 points
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