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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2020 in all areas

  1. Made it okay. No major damage to house. Lots of branches & trees down. Power is out and will be for a while. Fort Polk area.
    18 points
  2. The Daily Texan: where openly describing how you will murder black people gets you pos rep, and saying people deserve healthcare will get you banned. What a place!
    15 points
  3. Everyone's alive and the house is still standing. Storm surge didn't get to them but there's tons of wind damage - front porch destroyed, huge trees down everywhere, fence down, etc. Basically what you'd expect from Cat 4 winds and tornados, but all in all it could've been much worse.
    15 points
  4. It’s really amazing how accurate the NHS has gotten over the last 10-15 years with their ability to forecast. There will always be adjustments that need to be made due to interactions with land in the Caribbean, but once a TS is in the GOM, they get a pretty good idea of where it will go 48-72 hours out. I don’t know that they will be able to get much better than that given all of the different variables they have to consider, especially in this case with Marco being a most unusual variable to be considered. Here is a map of the predicted path as of Sunday and where it eventually made landfall. They were about a mile off.
    14 points
  5. So to summarize: A couple weeks ago we have people flipping the fuck out on Daily Texan about rumors of Antifa Supersoldiers being bussed in from out of state to invade the high rise condos in downtown Austin and kill everybody. To the best of my knowledge that did not happen. A right winger from out of state actually crossed state lines and shot some protesters. Rightwingers: "lol these are just totally crazy circumstances! what can you do??"
    13 points
  6. Cops shoot another unarmed black man? Democratic mayors fault. 17 year old trumpkin crosses state lines to shoot some more unarmed protestors? Democratic mayors fault. Yes there are a shit ton of stupid people in this country but they’re all voting for trump anyway so anecdotally, who gives a shit what old man joe dirt has to say about protestors.
    12 points
  7. 11 points
  8. In case it wasn’t already obvious, Trump is a cult leader. Like any other cult leader, he claims the unique ability to cure his believers’ problems and then blames his inevitable inability to do so on nefarious Others conspiring to undermine his benevolent gifts to mankind. It’s a timeless con, and one that’s remarkably simple to pull off. Anyone can do it, because you don’t have to know how to fix anything. In fact, the whole point is NOT to fix anything. Failure to deliver on your promises is the whole point; it’s the mechanism for drawing your followers closer to you (by inspiring hate for some scapegoated out-group). The only skill you need is a capacity to lie through your teeth and then whine like a little bitch about how persecuted you are. It’s fucked up that so many people fall for this shit, but they do. Over and over and over again.
    11 points
  9. Sorry, I'll type slowly so you'll have a better shot of understanding my confusion: there is no fire in that picture
    11 points
  10. Got my first ever Dotard campaign text today asking for donations. 500% match for a limited time! My actual reply: Go fuck your own face and die in a fucking fire. Auto-response: You have been unsubscribed. Felt good anyway.
    11 points
  11. Anyone who bumps this thread without an obituary should be negged. Getting my hopes up and shit.
    10 points
  12. Lol seriously stop calling anyone that might vote for Donald Trump a moderate. That word doesn't mean what y'all seem to think it means. Voting for a dimwit wannabe dictator whip is openly trying to steal an election because you're butthurt NBA players boycotted for a day or you have some irrational fear for your suburban lifestyle (actual examples used on this thread) isn't moderate. It's stupid and selfish. Anyone thinking of voting Trump is thinking of rubber stamping fascism. That's not moderate, it's hard right.
    10 points
  13. As a Mavs fan, I think they should take their time. No need to rush into anything.
    10 points
  14. I am a happy camper. No power at home but my stepbro stopped by and the only damage was a roof ac vent that blew off. Dad/stepmom never lost power or cable. Stepbro is running of generac, all good there. The local Beaumont weatherman for KFDM (not Bostwick) said at 3 am "I cannot understand how the conditions are not as bad as forecasted. Stepbro said he saw very few trees down in Beaumont. I'm headed back in the AM. Now to get us through September without another storm.
    10 points
  15. “I used to be a Democrat, but then it occurred to me that I’d rather be self-centered, paranoid, and delusional.”
    9 points
  16. It's the CR for people that can't back up their statements with intelligence or logic.
    9 points
  17. Humble brag. I see what you did there.
    9 points
  18. Go fuck yourself. You are everything that is wrong with this country and I will be teaching her to do everything in her power to avoid people like you during her life.
    9 points
  19. Brooks is locked into texas, Ty Simpson is locked into eventually committing to Clemson. Drumm is locked into being a dumbass
    8 points
  20. Also this "info on those shot" shit is just gossipy noise. There are no winners here. Only losers.
    8 points
  21. Alleged Kenosha Killer Loved Cops, Guns, Trump, and 'Triggering the Libs,' Former Classmates Say I can think of nothing more emblematic of America right now than reading this article and thinking, "well, at least he didn't shoot up his school".
    8 points
  22. Here's a video of an "agitator" being handed over by protesters. Here's another: "Be peaceful!" and similar admonitions are constant in these protests. I've heard them myself. In the videos of violence you see people in the periphery screaming at violent ones to stop. It's happening all the time. Be honest.
    8 points
  23. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/lebron-james-launching-multimillion-dollar-effort-recruit-poll/story?id=72598810 https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/18/sport/lebron-james-voter-suppression-nba-spt-intl/index.html https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/29656465/dodgers-lebron-james-team-make-dodger-stadium-polling-site https://www.becauseofthemwecan.com/blogs/news/lebron-james-launches-fund-to-help-restore-voting-rights-for-former-felons-in-florida https://www.foxnews.com/us/lebron-james-hitting-campaign-trail-for-biden-and-harris BUT WILL LEBRON EVEN DO ANYTHING OR JUST TWEET?!!?!?
    8 points
  24. HOLY SHIT II'm fucking dying here, his wife just texted him in the middle of the broadcast, HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
    8 points
  25. NBA refs? Good idea to get them involved because those fuckers know how to fix things.
    8 points
  26. Oh my God can we stop with the realignment nonsense? Anyway it is interesting some schools will be playing this weekend. Here is hoping everything turns out fine and we can play our games next month with confidence everything will go well.
    8 points
  27. So if Biden is President he will create an Ameica that is unrecogizable? Take a hard look at America at this very moment - it is unrecognizable now. For christsake, tens of millions of Americans have not been to their workplace or eaten a meal in a restaurant in 6 months. Air travel is down 70% from a year ago. You can't even count on the Postal Office to deliver your mail anymore. Hell, i am unrecongnizablee after a half a year without a haircut. Is Austin the Austin you recognize from 4 years a go?!
    8 points
  28. Biden needs to immediately respond he will take a drug test if Trump releases his tax returns.
    8 points
  29. Having the Falwells in his corner might give trump an advantage there
    7 points
  30. Someone said he died doing what he loved, chasing minors.
    7 points
  31. Maybe they don’t want to take it for granted like the last candidate did.
    7 points
  32. Do we live in China? Get the fuck outta here. And if you are serious with this nonsense then you might as well boycott every single corporation in America. And literally consume next to nothing, forego your prescription drugs, etc. Really show those chinese who is boss. We (America) have a massive China dependency problem. The NBA is miniscule to that. But a certain segment of our population only likes to focus on the NBA? I wonder why that is?
    7 points
  33. LeBron did not remain silent on the Hong Kong protests. That's a mischaracterization. He outspokenly called support for the protestors "misinformed" and "not educated." Thus, in his opinion, the informed and educated side is the side of the Chinese government.
    7 points
  34. no one is worried about black people in their suburbs. who here has said the rioters are black people only? in fact the majority is likely not black. they are concerned about rioters/looters regardless of color. nice strawman though..
    7 points
  35. This ad fucking rules because the first thing it does is point out that Trump is a fat bitch. Just pepper it in through all the debates. "Trump you're a fat bitch." over and over.
    7 points
  36. Let's Get This Party Started!!!
    7 points
  37. So it was a big accomplishment of James Madison that he was young-ish when an event he had nothing to do with occurred? Hell, my brother accomplished being alive when we landed on the moon when he was only 2!
    7 points
  38. Picanha steak reverse sear on a PK grill. 10/10 would eat again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  39. https://247sports.com/college/texas/Board/21/Contents/Godspeed-Dr-Drunkenstein-5486227/ “What we know: 1. We know Dr Drunkenstein formerly posted as Longhorn Messiah, from an IP match. 2. Dr Drunkenstein now posts as BuddyLufkin, from an IP match. 3. The email address for BuddyLufkin is a dummy address. 4. The email address for Dr Drunkenstein is from a defunct website. 5. Dr D's IP is a Comcast address in central Maryland. 6. On this site, and others, Dr D has mentioned living in Damascus, Maryland. 7. Dr D posted on twitter as @BEllisRecruiter. 8. As soon as USAROTC (@LandThieves) tweeted "Sorry to hear about your cancer" to @BEllisRecruiter, Dr D responded "ty" and then deleted his twitter account. 9. Dr D then started another twitter account, @WRHookEm, with the same email address he used to register the name BuddyLufkin on Shaggy. 10. The name associated with the twitter account @WRHookEm is Buddy Lufkin. However, Google crawled the page when it first started, and at that time, the name associated with the account was Will Ray. 11. The email address associated with the Longhorn Messiah account indicates the name "WR Ferguson." 12. A search for the email account associated with the Dr D account pulls up a Facebook profile for "Bill Ellis." 13. A search of Spokeo for the email address associated with Longhorn Messiah brings up the result for "Bill Ellis." 14. The Bill Ellis facebook profile indicates that he is a 1992 grad of the University of Texas. 15. The UT Registrar does not list a bill ellis; however, it does confirm attendance for a William Ray Ferguson, beginning in 1988; Bachelor of Arts in Economics. 1988+4=1992. 16. Dr D mentioned in a post that a 30-year old sex offender lives on his street in Damascus, MD. 17. One 30-year old sex offender lives in Damascus, MD. The Maryland sex offender registry lists his street. 18. An address search for William Ray Ferguson indicates that a William Ray Ferguson formerly lived in Houston, Florida, and currently resides in Damascus, MD, on the same street as the sex offender. 19. A search of real estate data indicates that this William Ray Ferguson was once a resident of Miami-Dade County Florida. 20. A criminal history search shows that William Ray Ferguson is currently a fugitive from justice for felony grand theft over $20,000/under $100,000. What we don't know: 1. if Dr D has cancer.”
    7 points
  40. When I see those memes pointing out the disparity in treatment, I usually take them to mean that cops should treat the black people like the cops treat the white people, not vice versa. I'm glad the kid didn't get shot. I know pound-me-in-the-ass prison is a joke here, but it's a poisonous system. He should have a shot at redemption. His incarceration shouldn't be the end of his life and it shouldn't destroy him. Jacob Blake should be alive. This kid's victims should be alive. People should be able to be heard from simply peacefully protesting in the daylight. No one should have a life so worthless to them that they feel the need to loot a department store for phone cases. There are no fucking wins anywhere.
    6 points
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