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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/20 in all areas

  1. Here is Collins' first collegiate series. It's impressive in its own right for a kid's first ever live bullets at defensive tackle: 1st and 10: Collins is lined up in a 3 technique. He's pretty clearly got a stunt on, because he shoots from the 3 technique into the A gap, which turns out to be a pretty bad stunt against what appears to be outside zone. But he's never really blocked, due to his quickness. You can see the guard flail at him throughout the gif. He recovers from the stunt (although only after getting waaay upfield) and makes it back to the ballcarrier to help with the tackle. If you watch closely, you can see BJ Foster help clean up the tackle, too. 2nd and 5: This is Collins's best play of the (short) drive. He's again lined up in a 3-technique and again stunts inside the guard (Sweat, playing 1 technique, stunts, too, so this was called and is not just Collins stunting every time). His stunt is so quick, both the guard and center have to catch him, and he almost splits their double team. As a result, neither lineman can gain any traction to get a block on the second level (in fact, Collins pushes them both back a yard and a half). As a result, when the ballcarrier turns north and south, Overshown is waiting for him in the hole. 3rd and 3: The DL runs the same stunt again, slanting to the weak side of the formation. Jacquess and Overshown both attack their gaps, too, and the line of scrimmage becomes, basically, a wasteland of felled UTEP linemen. Adimora does a really nice job of keeping his inside shoulder free, which forces the ball carrier to kick outside instead of finding a gap off tackle. As a result, Josh Thompson is free to clean up the ball carrier, and he does a really nice job of demonstrating Ash's rugby tackling technique--instead of the 2019 tackling version of launching himself at his opponent, Thompson attacks his inside leg and hip and lifts the knee to stop the ballcarrier's progress. While it would've been nice to see Thompson keep his legs moving and drive the ball carrier to the ground, Thompson's work gives Adimora plenty of time to help clean up the tackle, forcing a punt. Here's the reply from the All-22 angle. You can see Collins speed again gets him past the guard, but the ball is going outside, so with so much trash at the line, he basically just makes a pile. As a result of Collins' pile (and Sweat getting moved by guard/tackle combo block), Overshown misses a potential run through opportunity. Jacquess and the sniffer back pretty much just headbutt each other and fall over. BJ Foster basically does nothing on the play except patty-cake with the right tackle. Ossai is badly held at the end of the play, or he might have gotten to the ball carrier before Adimora. You can really see from the All-22 how influential Adimora is to the ball carrier's pth. Because Adimora stays in his gap--and inside the tight end--the ballcarrier has to take a wider track, leading him right into Thompson's open arms.
    31 points
  2. i don't even need a crib sheet any longer. does this person have an (R) next to their name? yes? fuck this person.
    31 points
  3. Make sure he logs out of his Hornfromdallas account
    31 points
  4. Bill Barr got his law degree taking evening classes while working as an intelligence analyst for the CIA and graduated with the highest honors the school can give. He has then climbed up the ladder in the DoJ to become the AG in 1991. He then goes on to have a fantastic legal career in private life that ends with him on the board of directors for Time Warner. In 2019, he finds himself back in the AG chair. As far as legal resumes go, he is in the top 1% of 1%. That should tell you that when someone with that kind of resume says something that blatantly runs against Constitutional law or the democratic processes on which this country functions, they aren't misquoting or misunderstanding a Constitutional concept. They're telling you how THEY think it should be. Cruz, for example, graduated from Harvard Law magna cum laude, was the editor of their Law Review, and was regarded as a brilliant student. He then went on to be the first Hispanic to ever clerk for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He was part of the Bush legal team in Bush v. Gore and was Texas Solicitor General at the age of 33. An off the charts legal resume. Top 1% of 1%. I'm certain that if he were to sit down with 99% of the attorneys in the nation to talk Constitutional law and the cases surrounding it, he would embarrass them all outside of people who are Constitutional scholars for a living. Yet, we see him get pantsed on a regular basis when he's holding his ground on his own positions. That's not because he's stupid, in a legal sense. He just doesn't believe that a lot of the law that stands today should be the law and wishes to replace it with his own vision. People like Barr and Cruz in the government aren't misspeaking when it comes to the law. They're telling you how they think it should be and are actively working to change it. For someone like Cruz, that's part of his job as an elected official. But when it comes to someone like Bill Barr, it is insanely problematic. His job is to enforce the law, as it is today, and advise the executive branch of the law when necessary. The way mail-in voting currently works is the law of the land. He knows it is. But here he is waxing poetic about the loss of the secret vote, conjuring up hypothetical fraud, and then projecting that fraud onto those who he sees as political opponents. Sure, he is entitled to have an opinion, but if Eric Holder went into an interview and questioned the validity of the 2012 election 2 months before election day, it would be an absolute political firestorm and rightfully so. Barr says something like this, Trump latches onto it, and it feeds an already dangerous, out of control rhetoric regarding the 2020 election.
    15 points
  5. Let’s land Cade, a late bloomer and 1-2 transfers and never talk about 2021 OL recruiting again.
    15 points
  6. Wonder if Bru McCoy watched that wide receiver TD parade from his couch.
    15 points
  7. Spoken like a true coelenterate fuccboi.
    14 points
  8. Her son is a potential Olympic athlete at shot put and the best school to develop him is Texas, but because her red ass can’t handle that she’s forcing him to choose between several inferior schools in regards to his throwing. That’s the epitome of a selfish parent. Plus she’s fat AF.
    12 points
  9. If we're shutting down '21 OL recruiting talk, a parting thought. Fuck the Brocks
    12 points
  10. this was the fallacy of the "National Anthem" argument. the rubes were still booing at the KC/Texans game when the players participated in a 1 minute "protest" several minutes after the anthem was played. It was never really about the national anthem. they just dont want to hear it. they dont want to acknowlege systemic racism or police brutality toward minorities
    11 points
  11. Ed O is definitely my go-to source for science and medical speculation.
    10 points
  12. If you're reading Scientific American there is a 100% chance you're already voting for Biden.
    10 points
  13. It goes beyond voting plans. If he declares the election invalid, do you think the Senate or DOJ will push back? It seems like an unlikely scenario, but then again I would have thought that the president would not be able to withhold US aid appropriated through congress to a foreign government unless that government investigated the son of his opponent in the next presidential election. Its basically accepted fact thats exactly what happened, and there were ZERO ramifications for getting caught red handed. My concern is not who shows up to vote, or how they vote. My concern is the fuckery that will transpire to invalidate everyone that does vote. Who is going to stop him? The same feeble GOP dicksuckers in the Senate that have let him run roughshod over the country for the last 4 years? Barr and his non-partisan DOJ? Listen to his words, listen to the "warnings" about election tampering from the GOP and his administration. They already know they are going to lose the election, they have moved onto plan B. The statements that come out of that dipshit's mouth are so fucking obvious. You don't spend all your time positioning the election as a rigged event if you plan on winning it.
    9 points
  14. I wouldn't mind Blake cutting off part of his finger in a folding chair...I would approve of this for that reason alone.
    9 points
  15. I know this is a ballsy website, and few subjects are out of bounds, but I prefer not to shit all over a kid, any kid, who signed his name in good faith to a letter of intent to help the University of Texas.
    9 points
  16. so the Big 10 gets to be the conf that turned the college world on its head in august by quitting, got a hanger-on in the Pac 12, and side hussle agreements with the WAC and BigSky Conferences which forced the ACC SEC and Big 12 to completely reschedule their games, cancelling all the ones that pay the bills for the smaller schools, then sit back and not play the first 7-8 weeks of the season and THEN they think all they have to do is start playing in late Oct and now qualify to be in the national champion discussion.... fuck that.
    9 points
  17. The random voters are better at questioning Trump than our journalists.
    8 points
  18. Got to the sports book right before they cut off bets. Then went to the dispensary. Didn't start watching till 3rd period. Turned this rushed bet into 380 on a few lucky hands of blackjack. Its 5am here and I'm still walking around with my stars shirt. Very drink and enjoying this pizza on the Vegas putos home turf Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
    8 points
  19. Unless, that is, if they build it themselves.
    7 points
  20. the Juggalos are, dare i say, responsible citizens. they canceled their festival this year because of COVID-19. Juggalos are MENSA members compared to QAnon. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/2020-gathering-of-the-juggalos-canceled-covid-19-988696/
    7 points
  21. Mizzou talked shit, it's just that nobody really noticed or cared what they had to say.
    7 points
  22. Pastrami, Lebanon bologna, cheese, ‘kraut, Zapp’s Voodoo.
    7 points
  23. Hope @Kermit has been able to watch. Fuck Kawhi Leonard. Fuck that traitorous, ungrateful, narcissistic, lying, malingering, cherry-picking, big market-seeking piece of shit right in his goat ass. Enjoy watching the finals from home, nephew.
    6 points
  24. When talking about the stock market’s impact on the economy, Trump says “it’s not just big people...”. Something about that made my fucking heart race. That’s how he views the world: rich people are “big”, poor people are “small”. The motherfucker. Motherfucker.
    6 points
  25. I invaded your mom's anole last night.
    6 points
  26. To be clear, I’ve made fun of CTJ’s choice of language on a football board as well. You two actually do have a lot in common: arrogance, using language we have to google, and a history of making bold, but false, predictions.
    6 points
  27. Because she's an active member of texags, hates you & roots for ou vs. Texas. Any other dumbass questions?
    6 points
  28. Dan Woken is a fucking shithead, period. He wants everyone to shed a tear for the BIG and PAC, and point out how responsible and "following the science" they are, while ignoring that the main reason they canceled when they did was due to a debunked myocarditis report. He leaves out the fact that the Big 12 was widely criticized, by him as well, for using a "twitter doctor's" advice (a world renowned expert from the Mayo clinic). He cites the 75 positive cases at Texas Tech, while failing to point out the zero hospitalizations. He wants so badly for something really bad to happen at any of the schools that decided to push forward and play. No doubt he already has his "told you so" article written and ready to go. It's all political for him, and he sucks.
    6 points
  29. Man, you really do have some of the strangest takes on this board. And that's saying a lot.
    6 points
  30. Are you talking about yourself, or someone else? Because if you're talking about yourself, then you're part of the problem. And if you're talking about someone else you know personally, then go grab that someone else and smack them about with a raw haddock until they get off their asses and do something about it. And if you're talking about a hypothetical "someone else" that is no one you know, then the least you can do is post something on social media. Like I'm doing right here and right now. I guess the point I'm trying to make here is this: If you don't get off your tuckus and vote, I will personally do nothing but send you Babylon 5 gifs for the rest of your miserable life. You know I'll do it, too
    6 points
  31. 2020 harvest talk not going away.
    6 points
  32. 6 points
  33. This will always be hilarious:
    6 points
  34. We fucked Gilbert. Gilbert didn’t suck we did. The only game i remember us playing to Gilbert’s strength was when we beat Nebraska. He ran the spread and we went to the fucking 1970s big 10 offense bullshit
    5 points
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