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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/2020 in all areas

  1. I'm a Trump hating liberal and hope the Republican party withers and dies before my children are of voting age. That being said.... The song isn't racist. The bullshit 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon trying to make it racist is complete garbage. The entitlement of this team to use the song as some sort of crutch to validate their pussiness is enough to make me want to get rid of all of them, sans Sam. I was upset that we lost today. When i saw that pic of Sam by himself today, I was crushed. That's the worst feeling I've had as a Longhorn football fan in my entire life. UT football culture is at rock bottom. Those that say "oh it's just a song" just don't get it. It's about solidarity. It's about pride. Shunning all of that because your sister's cousin's professor told you the song might be racist is weak as fuck. Weak. As. Fuck. Just like this football team is.
    31 points
  2. The site was performing great during Sunday practice, so we're just not sure why that translated to such miserable failure today.
    18 points
  3. Herman is an undisciplined arrogant dumb shitbag of a coach, completely incapable of doing the Texas job. He deserves to be fired today. but if I see one more person say or imply he's "just as bad as Strong".... Jesus Christ, people. What's the worst loss we've had under Herman? 17 points, I think? We've had what, two double-digit losses in four years? Strong's second game was a 34-point home loss. In the fifth game of his second season, we were down 30-0 in the first fucking quarter. Herman is an unremarkable coach doing a poor job. Strong was a titanically inept dipshit.
    16 points
  4. I can't speak on the Urban thing other than there's mutual interest on both sides. On the Herman thing he's toast.
    14 points
  5. It's not money it's just what is obviously right. You bow down to the woke mob they just find the next thing to call you racist over until you do that too. It's not even about being progressive, it's about control.
    14 points
  6. I want Urban. I dont want a "gee, I hope this works out hire."
    13 points
  7. Seems like former black athletes don’t really give a shit. Seems like it’s only these pompous titty baby current crop that actually cares. And it appears it’s just a small segment of the football team. the team leaving the field except for Sam yesterday had nothing to do with school song and everything to do with shitty discipline from the head coach. these players are exactly what their coach is a loud mouth front running bitch that folds when they get punched in the mouth. now take your dumbass bullshit back to the cloak room bitch.
    13 points
  8. Basically dumb vs not. Sorry to be so blunt, but low education racist whites is what's left for Trump.
    12 points
  9. And no this isn’t a hindsight is 20/20 situation. It was pretty obvious. We had them on the ropes. They were not only in shock, but they were spent. They were dead. There’s no way anyone can convince me we wouldn’t have got that 2pt conversion. Kicking the XP just gave them time to reset mentally and regain their focus. We had all the fucking momentum. And I know this is just another thread and nobody gives a fuck, but this one hurts.
    11 points
  10. I had an invite this weekend to a business associate’s ranch near Junction and everything came together. Had to make a quick call and shot, but luckily I have been shooting my rifles recently and was on my game well enough.
    11 points
  11. you guys are fucking high - stop blaming Sam for anything wrong with this program. The defense was non-existent and there were so many mistakes it was unreal. just actually shut the fuck up. Sam scored 6TD's and threw for 399 yesterday. I get it, he didn't do that before the longhorns were down 14 with 6 minutes or whatever to go. The fact is, he fucking DID it. Stop trying to use backwards fucking logic to say that it doesn't count because of when it happened. The fucking game is 60 minutes long. His stats reflect 60 minutes of football. Holy absolute fuck, you guys are driving me fucking insane with your bogus takes and even more insane logic to try and dumpster on a guy who has done nothing but his best (no one is saying he's VY). I hope to God Texas is lucky enough to have another QB like Sam in the next 10 years, meanwhile apparently it's a foregone conclusion to some of you mouth breathing fucks anyone with a pulse can apparently outplay Sam fucking Ehlinger.
    10 points
  12. 1) the reason this team is not good at all have nothing to do with whether they sing a damned song. It has a lot to do with them being dumb, undisciplined, and poorly coached. 2) if a bunch of black athletes feel a certain way about a song, that’s the way they feel. We can and should be in conversation with them about it, and if we have a good point to make (and I think we do), then we should be able to convince them both that their impression isn’t accurate, and that the song is bigger than that, and actually can and should bring us all together. Instead, we have fans of the university telling them that they’re spoiled shits who should shut up and dance for us, and even better, we’re mostly financially secure white dudes telling black men how they are allowed to feel/not feel....for the eleven trillionth time in American history. Gosh, I can’t imagine how that would ever reflect poorly on our university.
    10 points
  13. Herman needs to be fired immediately. If not today, then Monday. I keep referring to his comment in the presser yesterday after the loss: "How do we get a group of guys that want to be great to translate their play in practice to games. That's Job No. 1 right now. (The writer for the article responded by saying: this is NOT a QUESTION you ask in Year four of a regime.) Herman is a fucking fraud. He parlayed his gimmick into millions and two HC jobs. Time to see him for what he is. A fucking fraud. Period. He has to go. SOB is playing like he just came in here with Strong's talent and is on year one of the Job. Jeez.
    10 points
  14. What in the Jesus fuck, I woke up and couldn’t connect and thought Tom got shitcanned
    10 points
  15. You know why I'm fucking mad? Because this god damned website has turned into a racist pile of shit, you stupid mother fuckers are doing your damnedest to run everyone off who made this place funny and enjoyable. Now it's just fucking embarrassing. You fucking embarrass me.
    9 points
  16. Young dumb poor whites are worker bees. They work hard and earn everything they have. So they believe and live the "work hard, follow the rules, law and order, earn what you get" stuff. The GOP uses these talking points to lower taxes for the rich. The dumb poor whites have a shittier life because of the GOP. It's the reason they don't have good healthcare, funded schools, or any other benefits. They think that all these rich people pulled themselves up by their boostraps through hard work. The reality is most are not "self made". But as long as keep selling the work hard American Dream bullshit, the young dumb whites will buy it. They will continue to complain about no blue collar jobs that all the corporations that own the GOP keep sending over seas. It's a vicious cycle. They're too stupid to see the people they're voting for keep fucking them over.
    9 points
  17. If the players feel the university is so racist and oppressive maybe they should attend a different school. Why did they come to UT in the first place? Did the university spring The Eyes on them after they were already enrolled.
    9 points
  18. If players don’t want to sing don’t sing. If they had a coach with a backbone they’d be doing what the volleyball team is doing. standing there regardless if they’re singing or not. It’s about respecting the fans/alumni/etc that have built this program. to walk off like they did is inexcusable and it’s Tom Herman’s fault.
    9 points
  19. I don't know why I keep coming back to this, but it bothers me. I'm not anti- "woke mob." I think most of the points they raised (speaking generally and in terms of Texas football) are pretty reasonable. And I find the act of demanding action to be pretty reasonable, also, even if it serves as a distraction from the principal purpose of playing football and playing it well. But I think the criticism of The Eyes is just "off the mark," if not wrong. I am virtually certain that it became disliked among certain players based on rumor and innuendo, namely that the lyrics were rooted in some "slave surveillance" something or other. Something that is demonstrably false. Also, I'm sure that, regardless of any racist connection whatsoever, some of the callow youth found it "corny," or not au courant and relevant like Wet Ass Pussy. It turns out that it does have some "racist-adjacent" origins, but I don't think that was really the source of the problem. A misunderstanding was the problem, possibly rooted in some knowledge of the actual facts, but wildly distorted into a false narrative. I'm not sure what went on behind closed doors, but we know that most of the players demands were met on their terms. The Eyes was an exception, but I'm not sure what sort of dialog was had over it. I'm not comfortable calling the demand concerning The Eyes to be some sort of "control" issue, I legitimately think it was based on misunderstanding and possibly a dislike of the song irrespective of any racial history or connotation. As mentioned upthread, the post-game ritual or ceremony is meaningful to a lot of people and one might hope would be meaningful to at least some of the players (given that a lot of players don't actually give a solitary fuck about the University of Texas, it's just a meal ticket to them). It would seem that some sort of public "healing" or reconciliation conversation could be had to explain the actual facts so that a) it doesn't remain a "sticking point," and b) the post-game ritual is maintained. No one should have to actually sing it, but I think the stigma should be addressed and removed to the extent it can be. The Eyes of Texas is not analogous to Confederate statues, or worship of Sull Ross or Robt. E. Lee, or dorms named after Simkins, etc. It's just not.
    9 points
  20. I was all on the Urban bandwagon, but then I read that he allowed his star players extra privileges and even turned a blind eye to grown men smoking marijuana during their personal time. Now I don’t know if the prospect of winning 5 Conference Champions and 2-3 National Championships would be worth that kind of cancer.
    9 points
  21. This was in my fortune cookie tonight. Thought you assholes would appreciate it.
    9 points
  22. How do y'all motherfuckers manage to make every god damn thread about the fucking Cowboys somehow
    8 points
  23. As fanbases go I can't think of one that's more in denial over its own racism than ours. We love to think we are different from flagship schools from other Southern states because we like to think "We're Texas, we're not Southern." That's debatable and a complex question but the fact is the people who founded the university and many of not most of those who attended right up until maybe the 1970s pretty much all regarded themselves as Southerners and Texans. Leaders in this state were still naming schools after Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee right up until the '60s but we like to think that kind of crap is the sole preserve of Mississippi and Alabama. It's not, obviously, because some of those schools still have those names and people are fighting to keep them. And no, it isn't just East Texas -- outside of El Paso and the Valley pretty much every town in Texas was founded by and for White Southerners and has the racial track record to prove it. And in the Valley, just sub in Brown for Black and it's pretty much the same deal. If you actually listen to Black people talk about UT and athletics, our track record is poor. There are those in our fanbase who are a little too proud of those all-White national champs in 1969. Bomani Jones was just talking about that the other day. He is a rare Black UT t-shirt fan; I am not sure how he came to his fandom, other than maybe he was forced into it by growing up in Waller, surrounded by Ags, and he being the son of two professors, was naturally appalled and thereby chose the smarter option, but anyway, he is, and he was talking about what could have been had Royal and the BMDs of his era did anything other than lag other Southern schools in the 1960s and '70s. Instead extreme conservatism reigned and recruiting Black athletes in-state has been way more complicated than it should have been ever since. Bomani was reminiscing about how jarring and bizarre it was for UT to be trumpeting James Brown as something of a novelty who would help us with the "inner city kids" as late as the mid-1990s and it was plain our 1990s teams were not exactly melanin-enhanced to competitive standard, as attested to by an entire decade of almost universally leadfooted linebacker play and the short/unathletic/wildly inaccurate White QBs of the 1980s. Jones said to imagine if Texas had actually led the way instead of lagging behind schools like UH, SMU and even Bama, or if Royal had been able to prevent Switzer from raiding Houston, Dallas and East Texas at whim in the 1970s. Where would Texas be today if it had started banking goodwill in 1968 instead of just a few years later? And he also pointed out that in his lifetime, only Mack has managed to recruit Black athletes without some kind of cloud hanging around the whole enterprise. I've been following football in Texas pretty seriously since 1982, and when I think of the sheer number of Black Texans who've starred not just at instate rivals but all over America it makes me sick and sad, both. As the pre-eminent football school in this state, we should not have been losing players to Notre Dame, Miami, Colorado, Oklahoma, Ok. St, LSU at the rate we've almost always done and are continuing to do now. He noted that Strong was a whole 'nother ball of wax; you can't argue that race was not an issue in his time here, regardless of performance; Herman, as Strong's successor, has to deal with the fallout of being the guy who is seen to have effectively conspired to take Strong's job for at least a year before he was hired. Some of y'all can and will scream until your blue in the face about how Strong was the worst coach in Texas history and the numbers do back that up, however, now as then, y'all ignore that he had no QB or offensive line in his time here, and football-savvy people know that, and many thought he was not given a fair shake, Kansas loss or not. (Strong cratering at USF was a godsend to be brutally frank, because had he not done so, we'd be even more fucked with Black athletes than we already are.) And I think some of y'all overestimate Austin's charms in terms of a destination for young Black people. It's a White city and the largest American city to actually be losing Black population. Outside of Mack's time here, our two biggest stars were Earl and Ricky, two Black guys whose personalities gibed with Austin in ways those of many other young Black men do not -- good ol' boy Earl with his pinch of Skoal and love of Willie Nelson, and hippie mystic Ricky, with his love of ganj and eastern religion. I've talked to quite a few Black Houstonians who've lived in Austin and they say it's, um, different than Houston. Not so much harsh, as having to deal with condescension and well-meaning idiocy from earnest liberal Austinites all desperately seeking that one Black friend. So now we have this Eyes of Texas deal and our fan reaction to it, all coming as the nation's race issue is heating up again and as the program is circling the drain on the field. I am a fourth-generation Horn and I used to sing my kids to sleep with the Eyes. At the time I didn't know the skit it originated in was delivered in blackface. A few years ago I did learn that, and then I realized that the song itself did not have racist lyrics and intent, so we were probably okay. Black athletes thought and continue to think differently and since they are the stars of the show, it is up to them to decide. And tbh I have come to see their point -- it doesn't really matter if there are racist lyrics or not. The song was created in racist milieu and was almost certainly sung first in exaggerated Black dialect -- De eyes ob Texas iz 'pon youuuu, or some such shit as that. Why should they want to join in on a relic like that? And who are we to tell them how they should feel? This also gets to this idea of Texas as a school or a football factory. For Sam it is a school. He is living the dream of pretty much everybody on this site, in that he gets to quarterback the team of the school he has always loved. It's a great heartwarming story and I never get sick of hearing it, but it is very atypical for modern-day college football players for reasons we all know. They want a shot at the NFL and to have fun doing college shit in the meantime. (Many also esteem the value of a UT degree.) Its some balance of those factors. It's not having grown up viewing the world through Burnt Orange glasses like Sam and so many of us on here.
    8 points
  24. Urban doesn't start this year. You finish out with an interim and tell Urban to work on a staff and be ready to hit the recruiting trail the moment the final whistle sounds. He sits like an emperor in a box and watches games and evaluates how much shit he has to mop up
    8 points
  25. No thanks. Campbell pokes his head up to upset somebody and then goes and loses to teams he shouldn't.
    8 points
  26. Before you read my post below, if you are sincerely interested in a critique of your opinion, i urge you to read the wiki for Post hoc, ergo propter hoc: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_hoc_ergo_propter_hoc 126 years ago, the lyrics to a folk song were transcribed for the first time at Princeton. 10 years later, 2 leaders in our student government kept the music and changed the lyrics to taunt and mock the then-current leader of The University. The song was unfortunately performed for the first time at a Minstrel Show. And it may have been performed in blackface. Over the following 116 years the song was sung out loud by millions of voices, none of whom ever believed they were singing a "racist" song "celebrating" "racial" anything. Then 115 years later, Minneapolis cops killed murdered George Floyd, and African Americans attending The University (with no outside influence?) were told, decided, or became 'woke' to their belief/opinion regarding the intent and meaning of the song, which said opinion is not shared by a massive (MASSIVE) percentage of former alumni who, regardless of race, creed, color, or class, have the intelligence to see the false association between intent of the song, and the location and setting of the first performance of the song. And, understandably, this cohort is pissed off that a piece of their lives has been warrior-ed away from them at a time when stupidity is rampant in the program, and not just in and around this topic. The intent of the song is not racist. It's origins are not racist. Because it debuted at a minstrel show, you INSIST that it's origins are in minstrelsy. The debut of the Texas version of the song at a minstrel event does not make the song racist just because you say it does. The music was not composed for a racist cause or with racist intent. The lyrics to the Texas version of the song were not composed for a racist cause or with racist intent. There is zero historical evidence that the music or lyrics of the folk version or the Texas version are racist. You can write a billion gigs of woke rant and it won't change the fact that there is zero historical evidence that the song itself is racist in any way shape or form, an ugly fact which will not be downed.
    8 points
  27. How about you just want to go hire Urban because Herman is a shitshow monkey boy and you think Urban is one of the top 3 college football coaches of the last 20 years. What's with the "rub it in the other booster group's face shit". If the underlying reasoning is really that then oooh boy are we fucked.
    8 points
  28. Who are those regents, and why do they hate championships so much?
    7 points
  29. https://247sports.com/college/texas/board/21/Contents/sunday-152806972/ In case yah missed this from Bobby Burton (247) early this morning: SUNDAY I’ve rewatched the game and I’ve slept on it overnight. Tom Herman must go. He should be fired. His team, specifically his side of the ball, was not prepared on Saturday. The offense looked absolutely aimless for large parts of the game for the third consecutive conference game. The only thing that kept Texas in the game was a defense that played hard against a young quarterback who was overwhelmed early in the contest. It’s important to note that I do not ascribe the problems to the defense that some will. They are not perfect and I think could play better at times. But I feel like we’ve largely entered a new age of football, one where Alabama, possibly the most talented defense in the country, gave up 48 points to a low-level SEC team last night and still won by two TDs. The problems are on the offense more than the defense. But it’s more than that, much more. A coach’s job is to prepare his team to play to its best ability, to maximize what his team has. Does anyone think we’ve seen anything resembling that in the last two years? Instead, I see a team that makes mental mistakes that are beyond the pale. And the coach says he doesn’t believe in momentum, that it’s hard to win, that the players aren’t doing what the coaches are teaching them - not that the coaches need to teach better. Add it all up, and I see a coach who tries to hold others accountable but not himself or his staff. So when do I think Herman should be relieved of his duties as head coach? Today. I’m a proponent of making the right move as soon as you know it’s the right move. It serves no purpose to let decisions like this linger. But if not today, he needs to coach every single minute of every single day like his career depends on it. Because that sort of urgency has been dreadfully lacking from him and his team. The utter lack of urgency on Saturday was nothing short of embarrassing. If Herman is given more time, which is likely, then either Texas fans should see a new team emerge in two weeks, or Herman just doesn’t get it. Or if he does get it, he clearly can’t convey the message to his team to elicit the type of football that Texas fans want and the athletic department pays him handsomely for.
    7 points
  30. That’s kind of the problem with being offended. there’s no limit to which someone can be offended by anything. But I also wouldn’t conflate being offended with being oppressed.
    7 points
  31. Deal with it? That's rich coming from a guy rescue rangering a bunch of pussies who can't do exactly that - Deal with it.
    7 points
  32. How much fun would it be to have ten million laying around to throw at another billionaire face to show him how he was wrong in his fantasy football coach pick
    7 points
  33. Pass on Fleck or Campbell. They seem too much like pre-UT Herman. I am probably wrong, and I can't say I follow them closely. But, meh. Sack up and get Urban.
    7 points
  34. I think he knew it was his last time leaving the cotton bowl and he wanted to sing the Eyes like he did with his Dad many times I'm sure. the guy bleeds burnt orange. I'm not saying other players have to bleed burnt orange. most came with dreams of NFL. Sam dreamt of playing QB for the Horns. Its as simple as that IMO.
    7 points
  35. I don’t know if “awesome” is the descriptor, but Frank has a knack for getting stuck in the couch.
    7 points
  36. It's not so much about the song as it is that these kids clearly don't have any respect for Texas which is sad because it's who they are supposed to play for. The culture is toxic, they play like scared bitches, and they are beyond soft. You don't just bow to the demands of 18-22 year olds. Wtf do they really know about hard times? They worship them so much now that they think that it's about them. They don't even know what the grind looks like.
    7 points
  37. Anyone that thinks the EoT is racist and won't sing it is obviously a fucking idiot and it's great way of determining if they're capable of critical thought and deserve a degree from Texas
    7 points
  38. Based on these pics, dude did not upgrade. First wife looks better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  39. That's a tremendous amount of authentic frontier gibberish to provide no evidence that the UT students in 1903 had any awareness of the reason Prather used Lee's phrase that Prather had heard at a minimum of 33 years prior. Robert E. Lee died in 1870. The 1903 students would be conceived at least 10 years later. Please show your work and provide historical evidence that Lee's use of the phrase "the eyes of the south are upon you" before 1870 was a racist inspiration for the UT students in 1903 when they turned Prather's use of the phrase in to a lyric to a folk song. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.
    6 points
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