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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/20 in all areas

  1. bottle of champagne in one hand, .38 in the other.
    40 points
  2. I just got a 7 day twitter timeout for calling him a cunt.
    21 points
  3. Norah asked Biden about dementia / his mental acumen. She later called Kamala the most liberal senator and asked about an alleged socialist platform. Both sides received stern questioning. One side never flinched. The other stormed out.
    17 points
  4. Just got this text message from my sister in bucks county pa about taking her 5 year old son with her to vote.
    15 points
  5. Then both of you need fresh eyes. You've been gaslighted into thinking a man who's platform is foremost about not trusting your eyes and your ears by trying to tear down the legitimacy of the press so that he can construct his own fraudulent narrative and paradigm, a lot of it paramount on a victim complex. He's been nothing but rude, disrespectful and callous to most of the press, yet you're bemoaning that Grandma Stahl was too mean to Donny. I find your perspective stilted and silly.
    15 points
  6. No there aren’t. We haven’t been inconsistent or gotten upset once or twice. We’ve been consistently shitty every week, and we had way less covid issues than a lot of other teams. We’ve hardly missed any practice time due to Covid. This should be operating as an advantage to us this season, but instead Herman’s using it as an excuse because he’s terrible at his job. Herman’s a pussy who can’t take responsibility for his own failures. End of story. Dont try to legitimize his excuses.
    14 points
  7. I go back to not going for 2 against OU. This could have been a turning point make it. Game is over. Young coach lets nuts hang to beat rival in epic fashion. The game will be remembered and talked about until the the end of time. Sam back in hunt for heisman. This could be the 1990 Houston moment. miss it. Game is over. Young coach lets nut hang trusting his team to win the game. Team believes coach has their back, excitement level is still high. Or....be a pussy. Bet on mistake prone team to not make mistakes on O and D (and special teams). Win, team is exhausted. Lose, team is demoralized.
    14 points
  8. we gucci. Before and after the last set of changes I made for sticky sessions. Shit is going to be good for about 5x normal traffic
    12 points
  9. As several posters have already indicated, there's a fundamental problem with the GOP strategy. The GOP is litigating on the basis that any restriction to voting is good and helps them. But with 60M people having already voted, that's not true at all. Poll after poll reflects that the votes that have already been received heavily favor Biden. That means two things--(1) the votes received from here on out will probably favor Trump (at least relative to the votes that have already been cast) and (2) Trump needs a lot of votes. So the GOP should be shifting its litigation strategy to make it easier for people to vote from here on out. But the GOP appears to be the Charlie Strong of litigants--they can't make halftime adjustments. By disqualifying votes that are cast legally but received after election day, they're not disqualifying votes from Dane County (71% of which have already been received). They're disqualifying votes from Trumpublican counties. They're disqualifying their own votes. And, on top of that, they're pissing off Independents. We saw this in the Wisconsin special election this past summer, when the GOP tried its best to suppress the vote. What happened--the GOP got fucking trounced. It turns out that undermining democracy isn't very popular in a democracy. I understand the concern. But let's also look at the facts--these are stupid people who are bad at politics. I have started to come to the conclusion that there's going to be some sort of bargain to avoid court packing done between Roberts and Biden. Roberts is an institutionalist, and more than anything he's going to want to avoid court packing because it will undermine the authority and role of the Supreme Court. So I think Roberts will agree that he and Thomas will retire in exchange for no court packing. And this kind of stick is exactly what will be needed to get Thomas on board with that bargain.
    12 points
  10. You're like a miserable divorcee that's thoroughly convinced himself that his ex-wife that he never got over will never fall in love again and remarry. Just let her live her life, man. There's other fish in the sea.
    12 points
  11. Next Tuesday is going to be like the Rose Bowl...we just don't know if it's the 2006 or 2010 game.
    10 points
  12. if this is your opinion, then his bullshit schtick is working on you. this is exactly why he’s combative and attacks the free press. get it together dude, we’re a week out.
    10 points
  13. "The Hunter Biden story was headed in the direction of potentially mattering, but unfortunately it just ran out of time!"
    9 points
  14. Wright is going to be a bad ass. He’s already used to playing the highest level of competition at Austin High and he gets it done on the biggest stage (House Park).
    9 points
  15. 9 points
  16. Everything Trump says is a lie. From hyperbolic fantasy to gaslighting narcissism. Of course the interviewer seemed combative, their job is to ask questions and discover the truth. They asked Biden if he was mentally all there. If his answer was I’m the smartest president that perhaps ever lived, and I take magic beans that make me younger and smarter. The reporter would seem a little combative when she says that’s not true. Especially if Biden then said you’re lying, you always lie.
    9 points
  17. Fucking hell Tom at least let your phone help you
    8 points
  18. I never hear about Democrats becoming libertarian. Libertarian is a good parking place for republicans that hate where the party is going, but haven’t broken completely free of the propaganda. Nurturing this group is worth the effort. They’re signaling they’re open to other ideas.
    8 points
  19. What's fucked up about that ad is that it shouldn't be a political ad. Pull the last lines about voting for Biden, and add in some lines about maintaining social distancing and wearing masks, to reduce the number of families that have to go through this shit, and put it out as a PSA. That is an ad the government should be running, not running from. But the traitors are more worried about maintaining power than protecting people.
    8 points
  20. There were two Macks - Hungry Mack and Feet up on the Table Mack. Feet up on the Table Mack is who we fired and he has ZERO right to be pissed. None. And Hungry Mack was long gone by the time we sent his ass packing. He's still very much responsible for the systemic pussy-ness this program still exhibits.
    8 points
  21. I don't think Brisket is crazy at all, I think he's been paying attention.
    8 points
  22. For fucks sake I'm tired of reading posts about people's opinions who don't really care "one way or another", what kind of a pretentious self righteous prick voices their opinion on something they don't really give a fuck about. This mother fuckin thread is titled Urban Meyer or bust. You can believe he's coming here or you can believe he's not coming here...if you are indifferent then find the thread titled "I should go fuck myself" and post in there...oh and...I don't care what you do though. lulz
    8 points
  23. You're awfully engaged in threads about what he does next for someone who doesn't care. So wait, is your point that you don't think he'll come, or that you think ohio state is better off without him? I can't follow the point you're trying to make. You know who else thought Meyer was done for good? Florida fans, after he stepped down there for the sake of his health. Funny how that all worked out.
    8 points
  24. Trump knew before he even sat down in the chair with Leslie that he was going to walk the interview.
    8 points
  25. Fuck that. Trump’s behavior is so outrageous and deceitful. Lesley Stahl could have kissed the ring and he would have cried about something. Bending over backwards to be “fair” to his nonsensical garbage is what got us here - legitimizing his lies and trash as not to give him something to bitch about is cowardly. You don’t beat a bully by accommodating him in hopes he’ll stop stealing your lunch money; you punch him in the face.
    8 points
  26. A little lunch from Saturday working over at the ranch with Dad. He got to use the chainsaw a little this time.
    8 points
  27. My Grandpa turned 99 in September. He fought in the battle of the bulge and always votes Republican. Until this year. He thinks this is the most important election of his life.
    8 points
  28. I'm BAAAAAAAACCCCKKKK! I took a 2 year sabbatical from Surly, and during that time, I'm 100% sure she did some stupid stuff, but that was in the past and no need to revisit it. Ever since I've been back, the she's actually been pretty good, not doing anything worthy of mentioning. Until today... We take turns taking our daughter to school. WE LIVE 5 MINUTES WALK FROM HER SCHOOL. But because it's windy today, she DROVE my daughter to school. It takes just as much time to drive, wait at the intersection, wait behind another 50 other cars... but I digress. So on my way to work, she texts me to say she hit the garage door while she was backing out of the garage. According to her logic, it was TOO WINDY, so she decided to open the garage door WHILE she's already started the car and backing out. We got off relatively easy - the weather stripping tore off, but I popped it back. The garage door is dented, but you can't see it from the outside. The rear window wiper which she used to hit the garage broke, but the dealer said it's under $100. I'm still pissed, but thankful it wasn't any worse.
    8 points
  29. Great work Tom. Keep us posted on your findings. I'm sure you'll crack the case within the next 7 days.
    7 points
  30. Had a barely opened bottle of red from a birthday party I threw. Decided to make some Beef Bourguinon. Even the kids loved it. Will need to add to the rotation during the winter months. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  31. My friend's dad, a lifelong Republican voter and semi-retired oil company exec, and also an atheist, called her to tell her he was at church and praying for ways short of him dying of Covid to make sure that Trump doesn't win. As I've said before, my completely apolitical wife and sister, talk nonstop about how disgusting Trump is. My sister has already voted straight ticket D for the first time in her life, my wife will tomorrow. I'm set to vote straight ticket Dem for the first time in my life. My kids all voted straight ticket Dem. It's anecdotes like this that have never happened in my lifetime that make me really fucking curious to see how things go Tuesday. Maybe it doesn't mean shit, but here's to hoping it does.
    7 points
  32. 7 points
  33. One minute prior to this: Mr. President, we've got to be discrete about this, but if we can keep the nig- African Americans from the polls in Philadelphia, me might hold Pennsylvania. But we've got to be quiet about it, sir. One minute after:
    7 points
  34. If you truly don't care, then you wouldn't constantly be posting about how you believe that he won't come to Texas, blah blah blah. Go burn another couch.
    7 points
  35. cdc is not going to mess this up he is a legit bonafide stud ad & has been litty with his hires btw the money is gathered for they buyout & next coach
    7 points
  36. When/if the Democrats take Texas back over they need to voter oppress the shit out of Republicans. Polling stations only in the worst part of town, all minority election workers, bring back literacy tests except every voter has to read the 1619 Project, voting ID restrictions where in order to cast a ballot you have to identify as they/them, the only day polls are open is the same day as the local NASCAR race etc.
    7 points
  37. 6 points
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