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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/20 in all areas

  1. Im an angry bitter motherfucker. Fucking so tired and pissed off. So what am I going to pivot to? Squeak out a win, let this motherfucker go to jail. Uncover dirt. Be punitive. Fix what you can you in intelligence and around the world but for the love of god burn this fuckface down. Sic the IRS on him. I want this piece of shit to go down like the villains in Ghost where the shadows drag his ass screaming into the fucking darkness.
    31 points
  2. People have stopped replying. I’ve laid waste to the entire lot of ‘em. Most of the group texts have 2 of us against Trump and 6-8 hardcore trumpers. It started with lots of back and forth. Sadly for them, I have a big fucking mouth and pretty much never stop talking shit. I’ve honed my skills here so it’s really not even fair. I’m almost sad. What’s wrong with me?
    28 points
  3. As a white person, I want to personally thank black people in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, and hopefully Atlanta for saving our asses. #BlackVotesMatter
    26 points
  4. No shit. Soon we're going to have socialized roads, socialized education, socialized fire protection, socialized police and socialized health care for old people. This country is doomed indeed.
    26 points
  5. Wrong! Us Blacks only have 12% dumbasses who voted for this clown. The rest of us pulled the correct lever. Get a handle on your people. LOL
    24 points
  6. I fear this silly election thing is distracting us from the real issues
    23 points
  7. i've now been watching cnn nonstop for about 35 hours. i have no idea who's going to win the election, but i'm definitely interested in getting a reverse mortgage.
    22 points
  8. 21 points
  9. African Americans are once again saving America. First in the primary, when the black elders in South Carolina saved us from a disastrous Bernie candidacy. And now, with some of the blackest cities in America (Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta) coming though huge for Biden. Considering the trauma a lot of black folks have experienced over the last four years and the last year of BLM/covid, this is all very poetic.
    19 points
  10. 18 points
  11. This is like saying the mom that makes you say "I love you" when she drops you off at school embarrasses you the same amount as having a crack whore for a mom that has sucked half the dicks in the county.
    18 points
  12. I’m proud to be an American today and I have not felt that in a LONG ass time. Im sure there were recent times I should have been proud, but this orange cloud hanging over us all didn’t allow me to feel even an ounce of pride.
    14 points
  13. If/when Biden wins, it will be great. I think the majority (literal in this case) woke up today depressed because they realized that there is still a large portion of the country that saw 4 years of Trump's narcissism, corruption, pettiness, mismanagement, anti-democratic shit and we're still like, yep he's my guy. It's depressing
    14 points
  14. Oh Lou Dobbs...... (and that first reply) https://twitter.com/SouthBrewski/status/1324155057147908098?s=20
    13 points
  15. 13 points
  16. Take me down to the Lynchburg City Where the Pool Boys tag-team Becki Tilley.
    12 points
  17. someone texted this to me, and i know they didn't write it, so it's likely already been posted here, and likely more than once. but this thread moves fast, so i'll post it just for kicks.
    12 points
  18. I like Michigan.... "We have 86% percent in or maybe 99% in, I dunno fuck you guys".
    12 points
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