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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/21 in all areas

  1. This thread is for those who need actual serious help because they are in a dangerous situation without electricity, food etc. There are 2 other threads for snarky bullshit comments, as a community lets come together and make sure that our fellow surly posters get the help they need if they actually need it. The title is meant to be literal, if your home is below 40F inside and you do not have a plan or wood to burn etc and your life is in danger reach out for help.
    26 points
  2. I've actually been turning my heat up a degree every time a new Surly member loses power on this thread. It's a nice balmy 94 in here.
    26 points
  3. The offer came from about 12 yards off the line so it took a while to get there.
    24 points
  4. Hopefully the dude with the 4WD vehicle didn't wear her out
    16 points
  5. I'd be less concerned about the lack of power than the two aliens watching you
    15 points
  6. Not to go full CR but the infrastructure of this country is teetering on third world at this point. I’m half drunk, cold af and dramatic but FUCK!
    14 points
  7. Praise the Lord! My power just came back on! Apartment is cold as fuck, but hopefully not for long!
    14 points
  8. I'll get hypothermia and freeze to death on my couch watching Netflix on my phone before I'll take any welfare electricity from some queer blue state.
    12 points
  9. The thrill of victory. The agony of de-Neches.
    12 points
  10. Girlfriend has been without power since 2am and managed to get a ride to my place from someone with four-wheel drive. So I’m getting laid tonight, which is nice.
    12 points
  11. The desert's quiet, Cleveland's cold And so the story ends, we're told
    12 points
  12. Didn’t notice that until you mentioned it. RIP to that dude and I’m toasting him and the rest of those folks on that flight with the Manhattan I’m drinking right now. You might be right. Don’t know. The thing that crossed my mind is a little different. A good strategy that we’ve never seen deployed, but others do regularly, is cast a wide early net nationally with guys you wouldn’t regret recruiting if they showed interest. Then, if one shows real interest, fight for him the whole way. Let the rest fall to the side while building the class in-state and with your super region. You wind up with a handful of cherry-picked fits at the national level to go with your heavily worked local crop. It’s a strategy that could work and I’m hoping that’s what they’re up to versus it just being about things not looking great locally. And I don’t think they’re worried about things locally in this cycle.
    12 points
  13. Last time I shoveled snow in Austin was '84-'85. Muscles I haven't used since then will hurt. Done with a square garden spade. But the beer is tasty. I wasn't old enough to drink back then.
    12 points
  14. Lake Travis this morning. Pretty cool sight.
    12 points
  15. 12 points
  16. Me: Hey, where's your W-2? Her: It's in the bathroom. Me: It's in the bathroom? Her: Yeah. Me: Why is it in the bathroom? Her: It's for the pull up thing for the shower. (Sometimes sticks on the faucet.) Me: Go get it. (She goes and comes back.) Me: So what's that? Her: It's the W-2. Me: What's it say on the bottle? Her: (looks) WD-40. Me: What did I ask for? Her: The W-2....... OH! Duh!
    12 points
  17. Weird, the rotating outages are still stuck in the first rotation
    11 points
  18. We have heat, hot water, no extra beds but PM me, we are in 78735 and near critical infrastructure it seems (wastewater plant half a mile away). We can figure out couches etc. No OU fans. J/k I’m serious don’t freeze.
    10 points
  19. The first lad said "Your recruiting class is looking to be quite good this year." The second lad responded with "Indeed, that is the case."
    10 points
  20. I just canceled all my zoom and conference calls. Not sure anyone wants to see me right now holding a bottle of Jack in my underwear.
    9 points
  21. Too many lawyers and not enough plumbers on this site.
    9 points
  22. We have no water or power, also no fireplace,, but we have whiskey, 2 lil buddy heaters and a tent in our living room. The kids are loving it. I gave up on the pipes this morning. I killed supply line and cut the pvc to drain it. I went total fuckit, I am fixing this shit later (turns out our hood lost supply from the district sometime in the last hour anyways). We have several cases of water and 30 gallons of shitter flush water. We are livin!
    8 points
  23. Threw in the towel. No power, no water. Packed up the kids and dogs and reluctantly my wife and headed to my folks’ place. Fuck winter.
    8 points
  24. Hallelujah got power! Been down for 8 hrs. Plugging stuff in and trying to microwave something warm to eat before it crashes out again.
    8 points
  25. This was last night when he had all the coke.
    8 points
  26. Very toasty in our breakfast nook with the sun streaming through the double pane windows. Mrs. Brat has a pile of bread crust crumbs ready to put out on the now dried patio table so the Bluejays can shit all over it.
    8 points
  27. So many dumbass mayors without a damn clue. They should have been on TV urging non-essential businesses to close for a few days and every business to cut their electricity use to a minimum. And threatening to name and shame in the media businesses that didn't comply.
    8 points
  28. I made it 10 houses down and there was a tree down across the road. It is colder than I expected and I think we might all die. Up side teh atv will be able to make it to whatever store sells liquor should I run out tomorrow. My wife woke up and is mad I "wrecklessly went out in the storm while drunk." Thabkfully she went back to bed and I can drink in peace. Godspeed gents..
    8 points
  29. "Dumb" and "tard" are subjective pejoratives meant to insult. Q is an actual idiotic, specific conspiracy theory that elected GOP officials believe. The Texas GOP had The Storm Is Coming billboards up just months ago. They could have put up GQP billboard just as well. It's not much different than calling a self-identifying neo-nazi a "nazi", or a birther a "birther". Yeah, Q is dumb, but it's perfectly legitimate to point out- repeatedly- that the GOP, of their own free will, allows it in their party.
    8 points
  30. I don't understand why 995ers think the program needs to bow down to thsfb coaches when they've done little to nothing to keep the top talent in-state over the past decade. Fuck them. I like the idea of the casting this national net. Kind of sends the message of ''get your spot before a national stud takes it'' too. What blue-blood program doesn't do that? Like people have said in the past, it's easier to keep people in the boat once they've committed rather than those who are 'leans' most of the process.
    7 points
  31. If you have a 4wd vehicle you will have no problem. Been driving all over today. Even climbed up this thing..
    7 points
  32. If there's one small positive bit I can take from this shit sandwich is that my wife & I know without a doubt that putting our 13 yo Shepherd down 2 weeks ago was the right time for her. She struggled enough with the cold & snowfall we had in early January. This would have been miserable for her.
    7 points
  33. 7 points
  34. I lost power four hours ago. I made some camp coffee on the gas stove so I could enjoy surly. I have my iPad charging in the garage inside the car for when the phone dies. The ex texted me and said she still has power and invited me over. I guess I’ll be drinking camp coffee and surfing surly until I freeze to death. It’s been nice knowing y’all,
    7 points
  35. Map of the United States, labeled by a truck driver who has seen a vast majority of it.
    7 points
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