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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/21 in all areas

  1. Wanted to mention that Sark did not "start cleaning house with creative" and did not let Lange or Turnquist go. First, creative department doesn't report to Sark, they report to DPP. Second, both guys are very ambitious and talented individuals. While they both love sports, this part of the creative industry does not leave much room for career growth after you get to where they're at. Working directly for a team is typically much longer hours, much larger volume of work, and more work to oversee than other jobs outside of a sports program at their level. Matt didn't enjoy doing some aspects of his role that are necessary, but he was viewed very favorably in the department anyway. If they wanted to stay, they could have. They're both moving on to jobs that will allow them to have more time with their families, less volume, and more income. Sark and Billy view their roles as an important part of the program and recruiting. so I have faith they will hire people who are hungry like Lange and Turnquist were and not hire just anybody. As of right now I'm not sure if their replacements are lined up or if that's something they'll wait until Spring or later for. Moving on, I am excited to see what the recruiting trio of Banks, Choice, and Gilbert will be like. It can't be undersold how excellent a hire Gilbert was by Sark, he has been an absolute force for Texas this season. I am hoping Choice brings Texas an opportunity to build on that.
    37 points
  2. Yeah but then when he gets fatter his arms are gonna be too long
    35 points
  3. There it is. At 10am I’ve already seen the dumbest shit I will encounter for the entire day.
    26 points
  4. Cross posting because it's relevant. TFB is saying Coleman is out.
    25 points
  5. All I know is that I changed this thread title a few hours before Banks publicly committed. Things continue to get better and better with Coleman being told to go be mediocre somewhere else. I feel like I need to change the transfer portal thread title now in order to conjure some further dark magic to suit our needs and wants.
    22 points
  6. 21 points
  7. Finally caught up with this thread after Wednesday's craziness. To the few of you who left even a few thoughts unexpressed, thank you.
    20 points
  8. There are a bunch bitter old men that hate on this kid. Fuck y’all. True Longhorn. Hook ‘em Casey, goodbye and good luck.
    15 points
  9. I'll bet you a giant ceramic crab that sub forum never gets started.
    15 points
  10. My dad had a stroke on December 1 and he passed on December 4th after we (mom, sis, & I) made a very hard decision and chose to remove him off the ventilator that was keeping him alive. His service was held today. He was a lifetime Longhorn (‘57) and was part of the taxi (practice) squad while at TEXAS with Bibb Falk coaching. He was also good friends with Gus and some of you may have read the story that I wrote on here about my first UT baseball [emoji461]️ game (and the last at Clark Field). Dad bled burnt Orange and ignited my passion for UT sports, especially Baseball and Football. I’d like to think that we gave him a fitting service for 20yr Navy Veteran & UT Grad. A lover of the hill country, he’ll be interred with full honors at Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Killeen mostly likely after the New Year. The little guy in the pic is his great -grandson that my daughter named after him. I hope you’ll have a shot in his memory. Hook ‘Em Dad [emoji869] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    14 points
  11. Do I have this sequence correct? It's nothing to worry about. There are 15 cases and there won't be any more. GOP office holders make investments with insider knowledge of the coming plague. It's just like the flu which also kills people every year. Hospitals flood with patients and need refrigerator trucks to store the stiffs. Masks and social distancing are mandated. Thousands show up heavily armed for protests that their liberty is being denied. A shocking fraction of the population say the Covid numbers are a fraud perpetrated by greedy doctors and hospitals looking to cash in on illusory bonuses.[!] The same fraction vilify the leading doctor in the country (or lame bureaucrat according to some) along with Bill Gates as power mad profiteers. [!] The same fraction refuse vaccination. They get Covid. Some die. Others get long Covid. T&P. Delta emerges. The same fraction remains steadfast about precautions and vaccines. The same fraction says that the Delta variant tearing through the unvaccinated is proof the vaccine doesn't work. [!] Omicron appears. The same fraction, applying all their science knowledge and trust in science, now says nothing could have been done about Covid anyway. It was always going to be endemic. It's not our fault. It's just like the flu. Nothing to worry about. Oops! Almost forgot: Idiot World
    14 points
  12. Shit, I’m only 5-10 and my frame added 40 pounds no problem after high school.
    13 points
  13. Also known as, “My argument sucks so I’m leaving now.”
    12 points
  14. Internal monologue of about a dozen stupid motherfuckers posting:
    12 points
  15. Don’t threaten me with a good time, Kelly.
    12 points
  16. Welp this Christmas is just fucking great. My stepdad apparently dropped dead this evening while watching the football game. My poor angel of a mom is beside herself and we all now have to go out to western Kansas to deal with it all instead of enjoying the season. I'm in shock. You know those men who are just alpha and know how to fix anything and everything and can work on any piece of machinery and car? That was my stepdad. You never imagine a guy like that dying. Like ever. They can't die can they? I don't think he suffered so that's good. Life can really suck sometimes. But we're gonna have a hell of a party in his honor. He loved MGD and drank it all the time when he was working in his shop. He loved woodturning lathes and spent countless hours after his day job working on them. Hated free time or down time. Always had to be doing something. RIP Tom Wallsmith. Now you can be with your son who died in Iraq.
    12 points
  17. From Casey's twitter...
    11 points
  18. Well sure, now that Sarkisian has finished his graphic design portfolio reviews.
    11 points
  19. I can’t speak for Roma but I don’t think anyone reasonably expected true containment or eradication. Our world is just much too connected for that. What we didn’t expect was a full 40% of humans to react like this -
    11 points
  20. My congestion is largely gone. My sense of smell is much better, but that is to be expected with the congestion improving. Sense of taste is much better as well, which again makes sense. I still have some sniffles, but some of that is just becuase it is fucking cold outside when I walk the dogs (in the cold, my nose runs!). No cough really, just to clear the post-nasal drip mess that is still there a bit. I did make the decision to sleep a lot this weekend, which I think has helped me shake the last of this. Again, I never felt bad. I was never fatigued. It was like a mild cold for me. More of an annoyance than anything. I am technically allowed to break self-isolation on Christmas Eve. So, I will probably go see a movie or something mild like that. On Christmas, I am going to a workout class, will do lunch, and take a nice long walk with the dogs. Will be back to normal schedule on Boxing Day and will go to tea at the Peninsula. I guess I am now super immune or something. Trip is going to be moved to May, and I am just going to do a week in Paris. Then I think I am going to sign up for a trip to Egypt. Time to start ticking off bucket list trips.
    11 points
  21. Some people are saying that they’re paying recruits so much that they can no longer afford their coaches…
    10 points
  22. The comments suggesting he transfer to Nebraska are promising. That needs to happen, so thoughts of Charles Thompson having to root for both Texas and Nebraska can get me through this offseason.
    10 points
  23. I might eat another chicken fried steak. Also:
    10 points
  24. Choice is on the fast path to -> OC -> HC. He is a tireless recruiter and an excellent developer. I don’t know about Coleman but right now this off-season is fucking fire. let’s go ahead and assume that Coleman will get replaced by an ace recruiter because that’s what this off-season has been like so far. \m/
    10 points
  25. It’s not forgetting when it’s on purpose. It’s repressing.
    9 points
  26. Was with the fam in South Africa and the kids begged to go to Monkey Jungle, an enclosed park where you wander around and check out lemurs, monkeys, etc. We knew to keep our stuff close and so we kept tight grips on backpacks, cameras, phones, etc. We were nearing the end of the walk when this sneaky little bastard starting eyeing us: In less than 2 seconds that little spider monkey jumped onto my wife, ripped the glasses from her face, and tore off up a tree. My wife is basically blind without her glasses, and we were leaving the country in 2 days so there was not enough time to get a replacement pair. I kept my eye on the little thief, which included him trying the glasses on and looking through them. After a few minutes of biting them, hitting them on the tree, etc he got bored and threw them on the ground from about 30 feet up. I snatched them up and miraculously they weren't broken. So my wife now wears glasses with monkey bites on the frames. Telephoto pic of the primate thief wearing her glasses:
    9 points
  27. In the early 80s, and maybe even when you worked there, you could get a blowjob for $5. You just go to the J.C. Penney’s and head to the sporting goods department. There was a high school kid there and you would tel him you wanted to buy some socks, and then he’d blow you in one of the dressing rooms. The kid loved UT football and if you told him you were a football player he’d blow you for free. Poor kid, I know of at least 4 people that told him they were Todd Dodge. He probably didn’t have a UT media guide or a Dave Campbell’s guide laying around, so he couldn’t have known what Dodge looked like without a helmet.
    8 points
  28. Long suffering Georgia Tech fan here. As much of a dumpster fire the last three years have been, Coach Choice was one of the few bright spots. He was by far our best recruiter and the only position group that seemed to make any progress was RB. He was instrumental in landing Jahmyr Gibbs who was our most highly rated recruit since Calvin Johnson. He, by the way, is in the transfer portal and it wouldn't surprise me to see Choice try to bring him to Texas. You all landed a good one. Our hope as GT fans is he gains experience at big time programs for the next several years and returns to GT as an OC or head coach one day. He is that well regarded among the fanbase.
    8 points
  29. I thought the gold mine was at NORTHCROSS mall.
    8 points
  30. 8 points
  31. There is an Aggie thread for y’all to go worry about A&M in. Please shut the fuck up about them in this thread.
    8 points
  32. I'm starting to feel bad for Roach, I know he visits this site, other boards and sees what the majority think of him. Hope that DCTF opens up a slot for him soon, i'm pretty sure that's where his heart is at.
    7 points
  33. Stan Drayton was a rainmaker. He was also an incredibly good position coach. I never understood the Coleman being retained thing.
    7 points
  34. Quite a story written in 2019... Brennan Marion overcame homelessness and severe injuries to become a highly-respected college coach Courier Editor January 4, 2019
    7 points
  35. Congrats on 5th in the SEC West. Put the trophy next to the LSU OT win commemorative cups in your empty hall of champions.
    7 points
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