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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/22 in all areas

  1. Left him in? Karma dictates a grand slam here.
    22 points
  2. i dunno....maybe someone should've left you to drown in your own vomit instead of rolling your over on your side after your third blackout drunk and vomit-fest. i say this as someone who was prescribed Vicodin for a migraine, who took as prescribed, but had the door kicked in to my own hell of addiction, who checked out of rehab 8.5 years later with all that i had left in the world: a dufflebag of clothes and 2 pair of shoes, one of which were shower flip-flops, having lost my family, innumerable friends, my home and my vocation. that was a 11.5 years ago, and since then i've managed to rebuild a damn good life worth living surrounded by friends, family and colleagues, having given a second chance at everything, including my career, where i've reached heights that i never even dreamed of at the beginning. fuck...this recovering dope fiend flies on an Embraer 300 Phenom now when i do business, and some pleasure, trips. i'm here because of second, third, fourth, fifth...infinite chances that were given to me, including overdoses. and i thank god for those who, disgusted as though they may have been, never turned away. and for strangers who identified with my plight and had the love and empathy to frankly rescue and guide when i was at my sickest. this shit the junkie in the library is dealing with is a disease, a fucking nightmare of a disease, and s/he isn't responsible for having this particular disease anymore than the Type 1 diabetic is responsible for having diabetes . they are, however, responsible for their recovery, but they can't get there without help...ALL types of help. including having Narcan administered. to say "that's their choice, their consequences" and use death as a consequence of choice implies addiction is a moral issue, one of character. and that's ignorant and callous as fuck, as well as immoral per se. fucking hell, man. what's happened to simple, human decency?
    21 points
  3. Gerry said Terrance Green’s unofficial visit went so well that he canceled his USC OV for this weekend. They were thought to be one of the main competitors.
    20 points
  4. Nice game aggy clowns. Now lose 1 more and get the fuck out of our summer home.
    14 points
  5. "for" is used generously here, but a&m continuing their lifetime cws futility is my preference.
    14 points
  6. Breakfast sandwich. (That counts, right? )
    14 points
  7. Can't believe that aggy didn't cancel this game to protect their RPI.
    13 points
  8. First post on the baseball board for me. Fuck Aggie 🤘🏼
    12 points
  9. Finished juuuuuuuuuust a bit early, but I’m ready for tonight… IMG_4916.MOV
    12 points
  10. He’s also about to go hunting in the jungle for the Predator.
    12 points
  11. Beat ND and let’s do this, assholes.
    11 points
  12. Clear the stadium out. don't they also have to delouse it?
    11 points
  13. I won’t be rooting for any specific outcome except I hope it goes 17 innings and both teams use 10 pitchers
    11 points
  14. Yes, today is 1 of my 4 favorite days: Christmas morning First day of the CWS (when Texas is there) First day of real March Madness (not the play-in games) Morning of the Texas Football opener
    11 points
  15. Hey guys-- I'm around. I think I did an MS Paint last year about something. Coaching search maybe. I've got my finger hovering over the trackpad. If the right shit comes around, I will reengage. Ding-dong related of course.
    10 points
  16. jesus bros, Cook, Niblett and Pettaway.. Marion isn't fucking around.. and to think we had Mehringer and Coleman for multiple seasons here..
    10 points
  17. I want aggy to go 2 and Q. Whether we or ND eliminates them on Sunday, I want another appearance in Omaha to again see them sent home without a win. Especially with that gift of a seed they got from the committee.
    10 points
  18. Today is a beautiful day. Either Texas A&M or OU is guaranteed to lose and Texas will beat Notre Dame. Let's go!
    10 points
  19. I’m so excited I woke up at 8:30. So what do I do? Hit the bong of course
    10 points
  20. 10 points
  21. Planning for the collapse of society by dumping all his money into a “currency” that he needs an electronic device and the internet to access remains the funniest idea GR Horn has ever and will ever have.
    10 points
  22. Perfectly aggy. Douchebag catches foul ball and celebrates with huge smile when team is about to lose. Fails to give ball to kid.
    9 points
  23. A Republican calling out anyone for lying after the last 6 years is...
    9 points
  24. Got a little behind. In case anyone missed this from yesterday, here's a screen grab.
    9 points
  25. I just turned around my office / music room / guest bedroom. Moved the mixer near my work desk, the drums & amps to the opposite wall, and had a Murphy bed installed. I have a little shuffling left to do, but the room's big enough to serve as small venue and we can record here. I think im gonna host a house party here in August.
    9 points
  26. I’d rather face aggy from a matchup standpoint. I’d rather face ou from a lack of annoyance standpoint Is there anything more annoying than playing aggy? Win and they say “wait till next year/refs were in tu’s pocket/ we just ran out of time” while listening to their stupid fucking cheers. And god when we lose……it’s like they won the national championship and they don’t shut up about it for years. Shit a friend of mine brought up the ‘06 game and how they almost beat us in ‘05 once when we were talking football. This was in 2019…
    9 points
  27. Ketchup? Any of you who put ketchup on your CFS have no right to criticize me. Long story time. Feel free to scroll on by if you’re not interested. I’ve seen recipes with a darker gravy, like this one from simplyrecipes.com: I’ve also seen a host of recipes with a white cream gravy. Like this one from foodnetwork.com: Or this one from Allrecipes.com: Or this one from homesicktexan.com: I went with a white gravy because I had this very clean bacon grease. I had that because I had more grease than would fit in my bacon grease jar once so I got a layer that had no bacon bits in it. It was pure. After it solidified in the fridge I scraped most of it it off and kept it separate. I figured the best use for it would be to make a white cream gravy. (My bacon of choice is 365 brand applewood smoked unfurled bacon from Whole Foods.) For a first timer, I don’t think I did too bad. As you can see, I love fresh ground black pepper. Not shown is a side of corn because I figured it needed a side of corn. I should’ve prepared two plates so I could’ve shown the corn because I could only eat half of that. I had leftovers for lunch yesterday. The gravy was tasty. (If you think your gravy is pasty, add more liquid.) I only seasoned one side of the “steaks” (cutlets?) because they’re so thin. That worked well but the gravy by itself could use more salt. But they we’re good together. I should’ve cut the steaks in half and worked with four smaller pieces instead of two big ones. I tried adding a pickle slice to a corner of the steak. Made two bites out of it. If I had a sandwich shop, I would sell a chicken fried steak sandwich, with pickles like on Chick-fil-A, and with cream gravy, because that works. Is that a novel concept or are people already doing that?
    9 points
  28. I spent years volunteering with an addiction recovery ministry. The hurt back/prescribed pain meds/shopping doctors/lost family/life out of control progression was very common. You start out following doctor’s orders and the next thing you know, you’ve lost everything. Sometimes, the only difference between me and a junkie is circumstances.
    9 points
  29. To be fair are we sure these secret children weren't part of Jimmy's trade to Minnesota as people to be named later?
    9 points
  30. Pence did the right thing under a lot of pressure from many directions and including physical risk. Credit where credit is due. Many of the posts on Pence reflect the binary thinking of all good vs all evil. Pence is not someone I want to know, but he can and should be proud of what he did Nov. 6.
    8 points
  31. Talked to Fox News dad last night, “hell no I’m not watching that nonsense. Where’s the cross examination?! Exactly, that’s why it’s a sham” this is a UT law grad, there’s no reasoning with them. “the Dems have to learn to compromise. That’s the only way. This abortion stuff in Tx, 15 weeks is plenty lead time then health of mother and rape” ’It’s actually 6 weeks now and a bounty style system’ ”well whatever”
    8 points
  32. People violently invade the Capitol and deface it, including shitting on walls = A news channel uses a green screen backdrop with a picture of the rotunda =
    8 points
  33. 8 points
  34. the last part first: I needed some bread crumbs for tonight's dinner recipe. I pulled this out of the cabinet: empty, except for the egg shells. must have been from when she made meatballs, however many weeks ago. corking the empty wine bottle and leaving it on the counter every time is annoying, but whatever. this? come the fuck on.
    8 points
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