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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/22 in all areas

  1. 34 points
  2. I do love this argument. I really do. It’s as convenient a way to label yourself a drooling moron as exists, outside of towing around a giant neon “I’M A MORON” sign. No, they didn’t teach us that in law school. Instead, we covered things that are actually in the Constitution, like the 9th amendment, which makes clear something that was already true before the BOR was even passed: the constitution doesn’t grant the people any rights. That’s right, it doesn’t GRANT any right. Rather, it grants certain powers and roles, by the consent of the states and the people, to the government. Your interpretation, and those of the other “originalists,” voids the 9th Amendment: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” Rights reside within the people. Within - dare I say - their corporeal bodies themselves. My wife’s right to control her body is inherent, timeless, and is not granted by the government and, as the 9th amendment so plainly tells us, not denied by the constitution’s other rights. Quite plainly, rights that are NOT enumerated in the constitution are no less inviolable than those that are. But your ilk doesn’t know that, because the constitution isn’t a charter for the people, it is a weapon for a single political class, most lethal when it is completely misused, contrary to its plain language admonishing you assholes not to do what you just did. You and the “originalists” are not constitutionalists at all. You are proof texters, finding snippets you love out of context (“shall not be infringed!”), and ignoring the remainder. You’re anti-American, pursuing an anti-American dream and vision, at the expense - likely fatal - of this nation.
    32 points
  3. I can't be happy until I know if UTEE97 is excited.
    28 points
  4. If it really is Baxter after looking up close at A&M, Fear Of Mediocre Offense.
    25 points
  5. No. Fuck off with that. Not every abortion is about trauma and tragedy and using that framing plays into the christofascist’s hands. Women are humans. Humans have bodily autonomy. Ergo, women have bodily autonomy. A women in her second year of college shouldn’t be forced to upend her life to give birth any more than a 14 year old rape victim should. Just because one is more sympathetic than the other is nonsensical noise designed to obfuscate the issue. My 20 year old daughter should be able to have sex and go to college and go to law school and build her life and have children when and if she so chooses. She shouldn’t have to be raped or have a life threatening pregnancy in order to decide what to do with her own body.
    23 points
  6. Fuck is wrong with you? He committed like two fucking days ago.
    22 points
  7. 18 points
  8. https://247sports.com/player/connor-stroh-46125630/
    17 points
  9. It takes a special kind of misery to be upset about recruiting over the last couple of days.
    17 points
  10. I'll go drop my second oldest out in the middle of the woods if it will get us Baxter.
    16 points
  11. Negged for thinking your drawing criticism is due to having a different opinion. You add nothing but blather. Where is the opinion in wishing we recruited highly talented guys and thinking everybody forgets the importance of recruiting on a recruiting thread? It's rare to see such unjustified superciliousness.
    16 points
  12. 16 points
  13. Saw on another board that Shelby told Wiltfong that Texas is the team to beat for him
    16 points
  14. We’ve come a long way from the days of Drew Mehringer and Tom Herman talking shit about current players to recruits to try to impress them.
    15 points
  15. https://247sports.com/player/jonah-wilson-46111826/
    14 points
  16. People want to complain about the Stroh/Cajoe commitments and then wonder why we can't fuckin protect against a 3 man rush. 6-3 280lb lineman are not gonna cut it anymore.
    14 points
  17. Gerry doubling down on Hicks reaching out to Texas..taking a shot at ears to the streets in the process hahaha.
    13 points
  18. Does the Supreme Court, as a creature of the society it serves and is part of, carrying many of that society's same flaws, sometimes miss that certain rights are inherent in all people, and then have to later correct itself? Yes. See Plessy v. Ferguson leading to Brown v. Board of Education (the point that our own senior senator tried to make, but was too fucking inept to do, and too fucking dumb to realize he had it ass-backwards), taking a case that said that an entire racial group actually didn't have true equal rights, and correcting the fuck out of that idiocy. Oh, and if you actually want to look at "longstanding history" (the apparent standard that Alito would have us apply), the overwhelming, almost completely unidirectional path of history, has been that society is slow to recognize and follow rights for "out" groups, but eventually does so. What we have never, ever seen -- from SCOTUS and frankly, in Western history (with notable exceptions, which are both relevant and analogous here -- I'll get to those) -- is a lurch in the opposite direction, voiding a right that has been recognized for a long-ass time (two generations). We HAVE seen western societies lurch that direction before. Fascist Italy. Nazi Germany. Various medieval governments and entities that afforded jews some protections, and then withdrew them and persecuted the fuck out of jews again when it was politically expedient. In the class of "nations/societies that have had a right for an out/marginalized group, but then revoked that right," we are in super ultra mega shitty company. And underneath ALL of this is the actual right that got revoked. The right to privacy as it relates to bodily autonomy. Clarence Thomas said they are coming for the right to choose contraception, the right to engage in private, consensual sex with another adult regardless of gender and the nature of the act, and the right to obtain the benefits of state-sanctioned marriage without regard to the gender of the participant (fucking HYSTERICAL that he left out the 4th member of that group of cases, Loving, which acknowledged the right to his own interracial marriage....don't worry, Clarence, they'll come for that, too). He's dead right, and I credit him for his honesty, even if it came about because he is a dumbass as opposed to being ethical and honorable. You and your pals are too fucking stupid to realize what Dobbs actually does. Dobbs is only facially about abortion. It is really about the foundational issue that had to be decided before the matter of abortion could be reached: you do not have any constitutional right to control your own body. Because we're a hung-up, retrograde society, we think that only relates to matters revolving around sex (contraception, buttfucking, gay marriage). But it's so, so, so much more than that. Congratulations, conservatives.....you got what you wanted. And all it does is give us a choice of future hellscapes. Do you want the conservative one, where it's illegal to have any sort of sex except with your opposite gender spouse, in certain positions, with no contraceptives allowed? Or do you want the insane, ultra-control "progressive" one, where you'll be longing for the days that all that was imposed were public mask mandates and vaccine passes? Pick, but you no longer get to vote for "none of the above," because your body is no longer yours. It belongs to whichever power faction happens to have control of the government at any given time. Which obviates the whole fucking point of rights, which are supposed to be bedrock inviolable constants. Congratulations. You did it.
    13 points
  19. 12 points
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