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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/24 in all areas

  1. Word out of Belmont is they are now looking at cancelling SEC party today. Apparently Pit Bull is furious as his sound guy and dancers "won't shut the fuck up" about the Earley hire.
    43 points
  2. I mean, stealing aggy’s entire staff was funny but I’m fairly certain that finding a spot for Tulo on Schloss’s staff was the dream scenario for every Longhorn fan when the rumors started.
    27 points
  3. I'm really interested to see if Reveille and Earley have a natural bond and if Earley willingly reaches out. Reveille is a huge part of our university and our athletics programs so if she has an instant affinity for Coach Earley, I think that will speak volumes to our recruits. If anyone could, please take and post video of their initial encounter. Any still shots of Coach Earley petting Rev would also be appreciated - would prefer if taken from side so I can see as much as possible of both their faces.
    26 points
  4. Is this where we are supposed to send CJ and Blake to Earley’s introductory press conference to ask the hard hitting questions
    24 points
  5. Objectively hilarious that this photo exists.
    24 points
  6. Hey guys, does anyone know if Bevo was at the introduction? I'm really interested to see if Bevo and Schloss have a natural bond and if Schloss willingly reaches out. Bevo is a huge part of our university and our athletics programs so if he has an instant affinity for Coach Schloss, I think that will speak volumes to our recruits. If anyone could, please take and post video of their initial encounter. Any still shots of Coach Schloss petting Bevo would also be appreciated - would prefer if taken from side so I can see as much as possible of both their faces. Edit: damn it, that's what I get for not reading the entire thread. Da Fino beat me to it literally by several days. That's what I get for thinking I'm funny lol
    24 points
  7. If CDC really wants to show how savage… err, downright dastardly he can be, he should tweet out a congratulations to Longhorn Baseball Assistant Coach Earley for being tabbed as the new head coach at a&m
    20 points
  8. Looch goes on a 30 minute rant about how they have make a home run hire on Wednesday. Brauny goes on a diatribe about how big time coaches have already reached out to him about the job. Also on Wednesday. On Sunday they hire Schloss’ assistant coach. Never change TexAgs/aggy.
    18 points
  9. Played for Texas, worked under Augie and lives, breathes and sleeps Texas baseball. He knows all the former players, HS kids, coaches and has connections out the ass. All due respect to Carli Todd who previously had that role, but to have a true baseball guy in the ops role is a big deal.
    17 points
  10. I hate to admit that Aggies were right. The college sports media is talking all about them on our SEC party day. Fuck.
    16 points
  11. "I'm getting texts from coaches around the country from HS to the NFL Majors saying Jimbo Elko Earley was a homerun hire for football baseball and there's not a better guy to lead a program. "Jimbo Elko Earley gets A&M and this is his dream job. Expect a culture change. Jimbo Elko Earley will bring accountability and a lunch pail work ethic. Attendance at football baseball practice will be absolutely required. Football Baseball coaches and fans all over the SEC are worried about what Jimbo Elko Earley can get done in view of all of our resources, facilities, and the greatest fans in the world."
    16 points
  12. 16 points
  13. y'all remember Maggie, my mom's mini dachshund i inherited? and how much i wanted one of my own? well... meet Duke 😊 picked him up today! 🥰 he got his first parvo shot this morning before i got him so he's been feeling a little lethargic most of today, but he finally woke up about an hour ago in the mood to play a little and grab a bite to eat. i'm sure i'll be sharing lots of way better pictures in the future...but it's been two years since we last had a dog, we had to put Maggie down just a couple months before we moved to CO in 2022... i realized a few months ago that it's literally been the longest period in my entire life without an animal. not anymore ❤️
    16 points
  14. Ok, who’s in charge of sending out the death threats??
    15 points
  15. 15 points
  16. Fucker never did anything while he was here. Can't believe anybody would hire him.
    14 points
  17. 14 points
  18. Doesn't Earley still have to sit out a year per the upcoming NCAA suspension along with Schloss and the other traitors?
    13 points
  19. Wait a minute. They hired our hitting coach? But I was told by about 3,249 Ags that hiring a coach from your bitter rival was treacherous. I hate that turncoat traitor Michael Early with the intensity and passion of 1000 white-hot suns! My new license plate: FKEarly
    13 points
  20. aggy is in a world of shit now and for the rest of this decade. Ross Bjork helped when he was told to send Jimbo along his way with an IOU until 2030. Bjork did the honorable thing and got the hell out of that sinking ship. Alberts has to come in and start whacking people to help with budget cuts. Olsen field stadium improvements were promised to begin in June of 2024, fat chance. Now the promise of $80,000,000.00 is to occur between 2025-29, in a pigs eye. They're going to need that loot for something else. They may be able to do some cosmetic or fan amenities improvement. A full scale expansion is going to use it all and then some. I may have these two items reversed as aggy does like to build thing regardless of what may be logical. Their coaching search is coming up empty as any level headed coach can see that if Coach Schloss and CWS final couldn't make a stand there, why take a chance. Meanwhile, AD Alberts is going around talking about budget cuts and firing people. For a splash hire aggy going to need some of that improvement money. I don't know, but if I were a big money donor and seeing all these dollars going to this clown show, I would be discouraged and unenthusiastic about continuing contributions, "fuck it". For all their bragging and blustering, aggy is broke and needs to stop with the spending. My first semester at UT, a statics professor defined an Engineer, "To do with one dollar what any Aggie can do with two." Enjoying this shit show during this slow sports summer!
    13 points
  21. I think these Aggies might be onto something. I was in downtown Des Moines earlier and some guys in an Alabama shirt, an Iowa State shirt, and an Ohio State shirt walked up to me and said "you must be a Longhorn, aren't you?" Being that I wasn't wearing anything that would give somebody the impression that I'm a Longhorn, I was puzzled. I said "I am, but how did you know?" They said "from the tarnish of your reputation" and walked away. I was like "damn ... is it THAT obvious?"
    12 points
  22. So they hired a guy who was a volunteer coach this time last year? https://myaggienation.com/aggie_sports/baseball/texas-a-m-baseball-assistant-coach-michael-earley-promoted-to-full-time-position/article_8d1a564b-ed8d-504e-a8fb-e87bcaa6a208.html
    12 points
  23. I’m not saying I’m Tulo. But I’m also not not saying I’m Tulo.
    11 points
  24. Jesus Christ dude, chill the fuck out. It's June. Also Emaree Winston and Juan Davis are about the most opposite TE takes there are. And of course Klein uses TEs, did you watch any Kansas State games, including our own against them?
    11 points
  25. Former Russian Deputy Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova, who officially was dismissed mid-June, fled to France ‘with hundreds of millions of dollars saved in cryptocurrency.’. Tsargrad and other Telegram channels report this with reference to a number of sources, although confirmation or refutation of this data has not yet been received. If she fled to France, it must be a deal with the French security service, as she is sanctioned in Europe. There is a version that Shevtsova allegedly cooperated with the investigation against the detained generals, trying to avoid her own charges. According to another version, the generals, in order to reduce their sentences, named the names of colleagues who participated in corruption schemes, which could include Shevtsova. In addition, the Tsargrad publication notes that Tatyana Shevtsova actually owns several real estate properties, including a residence on the banks of the Moscow River worth up to 2 billion. She has also real estate in Italy, Spain, Switzerland and France. Serious questions are being raised as to who helped Shevcova leave the country and who covered up her actions. Fleeing to NATO countries is not the best choice for a Russian official, especially a former defense official. There are many questions about this story.
    11 points
  26. coach weiner and coach box? this staff fucks.
    10 points
  27. if they aren’t aware or don’t check before they leave then we are probably better off without them.
    10 points
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