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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/24 in all areas

  1. This attempt is a consequence of Trump’s increasing rhetoric of violence
    47 points
  2. This is the thread for all discussion around this event. There are rules for this community including not wishing death on anyone. Anyone posting anything encouraging assassination attempts in the United States will be banned. Anyone posting blatant and disprovable information will be banned. Discussion is permitted and speculation into what the ramifications is allowed. Unfortunately it is not possible to divorce the possibility of death in an assassination attempt, but please keep discussion to theoretical situations including political candidate death to a responsible minimum. This topic will be heavily moderated. The stance of the site is that political violence has no place in American politics.
    41 points
  3. 39 points
  4. Paul Pelosi survived an assassination attempt, Trump mocked it. Biden called Trump to make sure he's ok. That's the difference.
    38 points
  5. Negged for posting Dan Bongino. No wonder you bitch about Cloak Room. Idiot.
    34 points
  6. Things changed forever when the peaceful transition of power was stopped in 2021.
    34 points
  7. Trump mobilized a violent mob to overthrow the government after he lost an election. Everything that happens to him after should be viewed through this lens. Political violence is completely unacceptable.
    30 points
  8. is mocking hypocrisy allowed?
    27 points
  9. A grab bag of notes and developments that may have some impact on Texas recruiting: 1) Daylan McCutcheon just committed to FSU. Seemed to be on the radar as a #3/#4 or backup WR candidate, so FYI. 2) 5* WR Caleb Cunningham committed to Alabama today. Does that affect Kaliq Lockett, wrt Bama, his suposed #2 school? If we think Lockett's okay w/ joining Ffrench in a Texas class, maybe he's okay with this WRT to Bama, but who knows. (Yeah, yeah, Kaliq knows.) Also, the timing of Cunningham's commitment was not known, as of a few days ago ... again, not sure if that indicates anything. Here's what the BAMA 247 guy said a few days ago, re: Lockett. "Quick Hitter: "Not a whole lot new" was what Bama247 was told when speaking with a source close to Lockett's recruitment on Thursday afternoon. Bama247 last reported before the Fourth of July holiday that the biggest storyline to follow in the five-star receiver's recruitment would be which school or schools would get a visit during the last week of July. The Crimson Tide still appears to be right in the thick of it along with Texas and his other finalists. Sources continue to feel like this is an Alabama-Texas battle down the stretch. It is worth noting that the Longhorns missed out on their top receiver and fellow in-state target Dakorien Moore to Oregon. One source also told Bama247 they wouldn't be surprised if Lockett got back to Tuscaloosa (Ala.) and Austin (Tx.) between the end of Dead Period (July 24) and before his decision." 3) Re: Jaime Ffrench, Scruggs (Horns 247) had said a few day ago that he thought Miami was actually his #2 school. Here's what the Miami 247 guy said re: Ffffffff. "The Hurricanes are still involved with five-star Jaime Ffrench but this is a recruitment that's seen plenty of twists and turns. Miami will keep working but I do not believe that anything drastic has changed recently. This recruitment has been a rollercoaster ride of perceived leaders, so until Ffrench makes his decision I expect there will be plenty more to come out of his high-profile recruitment." 4) Re: Madden Faraimo, Blair Angulo (247 West Coast guy) posted a note. I'll just post the note separately, but the net is - it still suggests a commitment soon (pre-season) is still a possibility, but he again says good things about Texas. (" ... opened my eyes during the official." " ... I loved everything.")
    27 points
  10. Obviously the magnitude of this is not lost on me but I have thought the exact same thing.
    25 points
  11. It’s funny to say that you last visited this forum years ago and found it to be full of posters who are deranged, mentally ill, projecting and full of hate and then post tweets from Dan Bongino and a radical right wing Fox correspondent.
    25 points
  12. The fact that we will all get to listen to folks like Trump, MTG, and Ted Cruz complain about the toxic political climate over the next few days is enough to drive a man insane.
    25 points
  13. To make this point about the man who instigated and perpetrated January 6 is the height of irony. Take a bow!
    25 points
  14. Y’all gotta stop saying this with a straight face
    23 points
  15. Trump is the only one who openly advocates violence, promises pardons to his supporters for carrying out violence, and mocks his political opponents when they’re the victims of violence. That’s the real sickness. Trump. You know, the guy who incited an insurrection and tried to overthrow the government when he lost an election. His goons beat up cops and sought to commit violence against elected officials. Trump calls them patriots and hostages and promises to pardon them. That’s sick as hell. Joe Biden tried to call Trump. He condemned the attack. If the same thing had happened to Joe instead of Trump, you know there’d be no way in hell that Trump would reach out to Joe to show his concern. Trump is incapable of empathy or consideration for anyone else’s wellbeing, particularly a political opponent’s. You know damn well he’d call it a hoax and say it was staged. And then he’d complain about how unfair it was to HIM.
    21 points
  16. Rally attendee talking about the world needing to come together and stop all the hate.
    21 points
  17. This is one of those moments in American history where you know things have changed forever but just don't know what exactly has changed. God help us.
    21 points
  18. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    20 points
  19. Good luck with that, but appreciate the sentiment. January 6 out front says hi.
    20 points
  20. Agreed...if something related to this isn't reported by a major news reporter and confirmed separately by another, don't believe anything you hear or read. The propagandists are already organized to blame "antifa" and randos who attended the rally today are predisposed to believing conspiracy theories IMO. Also: Endorsed.
    19 points
  21. We are already here. Why do yall still pretend like we haven’t been here for 8 fucking years. Donald encouraged his supporters to shoot Hilary, he lead a violent deathly coup on the Capitol.
    18 points
  22. When I saw the red banner across the top, I thought someone must have started a rumor that Arch Manning was going to transfer or something.
    18 points
  23. Why are you angry about somewhat exercising their second amendment rights? I remind you that Trump encouraged this exact thing in relation to Hillary Clinton. Leopards eating face is all this.
    17 points
  24. Same. I last visited this forum a few years ago and holy shit the delusion, hate, projection, blame, and mental illness here is just off the charts. A good portion of the reg-lars are just absolutely deranged.
    16 points
  25. Well he lost my vote. The pussy gets his ear cut and has to practically be carried off the stage by eight women and three men. That's weak!
    15 points
  26. CNN is reporting that trump under went a head CT Scan and nothing was found.
    15 points
  27. My brothers in Christ, it’s fucking 89 degrees inside my house and I’ve got at least another 48 hours of this to go. Could you kindly shut the fuck up about your churches?
    15 points
  28. Donald Trump has spent the last nearly ten years endorsing political violence against his enemies. What the fuck else would you expect?
    14 points
  29. 14 points
  30. I can’t believe they’re wanting to politicize this moment. Now is not the time
    13 points
  31. Y’all gotta stop shitting yourself. This doesn’t motivate anyone that wasn’t on his side already.
    13 points
  32. Can someone tell dumbfuck that Biden is immune?
    13 points
  33. 100% this. I'm still processing it, as we all are, but anybody celebrating this is an idiot and an asshole. Somebody just took a shot at a former president.
    13 points
  34. Lemme remind y'all of what Trump thinks about "political violence".
    12 points
  35. On the bright side I guess we can classify this as a “mostly peaceful” assassination attempt
    12 points
  36. So if we find out the shooter was mentally ill but still purchased the gun legally, is politicizing it to suggest, um, hey, it’s your fault Republicans?
    12 points
  37. Once again, if this was a real shooting, why is no one in the crowd running? They are watching it like a fucking movie.
    12 points
  38. Don't care what your politics are but when ya cheer on another person getting shot at, you are what's wrong with this country
    12 points
  39. They got rid of the shitty head coach that got them to a title game then upgraded by hiring an assistant. Try to keep up.
    12 points
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