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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/24 in all areas

  1. lulz I've been in a heated battle with our executive leadership over Crowdstrike for the last couple of months. I've pushed back so hard we were close to walking away from an agreement with them when this dude showed up for a meeting in Austin last week. Assurances were made that despite our findings their product would be stable. My objections were about the stability of Crowdstrike. Our CTO and CSO were perusauded by this dude. Yesterday I was told to stand down in my crusade against Crowdstrike. Today has been a good day.
    40 points
  2. are you the guy who kept opening the test phishing links at work>?
    20 points
  3. Does this mean no Teams meetings for today? Really need to concentrate on the British Open.
    18 points
  4. 😂😂😂😂 Donald Trump said the following at his RNC speech tonight: 1. He asked if people knew his friend the “late great Hannibal Lecter.” 2. He praised Hungary’s authoritarian leader Viktor Orban. 3. He said North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un missed him. 4. He attacked the UAW Union. 5. He called COVID “the China Virus.” 6. He said he was buying votes in Wisconsin. 7. He thought Scott Walker was still the Governor of Wisconsin and praised his leadership. The Governor is Democrat Tony Evers who did not attend. 8. He said he was going to “take over the Auto Industry.” 9. He called Nancy Pelosi “Crazy Nancy.” 10. He said he wanted to hold the next Republican Convention in Venezuela. 11. He spread lies about the 2020 election. 12. He bragged that the Taliban called him “your excellency” and said they probably don’t call President Biden that.
    17 points
  5. For the lulz ... for those of you who wanted backup plans at WR 🙂. "he's really wide ... " 😂 😂 😂.
    16 points
  6. just a bunch of biden voting democrats standing around yelling "jews will not replace us" and expressing white supremacy. which is definitely equivalent to protesting the use of american arms by israel to impose a level of violence that has killed ~35,000 people regardless of how one feels about the israel-palestine dispute. totally a plausible comparison for simpletons everywhere. stick to your typical simplified and atrocious trolling...when you actually engage in any real way, it betrays what an absolute dipshit you are.
    15 points
  7. While half our electorate is telling us "the sinking means it's working!" This is who we are:
    13 points
  8. It’s also a good source for “straight” guys to fuck other dudes while still being married to their wife because they are too scared to come out as gay which describes 75% of radical republican men.
    13 points
  9. Latinos are on the forefront of this, but fuck my fellow Indian shitheads like Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy and Raj Patel and Usha Vance and countless others in prominent Republican circles for supporting a movement that's coming for us too eventually. Maybe we are considered a "good" minority but all those people are morons for thinking because they hopped on the bandwagon they are immune to it.
    13 points
  10. I’ve fought through a lot worse to complete the jerk.
    12 points
  11. this is what is called a non-sequitur, fatty. that is not remotely responsive to my post. instead, it is a clear mischaracterization of what american protestors are generally protesting by wrongfully imposing the antisemitic grievances of hamas (a largely antisemitic organization engaged in terrorism) onto americans protesting the biden administration's financial, logistic, and militaristic support in waging a campaign of violence across gaza that has killed approximately 35,000 people. i know you don't trade in nuance or even basic comprehension of...really anything...but while i am sure these pithy thoughts are super profound/hilarious to you and your numbnut friends sitting around the gun range in montgomery county, they certainly are not persuasive to anyone with critical thinking and reasoning ability. trying to reframe what a subset of palestinian immigrant students when they have a unique interest in the conflict onto the democratic party is stupid. it used to be the case that you could say trying to reframe and impose what a bunch of extremist white supremacists idiotically chant at their dumbfuck rallies onto the republican party (or southern dems prior to the 70's) is stupid. unfortunately, that is no longer the case.
    12 points
  12. 👀 👀 👀 Bama247 (Brett Greenberg) today, on Kaliq Lockett
    11 points
  13. Crowdstrike is (was, now lmao) a leading endpoint protection software that was used by the majority of F500 businesses. Part of that software's operating model is that they can push out new virus definition and application updates whenever they deem necessary which bypasses most IT organizations controls for patch maintenance windows. Because hey - it's a security update! Don't want to delay those right? Well, it turns out allowing a 3rd party to push kernel level updates to your systems whenever they want isn't the best operating model! Crowdstrike pushed a bad package that's loaded at boot which causes a memory error known as a pagefault in the kernel space of the OS. This induces a kernel panic and complete crash. Because the bad file is loaded at boot every time, it locks up the OS into what's known as a "boot loop". The fix for this is literally just to simply remove the offending file from the system32 directory, but doing so requires booting into safe mode (which doesn't load ANY non-critical dll's on boot) so you can actually load the OS and remove the file. Once it's deleted, you're done and fixed. The problem is that most corporate machines have encryption software baked into the hardware called Bitlocker that requires retrieving a key from central IT to be able to boot into safe mode and delete the offending file. And it pretty much has to be done manually with hands on a keyboard, because you can't connect to it over the network because the host OS is kill edit: I should note that cloud users and extra savvy IT shops do have a quicker fix for this in simply detaching the virtual volume from a borked windows host, attaching it to a Linux host, and removing the file through simple filesystem operations. Since linux can just mount the volume directly, you can delete the file that way and move the now repaired volume back onto the windows virtual machine or instance.
    11 points
  14. Lulz, look at this fucking dildo. He's been getting into his kid's hair gel again. From the looks of it, he might be drinking it. Saw this earlier as well.. He's got the golden touch.
    11 points
  15. That is because if you are an undecided in this election, you are an actual moron.
    11 points
  16. People who are clutching their pearls about our NIL and our recent recruiting losses to Oregon,LSU, etc conveniently forget that our NIL got Banks from Oregon, Ewers from Ohio State, Mack from FSU, Williams from LSU, Wingo from Missouri, and Niblack/Mitchell/Bond from Bama. Among many many others. Our NIL kicks ass thanks in large part to some posters on here. We don’t win them all, and we never will. But we are always in the running if we are interested. Enjoy being the 1% for once.
    11 points
  17. You will now be fired via email so they don't have to make eye contact with you.
    10 points
  18. He doesn't need to be a candidate to be on the campaign trail. Dude--he's 81. He doesn't have "early onset" anything. At this point, anything that onsets is doing so in a pretty timely fucking manner.
    10 points
  19. Is this every IT manager's dream apocalyptic event? Where they get to swoop in and save the day, and all the pussy will be theirs for the taking? (if you're reading this, Chris, I'm just kidding; please don't lock me out of my computer)
    10 points
  20. It's not that this is nefarious, it's just how it fucked up that makes it such a pain. The root of the problem is a dll which is loaded at windows boot is causing a memory error that crashes the entire system. It's not hard to fix, just remove the dll and windows will boot like normal. Nothing is destroyed, it's just in a bootlock. Unfortunately, the way windows works, is that you have to use windows to remove the dll or stop it from loading, which you normally can't do because the dll is preventing windows from loading in the first place. The correct solution is to use a special mode called Safe Mode, which prevents any non-critical components (basically any dll) from being loaded at windows boot, specifically so you can fix this stuff. Problem is that getting to safe mode and knowing which dll to delete is above the capability of most people, and on sufficiently important systems, access to safe mode would be restricted to administrators anyways. It's a super easy fix, but it's a pain in the ass to do specifically because of how windows works, so people are going to have to lug their asses physically in front of these computers to make the change. And that takes time. Once it's fixed, it's like nothing ever happened. Nothing is permanently broken. It's just a stupid update that pushed a small piece of code that has memory errors, normally a routine thing but in this specific circumstance a huge problem. It's not nefarious, it's just shitty administrating by lots of these companies. Ideally, you wouldn't just push updates to your critical systems the moment they roll out. You'd sandbox them, test them in a controlled environment, then deploy the update to your system, for this very reason. This isn't really a huge, evil attack. It's more like shitty IT and code deployment in the worst spot. Don't attribute malice where incompetence will do.
    10 points
  21. I think you ascribe to AOC motives that may not, in reality, be so pure, and to her opponents motives that may not be so uniformly malign. AOC wants power just like everyone else in Washington. She clearly thinks it is to her advantage to have Biden in the White House rather than Harris, and in that I suspect she may be correct. And to your point, she has no real downside. Her seat will be one of the last 20 to fall to the GQP. As to "deserve," well--deserve's got nothing to do with it. But if you want to talk about who deserves what, then yeah--Biden's team does deserve this. Because Biden's team hid his condition from the public--and from the Democratic Party--for untold months. This present kerfuffle is the natural consequence of their dishonesty. And for his part, Biden doesn't get harmed by standing down. He goes down in history as one of the most consequential presidents of the post-war era. And friendly biographers will certainly ascribe his decision as being for the good of the country--the final sacrifice of a patriot. His legacy would only be enhanced. It'd be far better than losing, which seems a near-certainty if he doesn't withdraw.
    9 points
  22. I once sat at a booth next to James Hetfield @ Barton Springs. Big dude, didn't get a look at his meal. SAD BUT TRUE!
    9 points
  23. She needs a corncob pipe and a can of spinach.
    9 points
  24. No, this is a nightmare. No computers work and the only way to fix them is to touch every single one. Then the people in charge will be bitching at you about why you ever spent so much money on Crowdstrike in the first place because it's not cheap. Then you'll have to find a new endpoint security product and they'll bitch about how much it costs. Then you get to roll it out. It's a shitton of work because someone at Crowdstrike was a dumbass.
    9 points
  25. A week or so ago, I posted a rather lengthy piece about the GQP fielding an army of lawyers across the country to challenge the ability of state and local officials to certify the elections in each of their jurisdictions - all the way down to the precinct level. Basically, they're already prepared to short-circuit the entire election on a grander scale than the last time they tried at the last second. I'd understand the argument if it were to get the correct name on the ballot or past a state's deadline, but this is not the case here. They're prepared to challenge any change, even at this very moment. That's what's at issue. Trump and his army of minions are here to sow chaos and break our already very flawed patchwork election system, which I think we all should agree needs greater reform than what's been put in place since the 2020 cycle. These people do not believe in democracy. Listen to Trump when he says he wants to be a dictator for a day (yeah, right) or when he says he wants to suspend the Constitution. Listen to Republicans spout the lie that America is a republic and not a democracy (That's like saying a Ford is not a vehicle). Listen to what Peter Thiel (JD Vance's mentor and bagman) when he says, "I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible." He's talking about his freedom to do whatever the hell he wants without the baggage of democracy (meaning the rights of the people or his responsibility as a citizen). Watch as the Republicans make it increasingly difficult for citizens in places like Texas to vote or how they gerrymander the fuck out of districts to make them uncompetitive. Watch as they continue to defend an Electoral College system in which the popular vote is often negated. Watch as the Republican-controlled SCOTUS trashes the Voting Rights and the Civil Rights Acts. Watch as the same SCOTUS eliminates your rights to privacy and reproductive health. Watch as they eventually deport US citizens under the guise of rounding up illegal aliens. Listen to the posters on the board who "joke" that women shouldn't have ever been allowed to vote. What's at stake are some very fundamental issues about our democracy.
    9 points
  26. As much as I wish the Dems had been able to push a progressive agenda these past few years, I think that was likely not realistic. The Republicans poached a large chunk of the Dems’ former working class base. That was made possible by the Dems’ rightward shift in the 80s and 90s, which made them weaker in labor issues and thus more susceptible to being painted as the party of liberal, immoral, irreligious elites. Like it or not, a significant slice of the Dem base at this point is former center-right Republicans who can’t tolerate the know-nothing populism of the modern GOP. I was just talking about the RNC with someone who fits that description today. Good luck selling those voters on progressive issues like student loan forgiveness, universal health care, higher capital gains taxes, or universal basic income. Labor was the wind in the sails of progressive reform. We lost them by catering to Reaganist globalism and letting the GOP play to their worst social issue instincts.
    9 points
  27. If you're not racist but still have a Twitter account at this point, I don't know what to tell you.
    9 points
  28. If you’re an adult wearing shit like that in public you deserve ridicule.
    9 points
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