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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/24 in all areas

  1. Donald Trump is the son of a New York tycoon, who married an immigrant. His experience is entitlement and wealth, but not really the rural, working class experience, particularly that in southern swing states like Georgia and North Carolina.
    36 points
  2. Look guys and gals. Let's stop living in fear. Now is the time to rally the troops and let's kick the Nazis to the curb. They can try whatever they like. They are not in charge of most of the swing states. Their previous challenges were all struck down at all levels of the courts. They don't have ownership of the military. If Kamala wins, there will be no Jan 6. We're ready for them this time. Stop living in fear. Sack the fuck up and let's go.
    34 points
  3. God Bless you both. My wife and I went thru it twice and it still stings. We made our peace with it as best we could. My wife has dedicated herself to other peoples' children in serving as a Pre-K teacher. In this damn "State" where our leadership diminshes her value more and more each day no less.
    29 points
  4. Interesting take by Laura Loomer. Somebody check my math, but by my count, the number of Presidents we've had who have given birth to one or more children is . . . zero.
    29 points
  5. Man, if a black woman from California can end the Donald Trump era, that would be the sweetest fucking ending to that vampire that I could ever possibly imagine.
    28 points
  6. That's fucking disgusting. I'm not surprised, but it's disgusting in a breathtaking way. My wife and I suffered a loss after waiting years to try and it was devastating, and almost broke our will to continue the process. I can't possibly describe my rage if someone went digging around my wife's medical history to find out why we didn't have children. Goddammit, these people are vile.
    28 points
  7. Dear Black Women, Thank you — A Grateful Nation
    27 points
  8. There goes the left and their violent rhetoric again
    27 points
  9. The Black Men for Harris call has 20,000 on it right now. They were expecting a few thousand and had a cap of 10,000.
    26 points
  10. Beshear on CNN just now, daaaaamn ”JD Vance has no conviction but his running mate has 34”
    25 points
  11. Love when white people decide what the black experience is
    25 points
  12. lulz @Incredulity coming in with the "This seems concerning, has anyone considered voting for the pedophile, rapist, convicted felon that defrauded a children's charity and happens to be an octogenarian?"
    25 points
  13. https://x.com/MikeASperrazza/status/1815138065028915339
    24 points
  14. One of the best decisions I've made in my career was about 4 years ago really was working harder to staff my team with more women, and finding ways to support their ability to work around their kids schedules. Then when my wife got a significantly larger team of her own a couple years ago, she asked me what's one piece of advice I'd tell her. Without hesitation I responded, "Hire women." We talked about this last night after the news was breaking and I was tearing up hearing endorsement after endorsement come in for Harris. That's how I feel about nearly all the women that have spent time in my org. They readily give you everything they've got if you support them. Their capacity to work just exceeds lazy ass men because they already do the lions share domestically in addition to having careers. Of course, there are shitty female employees too but as a general statement I stand by it. They've always shouldered a heavier burden so they don't shirk when the fire is hot. This is women's moment. To celebrate in November, I'm going to DEI hire the fuck out of my org in 2025. I'm ready to live in a woman's America. Not just POTUS, but in every facet of leadership. It's their time.
    23 points
  15. This is disgusting on so many levels. Ronald Reagan and John McCain would be sick to their stomachs if they could see what the Republican Party has become. Shame on all of you lurking pieces of shit who are still gonna vote for this train wreck.
    23 points
  16. Trump is panicking. 1) It's becoming clear that his VP pick has the charisma of a spoon and was a disaster of a pick. Nicki Haley would have been a far better choice. At last she didn't say all those nasty things about Trump that will now be used against him. 2) The RNC convention was a ratings bust and bumbling, stumbling disaster and his speech was a rambling snoozefest 3) He's got no easy way to attack Kamala that doesn't seem racist or misogynistic. Evidence: so far no "crooked Hillary" or "sleepy Joe" Biden nickname. 4) He now realizes that he's going to have to go out and really fight and really campaign and do all of that shit that he as an old man doesn't want to do because SHE'S going to be everywhere, attacking him at every turn, smiling, kissing babies. 5) He realizes that if he doesn't win he's probably going to go to jail and his former friends in the Republican party will desert him, with the exception of Lindsey Graham, who will always offer up to Trump his soft underbelly. 6) Kamala has ignited Democrat fund-raising efforts
    22 points
  17. 22 points
  18. Below is a list of everything negative J.D. Vance has said about Donald Trump. If I'm Kamala Harris, I'm having my team work up commercials that say things like "Donald Trump is unfit for office. But don't take our word for it. Take the word of his running mate, J.D. Vance." Or Donald Trump is America's Hitler. We didn't say that about him. His running mate did." This is seriously some easy, easy shit to use. “America’s Hitler” In 2016, Vance sent a message to his law school roommate in which he wrote that he went “back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole…or that he’s America’s Hitler,” according to a screenshot shared by the former roommate in 2022. A villain and a douche In February 2016, Vance liked a tweet featuring a photo of Trump and O.J. Simpson that read, “Here is an old picture of one of USA’s most hated, villainous, douchey celebs. Also in picture: OJ Simpson.” “Unfit” to be president In an April 2016 op-ed for The New York Times, Vance wrote: “Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation’s highest office.” A total fraud During a 2016 interview, Kentucky radio host Matt Jones told Vance: “I cannot stand Trump because I think he’s a fraud…I think he’s a total fraud that is exploiting these people.” Vance responded: “I do too…I don’t think he actually cares about folks.” Stomach-churning, “noxious” Speaking to NPR’s Terry Gross in August 2016, Vance said: “I think that I’m going to vote third party because I can’t stomach Trump. I think that he’s noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place.” “Never Trump,” “never liked him” “I’m a ‘Never Trump’ guy. I never liked him,” Vance told Charlie Rose in October 2016. “Reprehensible” That same month, Vance wrote on Twitter: “Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us.” An “idiot” “My God what an idiot,” Vance wrote on Twitter, also in 2016, in reference to Trump. “A moral disaster” In 2017, Vance sent a message to a friend from law school discussing his opposition to the American Health Care Act, the legislation Republicans want to replace Obamacare. Discussing a possible future career as a senator, Vance wrote: “Can you imagine running as an anti-AHCA populist who thinks Trump is a moral disaster. Where’s my constituency?” Serial sexual assault After the Access Hollywood tape came out, Vance liked a tweet that read, “Maybe the Central Park 5 could take out a full-page ad to condemn the coddling of thug real estate barons who commit serial sexual assault.” (Trump famously took out full-page ads in four New York City newspapers, calling for the death penalty to be adopted in the state, following the 1989 rape of a jogger in Central Park; he never directly name-checked the group of young men dubbed the Central Park Five, who were later exonerated, but many believe he was quite obviously referring to them.)
    22 points
  19. The woman who was born to middle-class immigrant parents and who excelled academically and worked her ass off to become an attorney and prosecutor has done nothing to earn this while the man who inherited 475 million dollars from his father is self-made. This is where MAGA is, mentally, folks.
    20 points
  20. LMAO. She went to HOWARD UNIVERSITY and looked like she played keys for Prince back in the day. Good luck with that, Erik
    19 points
  21. I can't keep up with this thread, but I think it is time that everyone acknowledge that I am a fucking brilliant albeit completely unqualified political strategist.
    19 points
  22. Speaking of, now that Joe is done, I kinda hope he pardons Hunter on the way out. Because fuck the GQP, that’s why.
    19 points
  23. Can I say how fucking stupid and contradictory the term "DEI oligarchs" are. An oligarchy is exclusionary by fucking definition, how can you be a diverse and inclusive oligarch? You are a fucking moron.
    19 points
  24. These polls poll a hypothetical. Now that it's real, I think you're going to see real movement. If I were a betting man, I would wager that the polls that come out Thursday are going to look a lot like the final results from 2020. And this is why Nancy Pelosi is the GOAT. Back when I was a Republican, I fucking hated Nancy Pelosi. But I hated Nancy Pelosi in that way that, as a Cowboys fan, I hated Joe Montana. Call it a "coup" if you want. Fine. Whatever. Then give Nancy her due--Nancy Pelosi pulled off a coup. Donald couldn't, despite being the sitting POTUS. All he got was indicated for it. I don't know who came up with January 1, 1965 as the cut-off. But I don't think there's universal agreement on that. For one thing, the guy who first coined the term "Generation X" defined it as beginning in 1961. Personally, I think if you were born after the Kennedy Assassination, you're GenX.
    18 points
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