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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/24 in all areas

  1. Josiah Sharma is on campus today, per IT.
    33 points
  2. Anecdotal perhaps, but I have a disproportionate number of interactions with illegal immigrants, and I’d say 9 out of 10 of them get here and work their asses off for everything they have. They are loyal to their families, they put in honest hard work in occupations you couldn’t force some people to do, and they get nothing in return except to be villainized by half the country. More often than not, they are the victims of crime, not the perpetrators. That may not be represented in statistics because they typically don’t call for help out of fear for their citizenship status. They are constantly mistreated and victimized, and all they do in return is get up and go to work.
    28 points
  3. MAGA is usually full of shit but I gotta tell you guys this part is true. I was in the OR yesterday on a very complicated case and I asked for a second opinion from a very bright Harvard fellowship trained surgeon on my team, Dr. Johnson. Instead in walks Juan, a 19yr old MS13 thug. He not only diagnosed the problem instantly but then did a flawless Whipple procedure in 10 minutes. He then aborted 5 babies for women in the waiting room and converted several of the patients male relatives into women. Impressive. I fired Dr. Johnson on the spot.
    27 points
  4. yeah, I could get behind this guy (and really, anyone they choose)
    26 points
  5. It's hard to be taken seriously with the blistering hot takes of "she's not very smart or very presidential" It honestly makes you sound like the wildebeest trump voters in Wisconsin who gave an interview and embarrassed themselves on national television. Those were clearly stupid people. Stupid people cannot assess intelligence, it's a real thing. I am not here saying Kamala is the best candidate evarrrrrrrr, but seriously would you rather have kept Joe mushbrain Biden? What's your alternative in our 2 party system where one party is running the powerhouse ticket of *checks notes* Donald Trump, a twice impeached (for valid real reasons Ukraine Call and January 6) former president who lost by a record number of voters (popular vote) in the 2020 election by a not particularly close EC amount (although small margin in the swing states that Biden won) who lost every lawsuit he brought related to that election and still has not substantiated any of the fraud he has claimed. And JD Vance. A silicon valley pawn who wrote a bad book and can't even shake the rumor that he fucked couches. You are saying Kamala is just not acceptable as a candidate against that? Because she's not very smart and not very presidential? It's just hard to take that opinion seriously. It screams misogyny and racist tropes at worst and it's burying your head in the sand at best.
    26 points
  6. Also, my deep and abiding prayer is that we've seen "peak Trump." I want THIS euphoric moment: To be the MAGA equivalent of THIS euphoric moment: That really, really, really doesn't seem like too much to ask.
    24 points
  7. So this family did a JD Vance song to the tune of “Dancing Queen” and I gotta say, it kinda kicks ass.
    23 points
  8. I'm baffled at how someone thinks Harris isn't presidential enough when she's running against arguably the stupidest and most immature POTUS ever who is still a threat to win again.
    22 points
  9. I crack up every time I hear a Republican bitch about the economy on Facebook or wherever else. Fox News could tell you that the grass is purple now because of Joe Biden and you'd all bitch about how the grass used to be green under Trump without even bothering to look out at your own front lawns to see if they're really purple now. You moronic little sock puppets.
    22 points
  10. Walz would literally end Vance's political career in a debate (this vid is from before Joe dropped out, btw)
    20 points
  11. Texas Recruiting Notes 2025: Duck Around and Find Out
    19 points
  12. and they mow our lawns, build our houses, repair our houses, repair our cars, grow and harvest our food, help cook and serve our food at restaurants. and some actually do pay into the SS system but won't be able to get benefits. if there ever was a justification for a humane, well thought out worker program for non-citizens, non-residents, this is it.
    19 points
  13. Gerry with some interesting tidbits on Sharma. Told Texas the night before his announcement he was picking Texas, changed his mind in the morning. Mom is on the visit with him today and thinks her son made a decision too quickly. This one might not be over.
    18 points
  14. Well but he's not a Democrat any longer so fuck him in his corporate loving West Virginia goat ass.
    18 points
  15. I had a nice roast duck breast with a plum compote at a Ffrench restaurant in The Bahamas last night. I thought, as I ate it, “fuck those sorry motherfuckers”. I feel like I willed this into existence.
    17 points
  16. What are the odds he even knows her husband is Jewish? Also, L O FUCKING L.
    17 points
  17. NBC: Obama on the verge of endorsing Harris; plans in the work to appear together on the campaign trail
    17 points
  18. 17 points
  19. I'm sorry, but there is absolutely no fucking way Donald Trump has the first clue who Hannibal is.
    16 points
  20. So she's already been to Wisconsin. She's in Pennsylvania and Georgia next week. She ain't gonna get Hillary'd.
    16 points
  21. New motto: when they do low we call them weird nerds and knock them down and hit them with their own hands while shouting “why are you hitting yourself,” until their toadies slink away, lest the same happen to them.
    16 points
  22. The JD couch story is the gift that keeps on giving:
    16 points
  23. Fell between the couch cushions.
    15 points
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