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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/24 in all areas

  1. The Medal of Honor is so revered that it's the only decoration specially emblazoned on headstones in Arlington National Cemetery. The Medal of Honor is so revered that when an Active Duty recipient wears it in uniform, it is customary, though not technically required, for all officers, no matter their seniority, to initiate a salute. If a buck sergeant is in uniform and wearing their Medal of Honor, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will more than likely salute first. The Medal of Honor is so revered that the children of recipients are guaranteed a nomination to any of the Service Academies. They still must compete for final admission, but the incredibly difficult nomination process is entirely waived for their application. The Medal of Honor is so revered that recipients and their dependents are entitled to special military ID cards for particular privileges at commissaries and priority on military air travel. The Medal of Honor is so revered that every state offers some degree of special license plate for drivers who are recipients. The Medal of Honor is so revered that recipients receive an automatic special pension from the VA that's tacked on to any other pensions, retired or medical, they may have. Adjusted for cost-of-living regularly, it's currently $1671.16 per month. The Medal of Honor is so revered that all living recipients are entitled to an invitation to every presidential inauguration and inaugural ball. The Medal of Honor is so revered that a fragile, cowardly, insecure, and deeply narcissistic piece of shit like Donald Trump can't stand knowing he'll never receive a similar universal respect.
    37 points
  2. People who go to those rallies and clap along should be euthanized.
    25 points
  3. There's a name this band contest. I think Depeche Choad is, so far, the winner.
    19 points
  4. Yooo, the party rages on. Biden staying at our condo/hotel for the DNC. lol Will offer an extra bedroom if he gets sleepy! Still doing my part!
    17 points
  5. I'm sterilized. They need worse than me. And the head guy from the Village People told them to stop. Susan and Mary-Sue for me. Meanwhile
    15 points
  6. They have the dickhead part right, I'll give them that.
    14 points
  7. An off-topic Village People story, spoilered to not shit on the thread.
    13 points
  8. 13 points
  9. Here’s an old pic I found of the aspens in Fall.
    13 points
  10. Did your source aay how to sign someone up for this? I got a MIL in need moved out of state
    13 points
  11. 13 points
  12. Hey Elmo, which sanctions did you violate to export that thing to Russia?
    13 points
  13. Crazy footage shows a brilliantly planned evacuation of Ukrainian fighters and destruction of the enemy in Pokrovsk direction. The Russians came very close, but after accurate hits by artillery, the crew of the 47th Brigade's Bradley IFV saved the lives of the soldiers by firing at the tree line. t.me/brygada47/976 I've seen quite a few posts saying it's surrounded at least. Video of Russian POWs allegedly from the area is posted in the thread, but Twitter won't allow embed.
    13 points
  14. My 13 year old has been telling me she’s going to attend aggy for a year. I am ok with that. 1) she’s definitely not my favorite and kind of irritating. So, she can just continue to irritate me into perpetuity when she does all that weird aggy shit 2) I no longer have to pay any attention to what she’s up to in school, because she can fog a mirror so she’s definitely getting in. 3) I don’t have to worry about her graduating since if you can get in and are not a total and complete dumbass you are graduating/ so I’m not likely to flush 50-80k down the drain and have her not end up with a degree on the other end 4) I want grandkids and I want to be around to see them. She will probably get married at 23 and start popping out Kyle’s and Kyler’s at 25 or 26, so even though they will be aggy I will at least know that my blood line continues on into this world. 5) I won’t have to worry about her moving outside of Texas because what the fucking odds of that happening. Now, I’m not saying I would choose this life path for her, but I’m going to go ahead and make the best of it I guess. it’s likely she will find someone who makes 85k a year while she teaches school or something and I won’t have to financially support her into my old age.
    13 points
  15. That dudes way fucking cooler than JD Vance.
    13 points
  16. Fox News is really ramping up their oppo research and attempting to land body blows.
    13 points
  17. Scott Campbell's crew of Big 12 asswipes were the officials in that ballgame.
    13 points
  18. We are entering the stages of grief portion of this Presidential race...
    12 points
  19. The presidential campaign too stupid to competently stage a photo.
    12 points
  20. Worth your time. https://www.threads.net/@republicans_for_harris/post/C-uzIETOdQr
    12 points
  21. Unfortunately, Putin isn't a glitch in Russian history, he's more of the same.
    12 points
  22. Yep. I normally hate fireworks, but the day that bag of shit dies, I’m putting on a show.
    12 points
  23. 12 points
  24. This is a very good anti-koolaid post. Also fuck you.
    11 points
  25. Thanks for that well-sourced and totally reliable-sounding report. We’ll take it under due consideration. NEXT!
    11 points
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