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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/24 in all areas

  1. Mayor Pete was on Fox News this morning from the DNC just killing it again.
    40 points
  2. I don’t care that you played at UT, fuck you Greg.
    35 points
  3. The last few pages of this thread = Getting it back on track before the speeches today:
    24 points
  4. Talk about just taking your cock out and slapping it on the table:
    21 points
  5. Not much of a bumper sticker guy, but this one I found to be quite accurate with this election.
    21 points
  6. the nation thought, prayed, and moved on just like we do in any other type of shooting. just what republicans want. they should be ecstatic.
    20 points
  7. Longhorn (or Cowboy) sports great or not, if you back Trump, you're a piece of shit and can go fuck yourself.
    19 points
  8. Is conservative. Not "sounds." Is. I'm still pretty damned conservative. I favor free trade and the international financial order that has made the United States of America the dominant financial and mercantile power in the world. I don't want to repeal our free-trade agreements, rethink the monetary policies that have made the Dollar the world's reserve currency, or entertain the idea of defaulting on our debts. I favor adhering to our international obligations, from Europe to East Asia. NATO is the strongest mutual-defense organization in the history of the world, and has preserved the peace in Europe for nearly 80 years, which is the longest that continent has gone without a major war since . . . ever. And in East Asia, our defense treaties with Japan and South Korea have fostered an economic environment that has led to an economic expansion throughout Asia while enriching Americans. I favor preserving freedom of thought and expression. Of ensuring Americans are free to make their own decisions about their property, their religion, and their bodies. At the same time, I favor preserving the social safety net that we have built up over the past 90 years. And where there are holes in that safety net, either in its original construction or because new economic developments have torn holes in it, it should be repaired. All of these are conservative values. These are the values that would be supported by any conservative party. But the GQP today is not a conservative party. It is a reactionary party. And reactionism is not "conservativism." Don't. People know they don't like it even if they don't know precisely what it is. "Project 2025" has just become a buzzword for "scary shit that Trumpublicans are going to do if they get back into power." Use that. Feed it. Say "Project 2025" over and over again with ominous and foreboding music in the background. Just please, for the love of god, don't go into a discussion of Schedule F trying to reach people who you think don't know enough about Project 2025.
    19 points
  9. Also, I want to be extremely clear about this: No one did this to Biden but himself. No one. Not Nancy Pelosi, not the electorate, not anyone but Joe. I very much appreciate most of the things he did during his term, he was a great president. But, if you want to run for president as a person who A) is 950 years old, and B) is not the leader of a personality cult, you better be prepared to appear competent every time you step on stage. Things already were not great from a polling standpoint, but he cut his campaign's legs out from underneath it on that debate night. The Dems have handled this transition in a far more competent manner than I could have ever expected and it should work out for the best for everyone involved.
    19 points
  10. This is one of the funniest look at me posts I've ever seen. Literally laughed out loud.
    18 points
  11. Friendly reminder, the USA lost 419k in all theaters combined in WW2
    18 points
  12. Guys, Nancy Pelosi and James Carville aren’t responsible for the Dems getting their shit together. That’s 100% Kamala and Biden. Pelosi and Carville both wanted Biden to step aside, but they didn’t want Harris to become the Democratic candidate. They’re not brilliant puppet masters, they were desperate and stupid and are very lucky Biden was smart enough to endorse Kamala immediately and that Kamala was able to secure enough support among the party to immediately eliminate the idea that it could be anyone else.
    18 points
  13. My mom was a huge fan of Obama. I remember her whispering to me at a family lunch "I voted for Obama, he reminds me of JFK." My sister took her to vote and tried to pressure her into voting for McCain. She really loved Obama, hearing him speak reminds me of my mom.
    17 points
  14. Barack Obama could sell me a motherfucking cybertruck. He’s that good.
    17 points
  15. Greg Swindell, he’s a Longhorn Legend….and a dumbfuck.
    17 points
  16. Fuck worrying about what the other side can stomach. They whine about EVERYTHING. And then they pretend to be offended by everything else. They’re going to burn down the country because they’re petulant toddlers. And they would do it even if we nominated the second coming of Abraham Lincoln. Fuck their feelings The way we don’t lose progress is by moving forward and not caving to they’re bigoted bullshit.
    17 points
  17. RE: Branding CSB/ I live in a bright red pocket of a dark blue county... This past Saturday, the doorbelll rang and I found my state representative (Rep) standing there with some flyers. I was not prepared and wanted to be polite so I took his flyer, looked it over quickly. He introduced himself and asked if I had any questions for him. I asked if he was a Republican, he said yes. I then told him that HE was the party of Trump and I would not be voting for either of them. He was a little taken aback, but as a smooth politician he handled it well and turned to walk away. As I was closing the door, I heard him say He was NOT the Party of Trump he was the party of himself. It sounded like he was reassuring himself as he walked back down the driveway. FIN I hope he thinks about how he and his reputation are stained shitbag orange. Although he's probably going to be my rep again. Fuck you Gerrymandering
    15 points
  18. This is the Blackest I’ve seen Michelle in a speech, and I mean that in a good way. Melania will never be able to rip this off…
    14 points
  19. Wow, what a great line “ [Most of us] willl never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth”
    14 points
  20. Wait you want me to ban you? Fucking easy.
    14 points
  21. Your Google digits wizardry trick inspired me to check some maths. 1 acre equals 43,560 square feet. 3 acres equals 130,680 square feet. The perimeter of your lot should be about 1,444 feet. For a 6-foot tall fence, you'd need about 8,664 square feet of fencing. Dividing the fencing by the number of letters in your handle (10) gives us about 866. Multiply your two sliding gates by their 100% padlocking gives us 200. Subtract 200 from 866 and we arrive at our final number: 666. Congrats, Stanco, you're a racist debil.
    14 points
  22. I’m not whining. I don’t whine. I bitch. Big difference.
    14 points
  23. You are sort of full of shitty takes tonight troph. Unless you have some deep personal information about the relationship between Biden and Pelosi over the last 50 years, I don’t think you’re in a position to judge how they feel about each other. it’s like you’d rather Joe remain the candidate and Trump become the last American president. if Pelosi was the one who actually convinced Biden to step down, either willingly or unwillingly, respectfully or back-stabby, she deserves the fucking Presidential Medal of Freedom.
    14 points
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