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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/24 in all areas

  1. My 10 month old son just took his first steps, wearing burnt orange. 🤘🤘let’s gooooo
    52 points
  2. My granddaughter's first RRS. Cant wait to teach her to say, "ou sucks!"
    51 points
  3. Kid is a fucking pimp. I'm extremely sorry that he didn't lead us to a 60-0 victory today but he looked like shit to start and did nothing since then but manage the game perfectly and take care of the football and hand OU a fucking ass-beating. Hook 'em Horns. We ain't done yet.
    26 points
  4. Holly is a legend and can do that shit as long as she wants
    26 points
  5. Dumbass post game guys said it was closer than the score indicated. Um no. It should have been much, much worse.
    26 points
  6. Got that sweet NPR on the radio. Don’t get too crazy!
    25 points
  7. Boldin deserves a little love too for that fumble recovery and a great day on special teams
    24 points
  8. I volunteer to wear the shirt when I am downtown this coming weekend for the Georgia game! I’m a pretty decent surly member. I can find some ho’s to bring to the tailgate.
    23 points
  9. Texas' offense has faced two elite defenses, and has scored no fewer than 31 points in any of the past 6 games. Texas' defense has only given up 3 touchdowns in 6 games. Total.
    22 points
  10. Threads like this make me want to shut the board down.
    22 points
  11. Why is Quinn taking pics with Japanese porn stars?
    20 points
  12. OU has a Venables problem and I am here for it. There is a reason that dude was passed over for HC jobs for the better part of two decades.
    19 points
  13. This. He has some Jordan Whittington roschon unselfish I just wanna win in him. Gives 100 every play. That fumble recovery will be RRR lore in terms of hustle and turning the game
    19 points
  14. None of you fuckers even wonder where I am? Buncha assholes on this site. Is that the ONLY talent you could find at the fair? I am disappoint.
    19 points
  15. 19 points
  16. The very last game I attended at Texas as a student was the 2010 BCS championship game. I was a super-super senior with 5 years of season tickets under my belt, so I had incredible seats in the front row at the rose bowl. One of the most miserable games of my entire life. I actually got stranded in LA after the game and had to catch a cab to take me back to UCLA campus where I was staying and the cabbie ripped me off with a fair of like $70. When I was in college, Texas was the talk of college football and one of the biggest sources of joy in my life, so being down for so, so long stung. So, all that said, seeing this headline right now is indescribable. Dream season so far, I hope we keep it up:
    18 points
  17. Look and laugh at this little shitbag
    18 points
  18. 18 points
  19. Sark had better chew some ass at halftime. The defense is winning this game, not the offense. Minus a couple of good runs, the offense has left 14 points on the field. Bolden hustling for "no reason" should be the example of playing balls to the wall, every second of every play.
    18 points
  20. 18 points
  21. [smelling like whiskey, corn dogs, and trash] “Hi young woman- I’m over 40 and wearing a cartoon dick on my shirt, will you take a picture? … why are you waiving over the police- no no you don’t get it… it’s for the internet! I HAVE RIZZ” [arrested]
    18 points
  22. 17 points
  23. Billy Bowman is a baby back bitch. It is known. He was in the right spot for a bad overthrow but he missed tackles all over the place today because he sucks.
    16 points
  24. Now that it's game day: Fuck Bob Stoops Fuck Barry Switzer Fuck Brent Venables Fuck Jackson Arnold Fuck Michael Hawkins JR Fuck Dillon Gabriel Fuck Billy Simms Fuck The Boz Fuck Adrian Peterson Fuck Gary Gibbs Fuck Toby Keith Fuck Baker Mayfield Fuck Kyler Murray Fuck Cale Gundy Fuck Jason White Fuck Josh Heupel Fuck Mark Clayton Fuck Rhett Bomar Fuck Lincoln Riley Fuck Spencer Rattler Fuck Caleb Williams Fuck Marvin Mims Fuck Drake Stoops Fuck Nic Anderson Fuck the entire state of Oklahoma and finally Fuck Curly McLane and that stupid musical too
    16 points
  25. Some UNC fan just liked my fire Mack Brown tweet from 2013.
    15 points
  26. Don't think it's anything major. It became pretty obvious early in this one that we didn't need him.
    15 points
  27. What? Seriously? Our kicker just missed two makeable kicks twice. And we actually converted the first down (hold was bullshit). If anything, we just confirmed that he was right to go for it.
    15 points
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