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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/25 in all areas

  1. @troph’s wife here. Time for my inaugural post.
    36 points
  2. Your kids have learned an even more valuable lesson.
    21 points
  3. Im confused why people are more upset about Biden doing this than they are that he feels the need to do so.
    20 points
  4. don't anyone worry about old navin for three days.
    19 points
  5. Trumped pardoned Antifa?
    19 points
  6. Wouldn’t have been necessary if the incoming guy wasn’t a vengeful, ignorant piece of shit.
    19 points
  7. Responsibility for the Covid pandemic? Really? Really Rand? You cunt. You pube-headed cunt. If anyone wonders why rationals balk at anything put forth by conservatives on this issue, this pretty much explains it in a nutshell.
    19 points
  8. I’ll chime in on the run game a little. To me there was no identity. We run zone schemes and focus on outside zone, sweep, etc to get playmakers in space. Yet it seemed like our favorite runs were gap schemes. Counter, power, dart, etc. In theory running both schemes is very effective, but not so much a 50/50 split. At least to my eye. As a former DC, the dirtiest run play in spread offenses is power read with a QB who can house it. Next year with Arch I hope this is our #1 run play. back to lurking
    19 points
  9. My great uncle Dwight spent 22 months in a gulag as he was shot down over Noirmoutier, France on a bombing run on July 4, 1943. Fuck Elon Musk and Fuck EVERY SINGLE SHITBAG HERE making excuses for him. That is a Nazi salute. Period. End of fucking story.
    18 points
  10. Strange gesture? This is where I fucking rage at the anti-pc crowd. They get bent if someone says retarded but couched language like that is perfectly fine. That's not a strange gesture. That's a nazi solute. We gotta stop giving these assholes cover.
    18 points
  11. 18 points
  12. 17 points
  13. I hope we all get assigned to the same camp.
    17 points
  14. No it isn't. What's horrendous is the demands for prosecution for a government official, who has official immunity, incidentally, and an apparent willingness of the president-elect to prosecute. The pardon is a symptom, not the disease. And Rand Paul is a full-time cunt about everything, always. Ask his neighbor. I'm sick of these fuckers.
    17 points
  15. lol @ people saying these pardons are a bad look. get fucked. the incoming president threatened all these people with jail time and worse when no laws were broken. fuck him and fuck you for supporting that orange demon,
    16 points
  16. Just quickly skimmed over the last few pages of this thread, since I hadn't clicked on it in almost a week, and just came to the realization this is what entering a dystopian futuristic totalitarian hell hole would have looked like to people in 1987. We have arrived. I think I'm mostly just going to check out. The small battles will forever be ongoing, but it's become apparent to me the war has been lost. Whatever will happen on a national scale, or even state-wide/local scale, is completely out of my control. Just have to hope the every day, normal day to day life doesn't change too much in the coming years, but even if it does we'll just have to deal with it like in 2020. Good luck to everyone here.
    16 points
  17. jesus christ i'm watching football to get away from this shit.
    15 points
  18. 15 points
  19. Fuck the nazis. My grandfather fought against these pieces of shit and earned a Purple Heart in world war 2.
    15 points
  20. Nahlin said today the early returns on Justus Terry are very, very good and they think he will contribute immediately. That will be welcome for DT depth.
    15 points
  21. Lulz. None of that shit gonna happen. Yall act like we didn’t already have 4 years of him. He’ll enrich himself and his family, whine like a toddler and run up the deficit.
    14 points
  22. The guy who publicly supports and endorsed AfD gets no benefit of the doubt. He is a Nazi at worst, a Nazi sympathizer at best. He can’t overdose soon enough.
    14 points
  23. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/20/us/cecile-richards-dead-planned-parenthood.html Another amazing Texas woman gone too soon.
    14 points
  24. So we scored, in a way. We met with ServPro today, and our place is so much more trashed than we thought. The outside air smells perfectly fine, but our house smells like a campfire. He went around wiping surfaces and everything is covered in ash and soot. Everything. And the attic is covered in ash too because Spanish tiles blew off and ash filled the attic. All interior surfaces need to be cleaned and the attic insulation needs to be replaced. All furniture needs cleaning. We’ll be out of there for at least a month or more. But my wife was scouring AirBNB for places, and stumbled upon a place seconds after it was posted because it’s close enough to our house that they had no power and couldn’t list it. The moment it popped up my wife called and we went by today and we have it booked for 6 weeks. And Air BnB kicked in 60% of the cost for fire victims. And they’ll take our 2 cats and a dog. She was super sympathetic to our plight. But we now have a home for awhile. Such a relief. Moving in tomorrow.
    13 points
  25. Afghan kid called asking for help. Seems his mother and father were scheduled to get their last interview to come and join him in the US. Appointment canceled. Well shit. Yeah, I feel bad. But this is the same kid who wanted to use his first vote as an American for Trump cuz Biden fucked up the withdraw and dealt with the Taliban. Sad story? yes. Did I laugh? Also yes.
    13 points
  26. The populace is dumb. We are a brain dead country that get our “facts” from social media owned by oligarchs.
    13 points
  27. Less censorship after electing the guy who says networks should have their licenses revoked, be fined, or prosecuted for saying things he doesn’t like? Gotdamn people are so stupid.
    13 points
  28. Renaming the Gulf of Mexico deeply bothers me. I know, it seems like small potatoes. But it’s a deeply totalitarian move. It is more than just dumb, it’s an attempt to demonstrate the power to change maps, to upend language and usage, and to take over our daily speech and geography.
    12 points
  29. This is the only option. I can be depressed for the next four years (lulz, this is only the beginning) or I can surround myself by like minded friends and enjoy my life while laughing at the people that chose this nightmare.
    12 points
  30. Twitter’s too Elony, Threads is too Facebooky, and Bluesky is too nice. What’s a girl to do?
    12 points
  31. It's like you guys keep forgetting Brisket's Laws: 1) It only gets worse. 2) There is no bottom. We have a billionaire who bought our government knowingly (come one, you fuckers, quit lying and trying to get us to buy your pretzel-like explanations -- he knew, it was on purpose) giving a nazi salute on fucking inauguration day, also fucking MLK DAY......and....they DEFEND IT. I was born in a country that was quite proud to have killed the fuck out of countless nazis. Our own grandfathers shot nazis in the face. I now live in a country that is led by a man who is an illegal immigrant, hates immigrants (except to the extent that he can functionally enslave them via HB1 visas), and proudly gives nazi salutes. And some of y'all wonder why there's a mass of us that is in a constant state of "am I on crazy pills?" Explaining away and supporting nazi salutes. By the de facto president. On inauguration day.
    12 points
  32. We're not talking about impeachment or congressmen talking about impeachment, we're talking about the nominal head of the US DOJ threatening to weaponize the Department of Justice against his enemies. Not political retribution. Criminal. Prosecution. Yes, political retribution is common. Criminal prosecution as political retribution is not. You're not going to find a citation for that because it's never happened
    12 points
  33. Yawn. The moronic American voter just re-elected a twice impeached convicted felon. Sorry if I don't give a fuck who Joe Biden pardons on his way out the door.
    12 points
  34. The "emergency" on energy is so fucking stupid but people will buy it hook, line, and sinker. O&G output is at an all time high to the point Chevron is dialing back. He'll declare an "emergency" and output will remain high and he'll take credit and 2/3 of the country will buy into it.
    12 points
  35. Played blackjack for 8 straight hours with Eddie Van Halen in Tahoe. He sat down next to brother and I and could not have been a cooler dude but man he must have had at least 50 beers. Valerie Bertinelli came down several times to yell at him to get back to the room. Did not suck.
    12 points
  36. Also in a moment of enthusiasm, he awkwardly tried to get a far-right nationalist party elected in Germany. We realize how this looks!
    11 points
  37. It's a legit term, I looked it up- it's a town in the Texas panhandle.
    11 points
  38. The New York Times everyone. America’s newspaper of record.
    11 points
  39. Egg prices are being pushed dramatically higher because of bird flu. I fully expect this administration, which as you know has a stellar record of dealing with communicable diseases, to put a stop to all this bird flu-related high-priced egg nonsense posthaste.
    11 points
  40. 11 points
  41. So I avoided this thread like..you know...anyways, got to have a kidney and some lymph nodes out last summer, and I avoided this thread and Google in general because I didn't want to ponder the worst-case scenarios and I had already been stressing the shit out of myself and losing sleep without reading about it even more. It was far enough along that they couldn't save the kidney (I didn't even realize they could partially remove a kidney), but I still got one and it looks great and I'm taking better care of myself and my last kidney. My 3-month checkup looked great - they believe they got everything. About to get my 6-month checkup. Thankfully I had an acquaintance-turned-close-friend who went through almost the same thing last January, about 6 months before I did, so I had the run-down (and his urologist/surgeon). I got lucky as all get out. I got a very tiny glimpse of the hell some of you all have been through, and y'all are amazing.
    11 points
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