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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/25 in all areas

  1. I know you want it confined to CR, but they are literally going to wreck our national forests. It's fucking news. Everybody, regardless of political persuasion, should be fucking pissed about this and about them shutting down or restricting the national parks.
    38 points
  2. Dear Every Motherfucker that said, "I voted for Trump because I think he'll be better for the economy*," Fuck you. I really don't give two shits about your politics**. I give a lot of shits about my got-damn money that I've busted my grey slacks wearing ass for, and this motherfucker IS NOT better for the fucking economy. He's better for his own pockets, which he has always fattened by fucking suckers like you who "think" he's a business man. He's a fucking taker. *I know what you really meant, "I don't want you to think I voted for all that racist rhetoric that I voted for, because the economy was already kicking ass. **I care about policies, not politics. Fuck your power struggle. In closing, I'm going to be just fine. I've scavenged through trash cans for meals many more times than you have, and I have the fucking receipts. Now I have enough to make it through this storm. When the Leopards are done eating, I'm going to collect whatever you leave behind because you won't be accountable for your own responsibilities and you'll quit. Great. Get fucked. Make America Great Again. Sincerely, The Suspicious Man in Grey Slacks.
    36 points
  3. I'm going to do my best to answer this question in good faith, @Spankytoes. It seems like you're okay with the war in Ukraine degrading the Russian military, you just think it's silly for the US to spend money on someone else's problems when we've got things to fix here at home. Additionally, cutting US funding might spur the EU into fully funding Ukraine's defense, meaning that we have our cake and get to eat it, too. Ultimately, though, even if it doesn't work out that way, the worst thing that happens is that Europeans get pissy about having to pay what you see as their own bills. Is this synthesis correct? It seems like you're operating under a few misapprehensions. First, your use of "empathetic enough" seems to imply that you think we're giving Ukraine support because we're trying to be the good guys, and protecting the weak is what the good guys do. It is what good guys do, and that's a great PR benefit, but if that was actually what we did, we'd be intervening in every humanitarian crisis worldwide. We don't. The US isn't heavily involved in conflicts in Myanmar or Sudan, for example, even though there's a ton of similar horrible shit going on. We do a bit, but it's nothing compared to our support of Ukraine. Why not? Because helping there would cost money, many Americans probably can't locate Myanmar on a map, and most importantly, we don't really give as much of a fuck. Sure, we can broker a talk or two and send some strongly worded letters, but we're not handing over F-16s. So why the interest in helping Ukraine? Well, there's the obvious: it fucks over Russia, which frequently openly opposes US interests. They look immensely smaller on the world stage than they did before the start of this conflict. Other countries aren't as interested in their military tech, and they're less willing to pay heed to Russian interests. There are myriad reasons why this conflict is bad for Russia, and the more trouble they have with Ukraine, the less likely they are to do horrible shit like it in the future and/or cause other problems for us because they're busy spending their entire GDP there. You seem okay with this, but think it would just be better if the EU got off its collective ass and took charge of its own security, and all that could happen on their dime. This leads to your second misapprehension, and it's a biggie: you seem to think events on the world stage like this happen in a vacuum. The United States didn't spring into being as the sole world superpower. We got there because we could outspend everyone else. We're the fucking Joneses. A single carrier strike group can take on entire countries' militaries. We have 11 of them. They are expensive as fuck. You think we need all those just to patrol our coastal waters? We have them so we can project power when and where we decide, and we don't really care what anyone has to say about it. This is true not just militarily, but economically and culturally. We are the world's reserve currency. We make the TV and the movies that people watch. McDonald's is ubiquitous. What the US wants, it generally gets, and if another country doesn't like it, too bad. They can go drink a Coke and be sad on Facebook about it. Being seen as the world police is, for the most part, great for the United States. Countries give a shit what we do and say. They're polite to us. We get the friends and family discount. We can pull together coalitions to do, well, pretty much whatever we decide to do, even if they think it's a dumb idea. This is good for the US, and It makes us even richer - furthering our advantage - and it makes us more secure. Pulling back from the world stage lowers our importance to everyone else. And if you think that this one incident can't directly impact us, European stocks closed at a record high today. Why is money moving to the EU? Because people are investing in Dassault, and not in Lockheed. And the US stepping back from something that the EU - one of our biggest customers - thinks is important means that they'll just need to go make their own shit. We don't actually want them to. We want them to buy our shit and talk like us and think like us. It means we can keep getting our way. Given all that, why in the actual fuck would you want to lessen our involvement in world affairs? To save some pocket change that is mostly going back into our own economy? When we do things like support Ukraine, we're not wasting money - we're making smart investments.
    36 points
  4. I'll catch the recap here. My goal is to never hear that fat, stupid, Putin-sucking fuck's voice again.
    25 points
  5. I’ve been unfriending all of my MAGA neighbors, past and present, from my Facebook. I made the mistake of going on Facebook because a friend is very ill and I wanted to leave my best wishes, but I saw all of this bullshit from my neighbors about how great it was that Trump was getting rid of the fraud and we can finally get behind Hunter Biden’s laptop. This neighbor works for the DOD after a lifetime on government tit as a marine. Every hurricane he has a problem, keeping his chest freezers going and always runs out of gas. I always help him out with extension cords from my generator or giving him 20-30 gallons of gas when he runs out. I’m not going to talk to him, I’m not going to engage him, I’m not gonna say anything negative to him. But I hope he loses his federal job - and he can go find gas by himself from now to eternity.
    22 points
  6. The president has ordered federal lands and forests to be turned over to the logging industry to """protect our national security""" https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/03/trump-national-forest-executive-order The kicker is that he's using the pretense of it reducing fire risk, when in reality it's going to reduce the ability of forests to hold water and make those areas significantly drier. It's going to destroy those ancient ecosystems and they will be gone forever. Go while you still can!
    21 points
  7. 20 points
  8. “Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it.” ― Harry S. Truman
    19 points
  9. Neal Brown is officially on staff per Anwar
    19 points
  10. MAGA's inability or unwillingness to understand the impacts of soft power never ceases to amaze me. I can understand, though not agree with, isolationist principles, but the "it does nothing for us!" argument is simply nonsense.
    19 points
  11. No...one..kicks like Gaston. Follows six like Gaston. No one enchubbens our Surly dicks like Gaston.
    19 points
  12. Holy fuck. Well, I come from a family of farmers. My dad was a farmer. I grew up on a farm. I used to get excused absences from school every fall here in Texas to harvest. The EU is the fourth largest buyer of U.S. agricultural goods, after ---- wait for it ----- China, Canada and Mexico, who Trump is also working hard to alienate and who have promised retaliatory trade measures. Then there's jobs, generally speaking. The EU buys 370 billion dollars worth of goods from the U.S. every year and an even greater amount of services. My friends work for companies like Apple, Dell, IBM etc ... that sell a ton of services in the EU every year. Those services won't be needed if the EU is destabilized/sees economic dislocation. Also, I love visiting Europe and, from my days at UT and a year that I did in the UT-Wuerzburg exchange program, have a ton of European friends. Already they are souring on the U.S. One of my German friends was going to visit our national parks in Utah and Wyoming this year with her family but she's decided not to. You go to any national park and half the visitors are foreigners, particularly Germans and French. So people whose jobs depend on travel are also going to suffer. TLDR: Fuck you, you ignorant dumbshit.
    18 points
  13. Canada slapping a 25% tax on electricity they supply to the US.
    17 points
  14. 16 points
  15. Someone should open the big faucet in Canada so that there's plenty of water to fight the fires!
    16 points
  16. "Will Texas be willing to pay Bell whatever that team that comes in at the last minute to try to get him to flip?" Motherfucker, we are that team.
    16 points
  17. Since when did what is allowed by law matter to this administration?
    16 points
  18. Dia Bell comes from wealth. He’s not shopping himself out to the highest bidder. On top of that, QBs at Texas have access to NIL that few other places do. The LSU guys are not only simple dumbasses, they’re known liars. They’re often wrong, but never in doubt.
    15 points
  19. Storming the Capital building and trying to hang the VP is still okay though, right?
    15 points
  20. Ah, yes. The brave men of maga calling the Ukrainians crybabies and cowards after 3 years of repelling a full scale invasion by a far larger military that's bent on genocide. Whatever it takes to twist themselves into supporting the soft, moronic, criminal, serial sex abusing, draft dodging conman. And because they care so much about the debt.
    15 points
  21. Here’s the thing, dum dum - anyone else could have made your Helm point, had folks respond, the conversation works its course and the thread goes on. You, however, have to turn the discussion into your victimhood, and then your dumbass can’t let it go. It’s a real mystery what’s going on here. You turn the circumstances, largely innocuous, into “OMG, here everyone goes again! this is so funny! why won’t they let it go and stop talking about me!” rinse and repeat, ad nauseum. I’ve usually been in your court, but mostly because you keep it ringfenced somewhere like the basketball board and some of the guys that post at you really are trolls. This isn’t that. So shut the fuck up and stop talking about yourself and your victimization on this thread. No one wants to hear it.
    14 points
  22. Amazing how quiet the "we have guns to protect against a tyrant destroying the constitution" crowd got when we have....a tyrant destroying the constitution. It's almost like it wasn't about that at all, and never was.
    13 points
  23. I hate everything. Outside of my family (and basic human rights for everyone, of course), the natural world is just about the only thing I care about. Shocking, yet predictable, rage-inducing, depressing, dangerous, stupid, wasteful, cruel. Fuck
    13 points
  24. I think the real story here is the alien spacecraft hovering near the ground. It's not photoshopped because look at the shadows. I did my research, and discovered a sighting of a huge version of this spaceship flying over the Amazon rainforest This was posted by an ex-Marine fighter pilot. You can see the Amazon in the top left corner. It's blurry because the UFO was flying so fast. They've come because they want to steal President Trump to rule their world. God will not let this happen!
    13 points
  25. We probably need to re-name the thread "Trump's Russia."
    12 points
  26. Isn’t trading your star player and having all your good players injured and then raising ticket prices the plot of major league II?
    12 points
  27. All the Dems should come dressed as Zelenskyy.
    11 points
  28. "Business leaders are paying as much as $5 million to meet one-on-one with the president at his Florida compound, sources tell WIRED, while others are paying $1 million apiece to dine with him in a group setting." https://www.wired.com/story/people-paying-millions-donald-trump-mar-a-lago/ America is being sold to the highest bidder...
    11 points
  29. Oh but I would rather clutch my pearls that you have brought current events to my attention rather than facing the fact that we're about to F up our national forests. You see? That's much more important.
    11 points
  30. Did he bring the "score from the 1-yard line" play? Hope so.
    11 points
  31. Yeah it's weird right? Didn't the United States need Congress to approve or stop aid to countries? didn't the United States need congress to have tariffs? Makes me wonder why Roosevelt bothered passing a lend-lease bill or why we bothered with a NAFTA bill. Congress also passed bills for sanctions on Russia and aid to Ukraine. Those don't seem to actually compel the President to do anything. So why have a legislative branch? Is it truly now the suggestions branch?
    11 points
  32. if you voted for the orange dumb ass 3 times mes, you're a horrible person and should be dragged through the streets
    11 points
  33. It’s funny to watch in real time people who were really, really wrong try and convince themselves that they weren’t really, really wrong.
    11 points
  34. Troph is one of the best people I know on this website. You, however, have turned into a piece of shit. Maybe you always were.
    10 points
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