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Everything posted by skipperj

  1. It’s the Iceland game, and the rest are on FS1. All are on Telemundo.
  2. Wow. I guess he's feeling a lighter on his feet today after dropping the weight of 19 million.
  3. Always glad when gostarsgo drops in to tell everyone what a badass he is.
  4. Is Scott any good? Must be if he’s a stat.
  5. In the past we have done daily threads. Only one game today, though.
  6. Is masturbating not fun anymore?
  7. skipperj

    Austin FC

    Tovo is a contrary bitch, but she at least said that there is only one place to put a Stadium, multiple places to put affordable house.
  8. I'm going to make this easy for everyone. This is the easiest one that I have found. I have created a Surly group. I will invite some friends to get more money in the pot. 1st place - 70% 2nd place - 20% 3rd place - 10% https://bracket2018.mlssoccer.com/#league/standings/4551?code=APM37CUP $30 entry you can send to skipperj@skipperj.com via paypal. If you prefer to do Venmo or anything else, let me know. If you want, create a free temp email address and PM me who you are.
  9. Seriously. North Korea won’t vote for a US World Cup and Russia won’t give us proper broadcast locations?
  10. There’s like ten options on this thread. What is the official one? I’m not doing one where we have to post screenshots of our picks.
  11. Ekaterinburg is going to be a cool stadium.
  12. They need to take the bottom 24 and do a play in death match or something. 8 groups of 3 on a specially designed triangular 3 goal field. They play one game, team with the highest score advances to the group stage. 2 balls on the field.
  13. I think the only real unknown with Marriott at this point is which properties will be in the different categories. And the name.
  14. Is it just me, or does that seem like plenty for a small bowl of cereal? Especially if you are putting fruit in it.
  15. Anyone watching “Last Train to Russia” on ESPN? It’s like Travel Channel mixed with soccer at all the WC sites. With train travel. Pretty interesting so far. I recommend.
  16. Hmm. I didn't see a dogpile in the game that just ended.
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