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Everything posted by skipperj

  1. It was $50. We spent twice that on BBQ for lunch today. MLS Live was $60 or so.
  2. Okay, I may have been drunk. Seems like they are moving a lot of stuff to +. MLS Live is worth it alone. Just paid for a year.
  3. Well, ESPN3 games aren’t free. They require a participating ISP or cable provider. Or student or military. ESPN+ is a different service for people that don’t have that. NFL and NBA have very (expensive) strict carriage contracts with their broadcast partners. They are getting paid a lot for exclusive league packages. I would expect for the next round of broadcast negotiations to be wide open.
  4. So much going on with this story. http://soccer.nbcsports.com/2018/04/21/uefa-says-europa-league-trophy-not-damaged-after-being-stolen/
  5. My first legal drink was a Mind Eraser at Cheers shot bar.
  6. It’s bulk pickup weekend. I expect people bitching about the scavenging poors roaming the neighborhood soon.
  7. Lol.
  8. Ooooh. Y’all got a blacklist?
  9. South Mopac. A hose or something blew on my wife’s car so I pulled in there and parked. Sent the family home in a cab. While I was waiting for AAA, popped in for a couple drinks. AAA took forever, so I made it to drink three. Fuck that place.
  10. It’s taken awhile to process this today. I’ve been known to liken Wenger to Mack Brown, but Wenger has won way more than Mack ever did. Both of them should have bowed out years earlier, but Arsène won the FA Cup last year and 3 of the last 4. He recognized his time was up after finishing out of CL two years in a row. Whether he was gently pushed out or decided on his own, he did the right thing. Something Mack did not. Wenger is the only manager I’ve known at Arsenal, like many of us. I became a fan of Arsenal in 2010 after the World Cup. I was looking for a team to follow, and knew about them from reading Fever Pitch years earlier. I asked for advice on Shaggy and watched some preseason games. Joined the Austin Gooners yahoo group to find out about watch parties. It wasn’t until I went to Cuatros for the opening game of the 2010-11 season, Liverpool-Arsenal, that I knew my team for sure. I walked in expecting a few people to watch the game with, but it was packed. Arsenal and Liverpool people everywhere. A sea of red. It ended up 1-1, but I was hooked. I met the leader of the Austin Gooners that day as he came around and said hello to new people. Neill. Fast forward, I am now good friends with Neill. Have met him in California multiple times. A lot of my best friends I have met through Arsenal. I have been the Branch Manager of the Austin Gooners, and am on the board of Arsenal America. I have met great friends through my love of Arsenal. Local, national, and international. I woke up this morning to a barrage of texts and FB messenger notifications. Arsenal has become my family. I have a FB messenger chat with friends from Dallas, SA, Houston, El Paso and Austin that we talk daily about Arsenal stuff. I have a Slack group that I talk with people from LA, Boston, Madison, Chicago, and Milwaukee daily as well. When we do meetups in New Orleans or San Antonio or New York or wherever, it’s like meeting old friends. I’m excited about the future. I’m scared of it as well. There’s only one Arsène Wenger.
  11. Like Beau said, pretty sure either the tour staff or local contacts say “hey, this guy is pretty good” so they set it up for that show. Either tell Dave who to look for or give him a specific phrase for his sign, Dave looks when Monkeywrench starts and calls the person up on stage. So, staged, but Dave’s reactions are genuine as the first time he’s seen him play. Their show is too polished to pull any rando on stage and hand the guitar over.
  12. Fuck Cheddars. They’ll cut you off after two drinks in the afternoon when you’re just waiting for a tow truck.
  13. Not Alexander Hamilton!
  14. http://brotherhoodoftheguitar.com/?team=yayo-sanchez
  15. USMNT has an opening...
  16. Au revoir, Arsene Wenger.
  17. Purple balloons have been a big issue in our neighborhood. This is directly related to my previous post.
  18. skipperj

    Austin FC

    Sorry, I was referring to Modell Law being a joke.
  19. I had a whole thread on the old site. I don’t think I have the screenshots anymore, but a wife of one realtor accused another realtor of sleeping with her husband and then the same night also accused another one of smoking weed all day and smoking pot with her husband as well.
  20. Basically, people are surprised she didn’t act like a woman.
  21. skipperj

    Austin FC

    This is known.
  22. Our Nextdoor isn’t too active. The FB group is where all the action is. People accusing others of sleeping with their husbands, people calling out realtors for not taking down their signs and tagging them in it. The racist undertones. Oh. The racist undertones.
  23. It just keeps getting better as you get into the 30s. “A car was keyed with the word fagot.”
  24. Not my neighborhood as I don’t live in Seattle, but it’s a great thread from a great twitter feed. It’s long, so pour a drink first.
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