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Everything posted by skipperj

  1. How about we do this.
  2. skipperj

    Hair Metal

    I went to the fake Texas Jam in 1988 with Guns n Roses/INXS. People were selling bootleg Texas Jam t-shirts outside. It was one of Axl's finer moments. http://www.a-4-d.com/t1373-1988-09-17-texas-stadium-irving-usa http://www.mygnrforum.com/topic/217560-request-gnrs-worst-gig-19880917-texas-stadium-irving-tx/
  3. lol quarterfinals
  4. Reports.
  5. What a couple of days.
  6. Your daughters are hot.
  7. Oh, yeah. You're that gostarsgo guy.
  8. He’s not a troll. Interested citizen. Although nobody is that interested and doesn’t enter into city government unless they are a pedophile. So...which is it?
  9. Personally, I am shocked that officials from one of the favorites that have submitted a bid are confident that they have won it. Really shocked that’s what people are hearing.
  10. *affected
  11. Why would they even warn you? I mean, spamming scat. That’s a banning. Also, keep it up!
  12. I do not. Sorry, dumbshit. You’re fat anyway. (The dog, not you.)
  13. No.
  14. There's a frozen breakfast sandwich that my son likes that is 30% for a couple of minutes and then 1 minute on high. Besides that, no.
  15. Or did they open the bridge the morning after the highway was re-striped. Hmmmm.
  16. Holy crap, Roma.
  17. Fox Deportes
  18. See chameleon, lying there in the sun.
  19. Looks like the whole telecast was sponsored by Mother’s? Need to get someone to do that every week.
  20. Sounds like you have a plan, then. Be sure and post the YouTube channel here.
  21. Quite the kerfuffle there.
  22. Still shitty
  23. The AE Plat would count against the 5/24 and reset that clock. Get out of 5/24, open the new Chase account he is wanting, and then get the AE Plat.
  24. It keeps building up on the west side. Looks like it’s splitting around the forcefield, though. North and SW Austin. Raining here in SW now.
  25. Someone that Bolverk would date. *not the dog. The clarinet chick.
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