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Everything posted by Bogeywon

  1. Those guitars are stupid. I hate them
  2. That’s only because PRS wasn’t invented yet.
  3. That’s why I love my PRS’s head stock and all
  4. Fuck yeah I am! And I’m gonna love every minute of it. PRS’s are my favorite guitars. Built amazing and play amazing. Will do! LMFAO midnight rose!
  5. Reserved a silver sky…
  6. Man when I worked there we treated everything like dog shit. Ripping $2,000-$8,000 guitars out of boxes to hang on the wall. Taking the cases and jamming them on warehouse shelves
  7. I have a fender gig bag from my Hendrix MIM strat. Make a offer
  8. D41 has entered the chat. Gonna take a hard look at them. Cool story bro: worked at GC for 2 years in the early 2000s. I could have got one at cost for $1400. But that was like a million trillion dollars at the time making $7.50 an hour about $600 every 2 weeks.
  9. I’m gonna love mine if we can make a deal
  10. Also not trying to flip guitars. This was like hitting the lotto more or less
  11. For 2400?
  12. Lmfao! Well I have the big budget from selling the j150. So I’m gonna buy something with that and I have a yearly guitar budget as well for the silver sky
  13. Unpopular opinion but I may pick up a JM PRS
  14. Lmao great tune!
  15. This is way it’s the greatest show of all time. All the theory’s make sense.
  16. Love gold tops
  17. Was just messing around on the site really cool. This is what I was looking for
  18. Ok do you happen to know what city they are in? I’ll google it right now
  19. Michigan. I have a Jeweler but just don’t know what I should be paying or a range
  20. Upgrading my wife’s engagement ring for our 10 year wedding anniversary. What’s a good price to pay for a loose diamond? Looking for 2 carat loose diamond. Pear shaped. I know how to find a quality one but how do I figure out how much is a fair price?
  21. I’m going to play so many guitars before choosing the one. I made $4000 after fees and shipping. I’m not sure what to get but I know a hummingbird really sticks out to me. But like I said I’m going to play acoustics and electrics
  22. Bogeywon


    One of my favorite bands and song writers. I can’t listen to them tho. Long story short I got arrested for weed twice while driving like a million years ago and think it’s bad luck to listen to them now. Makes me said I have OCD LMAO
  23. He paid!
  24. Oh I took it but who knows if he will come through
  25. Fyp
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