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Everything posted by BillyBadAss

  1. How many times can they mention Freemantle and his 2 fouls?
  2. "Sure is starting to feel a lot like the early 2000's. So glad we bent over and let these ****bag ****stick foreskin sucker asswipes into the SEC with us. **** Sankey with a 10-foot claw dildo in the ass for eternity. "
  3. If anyone is interested in 2 tix to Billy Strings at Moody Center tomorrow - check the For Sale (best buy coupons) board.
  4. Selling 2 - Sec 114, Row D, seats 4-5 Paid $90 for each after fees $180 total. Would let them go to a Surlite for $150. Ticketmaster has them held hostage it seems and can't sell them there, but can xfer them.
  5. It will be interesting to see how America reacts if they do succeed at massive deportations. It's one thing to think about it in the abstract and far away. It's another to see people in your own community affected. What happens when local restaurants or services start to be visibly affected? Food prices increase or there are shortages of things like chicken. Construction halts, you can't find a lawn service, the office trash stops being emptied, etc.
  6. This American Life did a segment on the logistics of it all - they spoke with a senior guy at ICE and he walked through a lot of it. TLDR; - they can deport massive amounts of people if most restrictions are essentially removed, but still there are limits. Worth a listen: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/846/this-is-the-cake-we-baked (the part I'm talking about starts 7 minutes in, and is 17 minutes long)
  7. The reason I don't think it's a concern is because there are logistical barriers to deporting people. Personnel to round people up, processing facilities, transportation to the "home" country, agreements with the home country to allow the plane to land and how many people they will process a month, etc. etc. They can fully max out all of that capacity with much lower hanging fruit for years before they'd be out of illegals who are "easy" to deport (have no protections or recourse). Trying to do the same with citizens will take much more effort and require complicity across the states, congress, supreme court, federal agencies, etc. It just doesn't seem likely to me.
  8. The guy was asking if he should be worried if his wife might have her citizenship revoked. Some of you seriously believe that's a worry? Seems hyperbolic. I realize who/what we are dealing with in the incoming administration, but there is soooo much more lower hanging fruit than trying to peel back well established parts of the constitution - especially to apply retroactively. And if we get to that point, there are larger worries. To boot, the guy is married to this woman - pretty easy to gain residency and citizenship via marriage anyway. There are plenty of things to worry about right now, but I don't think that poster needs to seriously worry about his citizen wife being abruptly deported, personally.
  9. Birthright citizenship is in the Constitution, 14th amendment. You should not be worried at all.
  10. Unless I'm mistaken, that was the green new deal bill: https://www.congress.gov/116/bills/hres109/BILLS-116hres109ih.pdf
  11. My perception is that many dems conflate every issue with identity. Take the Green New Deal - the message was not "climate change affects ALL of us, we really need to take it seriously". It was: "Whereas climate change, pollution, and environmental destruction have exacerbated systemic racial, regional, social, environmental, and economic injustices (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘systemic injustices’’) by disproportionately affecting indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘frontline and vulnerable communities’’);" Why? What can that possibly accomplish other than to alienate many of the people you'd need onboard to effect real change?
  12. R.I.P. Pimp C
  13. They were top notch - tight, Tweedy's voice great, etc.
  14. Where are these private/charter schools? Austin doesn't seem to have many that I can find.
  15. What time are they actually announcing the seeds?
  16. Pretty good ball game, this
  17. Mexico has a female president. I don't know the circumstances of her election, but she's definitely a woman.
  18. 29 pts, 5 rebounds, 4 assists. 50% shooting. Not bad for an 18 yo in his first college BB game against a good opponent.
  19. So the Tre kid got a freshman debut record when 23 pts so far? Did I hear that right? Hmmm..
  20. Was your pool built in just the last 4 years ish? You seeing white lines on your tile grout and weird things like that? If so you may have ASR, aka concrete cancer.
  21. I'm far from an expert, but if you're having this problem, possible sign of ASR? Check the prior page for lots of posts about ASR.
  22. That was kind of bizarre
  23. Keep coming back to this one.
  24. I don't have an informed opinion either way on the root topic here, but if the govt pays out billions+ for anything, it does affect us all. The money doesn't appear out of thin air - there'd be some combination of higher taxes, increased debt, lowered services elsewhere, inflation, etc. as a result.
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