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Certifiably Surly
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About Shoxthemonkey

  • Birthday 09/22/1952

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  1. Ouch. At least we don't have any wind with this. It could be so much worse.
  2. And I've never needed one and could have used it 3 times already.
  3. The wife and I are looking into the alerting watches for ourselves. Just another door I haven't wanted to go through but it seems like it might be helpful. We moved both of our parents to our town when they reached the point that they couldn't drive on their own. The wife is a retired nurse so it fell to her to check on them several times a week. Eventually that became daily and then it became too much for her and we moved them into assisted living. Every one of those changes was met with resistance because they knew that things would never go back to what it was. Now, we find ourselves facing a lot of the same things and it saddens the fuck out of me.
  4. The Calexico original is one of my favorites but Allison's voice and these harmonies make this better IMHO.
  5. Better players would make more of a difference.
  6. The handle you see in the foreground is my generator. I can unplug my furnace from the wall and plug it into the generator in less than a few minutes.
  7. 75778953562__53980A55-1867-4B33-9357-5A046989388F.MOV
  8. We’ve had Thundersnow for the last 30 minutes. 4-6” of snow so far but 35 mph sustained winds are drifting us in. How’s things up north @Al_4_ISU?
  9. I’m adding some drawers to replace doors and shelves under my garage workbench. I’m using the half- half-half method from YouTube and it’s my first time to ever use a dado head. I used the panel saw and miter saw from work to break down 1 sheet of 1/2” and 1 sheet of 1/4”. I have the first drawer dry fit to prove my engineering and will build the rest tomorrow. I don’t care if all y’all woodworkers laugh, I’m a toolmaker/gunsmith, not a cabinetmaker.
  10. @hornbri You will get through this and you can still live a full life. Not cancer, but my wife and I went through the same realization that life would never be the same back in 1988. She was in a bad car wreck, weeks in ICU and months in rehab from a traumatic brain injury. She was 34 then, she turned 70 yesterday. Nothing has been the same since but we hardly notice the concessions we have made to the past events. We lead a very nice life. Chin up, be her rock and carry on. You can do this together.
  11. He is the coach that I wanted for the WSU job when they stupidly gave it to the interim guy and set the program back 5 years. My best friend played for NWMS in the 90's and has remained close to their teams and staffs since graduating. He has nothing but praise for McCollum. I don't imagine it would take much to convince him to leave Drake when the time comes. That is, if the Drake job doesn't kill him first.
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