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Certifiably Surly
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2053 Surly 10%

About Shoxthemonkey

  • Birthday 09/22/1952

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  1. I’m not the snake charmer Swayze is/was but I’m not scared of em.
  2. They are dark brown. If you have read the whole thread, you know I don’t mind getting close.
  3. Thanks, fuckers. I told the daughter that Surly would say Cottonmouth within 4 posts. Now I have to buy lunch.
  4. 1st snek of the year. It's about 6" long, give or take. DeKuy's Brown Snake is our guess. They are very common around here. What say you, Surly?
  5. I'm hopeful that Matt will have some success at SFA and be ready to come back to Wichita when the Paul Mills experiment ends.
  6. Apparently, she is Mennonite.
  7. A Shocker giving a Bear a "Hook'em" doesn't seem right but here we are.
  8. I have been there when they were blasting but it wasn't nearly that close. I wasn't calling you out for being claustrophobic. Some family members have it and it isn't a joking matter.
  9. A company that does wire EDM work for us has their factory in that complex. I always found it to be more fascinating than frightening. YMMV
  10. I don't see any apple cider donuts in your pictures. My SisIL was the principal at Elliot, ME Elementary for a number of years. They tapped all of the Maples around the school and made/sold syrup to fund school projects. I made sure to order early to get a couple small bottles of it. Good stuff.
  11. I have 2 coveys. One in the front acre. One in the back. Both get fed every day. Hope they make it through the next couple of days. Supposed to be -10 in the morning. Windchills around -25. Should be fun.
  12. It’s 0 degrees with 25-30 mph winds here. TV says 5-8” of snow but it’s hard to know. I have a 3’ drift across my drive and can still see the grass in the front yard. IMG_2531.MOV
  13. I have a project at work that requires caveman technology because Amish. I have been looking for an old John Deere/WheelHorse/Eaton transmission for a couple of weeks using every network I can think of. I finally posted my search to a tractor/garden tractor forum that I use occasionally. Of course , the first several responses are suggesting that I look on craigslist, ebay and facebook. No shit? Thanks, I never woulda thought of that. I thought maybe asking a group of dedicated hobbyists might get it in front of a wider audience. It's a canadian website so I suppose they are just being goshdarned nice.
  14. Well done, @deft. It needed to be said.
  15. Exactly the same except it was a Farmall A with Cub Cadet rims so it would fit under the overhang.
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