Update: I had a session with a teaching pro to see if there might be a fix. He watched me putt for about 5 minutes and had me try to make 5 in a row from about 5'. I struggled with that after making the first couple. He noticed that at address I had the shaft leaning away from the ball, increasing the putter loft as it were. He had me address the putt, take a look at the hole, forward press the shaft and use that motion as a trigger. Instant improvement. We played around with a putter that has adjustable grip weights and settled on adding 75 grams to the shaft. 5 in a row was much easier with the press and counter balanced putter. Big improvement. With more weight between my hands it is much easier to have a smooth takeaway and putter strike. I played in a senior tourney today and shot 80, took 5th in my age group and cashed 2/3 of my entry. Its still not feeling completely natural but Im getting my head wrapped around it. Thanks for all the replies.