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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Shoxthemonkey

  1. I'm guessing that UP ,and any other railroad for that matter, takes a dim view of drones buzzing their trains. UP has been running some long trains recently and Santa Fe has done some experimenting with longer trains. I live near some tracks that are UP owned but Santa Fe occasionally uses and I have seen several of these longer strings. Most of the time the extra power is at the rear but I have seen the power in the middle for both of the carriers. https://www.progressiverailroading.com/csx_transportation/article/Class-I-railroads-continue-the-longer-train-trend--55035 A drone advocacy group weighs in. https://uavcoach.com/was-that-legal/
  2. Lots of Schmidts in the neighborhood but I don't know a Craig.
  3. Hah! We are a Country Club in the loosest sense of the term. No Cart girls, club pro or grill. Most of the members have a personal cart shed and most have a fridge stocked with their favorite beer. Pretty low brow stuff.
  4. Marion CC, Marion, KS. It's a 9 holer but the greens and fairways are excellent. Play the white tees on the front and blue tees on the back. We only have 120 golf members ($1K/yr) so we don't get a lot of traffic. You don't need a tee-time, just show up and play. I think it's $25 for 18 and $20 for a cart, put the envelope with money in the cash box. Honor system. We play 2 1/2 hour rounds with up to 6 in a group. Jackrabbit golf. I leave my office at 4:30 and I'm on the first tee in 10 minutes. It's not Prairie Dunes but you can almost see it from here. Come on up and we'll play. Several of us volunteer to help our greenskeeper stay ahead of the mowing.
  5. Well, yeah. What's your point?
  6. I'm mowing rough at the golf course today. No time to grab a paper plate or a firearm.
  7. I am looking at the Kansas Herpetofaunal Atlas and think it most looks like the pictures of a Plain-bellied watersnake (Nerodia erythrogaster). KSU says we have several varieties up here. Do ya think they were fucking?
  8. What do I have here. They appear to be mating but I have no idea if this is how it's done. This is a stream that starts about 50 yards to the right with a gushing spring. The water is COLD. The larger one is about 4' and the smaller is 2' or so. When I first saw them they were actually laying across the bullfrog's back. They moved before I could get my phone out
  9. Nice to see Roger show up and congratulate Helio. Tough breakup for sure but they are forever linked.
  10. I told the wife that he made the pass too soon. Impressive that Palou couldn't reach his wing.
  11. Fuck yes!!!
  12. Looks like a fantastic finish! Let's sell some tires and insurance. Fuck
  13. Let's go Helio!
  14. I hope they are showing all these ads now do they can concentrate on the race later. Nah, that won't happen
  15. WTF? Costs too much for a couple extra gallons of milk. Maybe the fridge is too small.
  16. Mennonite style. I was raised on that. Mom made a macaroni dish with sauteed onions and really thin cream gravy. She also made sloppy joes by adding canned chicken gumbo soup to browned hamburger and onions. I still make it that way.
  17. Jesus Christ! Talked to my daughter last night to see how it turned out. They went to... outback. Those of you defending Dan need to find a better hero to defend. I'm sorry I bothered y'all but I guess it was a good exercise in "my taste is more refined than yours". Thanks again.
  18. It's likely a throwback to the days when Pepsodent was a powder. And what the fuck are you doing in my bathroom?
  19. I wonder if LaRussa is cool with this.
  20. Complete opposite of TOOTBLAN.
  21. Motherfucker! I told you all of this a couple of years ago. Why can't you remember shit? Are you stupid or something?
  22. I'll be goddamned if that isn't the longest gif I ever watched. I don't know why it wasn't cropped to a couple of minutes.
  23. Thanks for all of the replies and suggestions. I don't know where they will end up but wherever it will be a nice step up from what they had been thinking. Thanks again
  24. It's a long story but the short part is that Patty lost her mother to covid 30 days ago.
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