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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Shoxthemonkey

  1. Thanks, Cajun. I haven't watched that in a looong time. That got me thinking about Rachel Fury, of course, and that led me to a blogpost , http://www.deanfromaustralia.com/2011/06/oh-beautiful-fury.html . That led me to a youtube video of PF performing after hours as The Fishermen. Good stuff even though it's a little ragged at times. The ladies are much more prominent and knock it out of the park.
  2. What is the difference between pink and purple? Your grip
  3. A black dot at both ends of Titleist, both sides of the ball. In the dimples closest to being centered.
  4. Help me out here. I'm knee deep in an American pickers marathon on the history channel.
  5. For a moment I was convinced that my Mennonite ass could dance. Sadly, I could not.
  6. Imma asked what Surly means to me so I'll tell you. This place has expanded my music horizons more than any other influence I can think of. I always thought I was well-rounded and somewhat eclectic in my tastes but I have been exposed to a lot of music here that I would have never found on my own. Special shout to @hullabelew(Sam Baker, Gurf Morlix) @Al_4_ISU(Driveby Truckers, Turnpike Troubadors, Son Volt) @jimmyjazz( Austin area musicians in general). Others too numerous to mention. The "What are you listening to right now" thread is one of the first I hit every day. Alt Country was a genre that I never gave the time of day to. I have lots of it on my Spotify now. Thanks and keep up the good work. Oh yeah, another shout to @Cajun, @atomheartbevo, @stc and probably others I'm forgetting for being PF brothers.
  7. Everything I have heard of Wilco was on YHF. No thanks. Edit to add that there is probably a better thread to discuss this. Sorry, Jason. Sorry, Sturgill.
  8. I gotta be honest, I don't get the Wilco love. I'll also be honest and say that the first few tunes I heard didn't hook me and I never dove any deeper.
  9. My introduction to Son Volt was Cherokee Street Girl but I had a similar thought.
  10. Lessee, $40 x 25 = $1000. With all of the hotdogs at $3 per pack and Oreos at $4.50 I don't see how he makes any money. Maybe he gets a farm subsidy. I hope he posts the skinnin day video.
  11. That "All I Wanna Do" song got played to death. I'm a little sick of her.
  12. I'm a slob. Nothing has to be ordered. You couldn't stress me with a broom and a bucket of shit.
  13. I was scheduled for a colonoscopy tomorrow at 8:00 AM. The clinic called on Saturday to tell me that the doctor was now in quarantine and I will be rescheduled for December 1. At 2:00 PM. Not optimal but whatchagonnado?
  14. Dammit, Dude. I had forgotten about the insurance. The drills that my wife did were pretty basic stretches and walking with a walker or assistance. They had her do lots of workouts with elastic bands and light weights. After she came home she continued this on her own using soup cans for weights while walking up and down our rural road. Stairs were difficult for a long time because her balance had been affected so she did a lot of standing on one leg and trying to improve her balance. The PT facility didn't really use any sophisticated equipment for her therapy. I will bet that an internet search could yield some exercises to target your deficiencies. Somehow you need to get a program for things that you can do on your own and we will cheer you along. The other thing that she still does is word puzzles of all types. Crosswords, wordsearch, jumbles, you name it. We do jigsaw puzzles all winter to help with cognition. She tries to keep her brain challenged and I'm convinced that it really helps.
  15. My Mother had Alzheimer's and was very much aware that she was declining. She became unable to communicate and spent her last 10 years as a shell in a living facility. Nice term for a warehouse. She had good care, of course, but the quality of life was something that I will not go through if I have the awareness to stop it. I will not spend the thousands for this drug that will only extend life for a few months. A cure or nothing for me, please.
  16. I'm so glad to hear of your progress. My wife has a brain injury from a car wreck 30 years ago. She spent a couple weeks in a coma, had to re-learn to walk and get around by herself, was in physical therapy for 6 months. I saw firsthand how slow this can be to get those skills back. I also saw that if a person was determined to get after it and work hard they could overcome a lot of the damage that was done. If you didn't know her before the wreck you would never guess she had one . It sounds like you have that perseverance. I've been pulling for you. Keep up the good work.
  17. My daughter sent me a picture of this little guy from Lost Pines this morning.
  18. I would fly on a domestic airline Max. I would not fly a foreign carrier. It has much more to do with my distrust of the training and qualifications of foreign pilots than my distrust of Boeing. Edit to add that I have already flown on the Max twice prior to it being grounded.
  19. This is the best PF loud song.
  20. Sorry. I only know how many kilos will fit.
  21. Not so trivial, really, but John Deere forces users of their greens mowers with hydraulic reels to buy a $250 hyd motor rebuild kit in order to get a replacement seal for the output shaft. The seals are the only part of these motors that we have ever had fail. The parts guy won't even give us a PN for the seal. I just found a replacement from McMaster Carr for $7.50. Fuck JD Edit to add that our previous greenskeeper bought 10 rebuild kits just to get the seals. There is a reason that he is our previous greenskeeper.
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