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Everything posted by Dr.J

  2. Is there really any other kind of awesome?
  3. should i replay the original?
  4. he wasn't even a real aggy
  5. is there a tapa alternative? i never really liked that app
  6. Dr.J

    Deadpool 2

    Bob ross trailer is the best film trailer ever
  7. Luke cage season 2 will be good. hopefully it doesn't bring any more of the stupid hand shit into it
  8. fun book, hope the movie gets it right
  9. Where the books are currently is really amazing. some big time shit going down and I don't see how the Sol system is gonna survive it
  10. Dr.J

    We’re back

    I see your schwartz is bigger than mine
  11. lol?
  12. all he needs is the aggy hat
  13. would
  14. stealth mode is the way to go, live on the edge of the storm
  15. shaggy forever!
  16. Dr.J

    Cobra Kai

    larusso is a dick
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