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Everything posted by Dr.J

  1. It looks like it would be the African and Asian countries voting against us because of Trump (no cloakroom) and his comments and policies. The new setup to prevent corruption gives all countries 1 vote instead of the panel of 20 or whatever.
  2. So ready for the repeat
  3. Harvey is ready for some NBA playoffs
  4. We have our first, a boy, coming in late August. Exciting
  5. I really just want to see a more solid product on the field. If we don't win everything it's fine, but I don't want to be smacking my head on the table screaming what the fuck every few plays
  6. Eddie needs a lifetime consulting contract to help the other sports coaches just coach better
  7. Dr.J


    for those of you bored of destiny. the new hero is pretty fun too.
  8. worth it for the aggy tears alone
  9. Smashing pumpkins in Houston this summer.
  10. We got the One X and it's pretty baller
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