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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ROFL BOX

  1. You can certainly go the solo route, advertise on your own via FB Marketplace, etc. however one of the benefits of the Outdoorsy type route is they provide insurance to the renter & also have some roadside assistance stuff.  I think there are co's that will issue policies for short term rental & I guess you could find them online.

    We rented via Outdoorsy for the BBQ Austin cookoff & got a 28 footer with a bedroom & 2 fold out couches, one super slide, for $ 225 over 3 nights & an option for $ 50 for him to come to the Travis County Expo center & pick it up / evac the holding tanks.

    My suggestion is to maybe rent 2x / month max to @ a minimum pay the note for ownership & maybe sock away some extra for the inevitable fuckup that's gonna happen with some of the onboard equipment, renter trouble, etc.

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  2. Lots of people aren't aware that they have what we call an "ACV only" policy.  Actual Ca$h Value means you only get compensated for the life left in your roof, minus the deductible.  Any depreciation is not collectable.

    Example:  $ 12,000.00 estimated total replacement value on a 30 year type shingle & the shingles have been in place for 25 years.  83% aged, but for the sake of this, let's use 15% left, / 85% depreciated / aged.

    That means you would get $ 10,200 depreciated / $ 1,800 cash value.  If you have even a $ 2,000 deductible, you get nil.

    If the shingles are 20 years old on a 30 year expected life span ("Dimensional / Architectural" type shingle), that's 1/3 remaining, 2/3 aged.

    Using the same $ 12,000 example on an ACV only policy, that's $ 3,960 cash value paid, less that suggested $ 2,000 deductible, you're only receiving $ 1,960 to affect repairs & NOT getting the depreciation.

    My point here is that EVERYONE should review their policy.  You could have someone write you what seems like a really competitive or lower price & you jump on it, only to find out in your hour of need that you have a shit policy.

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  3. No way would I have a seller do a repair of that magnitude.  You would get the absolute shittiest job they could possibly get.  At the very least negotiate a reduction in the price and have the repairs done yourself.
    If there is a deductible vs. the entire bill, go for the deductible & ensure YOU get to specify the contractor & review the docs.

    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk

  4. words words words

    Sending you a PM.

    On Tapa & the discussion is faster via phone than small screen clicks.

    One thing to consider is my warranty is to you whereas the seller may be looking for the cheapest exit possible & the person they hire is... what?

    Additionally, if it is an insurance paid job, that is a lower cost for a deductible rather than 100% out of pocket. State law as of 01 Sept 19 requires if there is a recoverable depreciation, the deductible has to be paid. There is actual State mandated language that a contract has to have if the work is insurance paid... specific words, font size, etc.

    So instead of getting jerked around by the seller who thinks they have to throw $ 12,000.00 out of pocket, why not simply spend your deductible for $ 3,500.00 & move ahead without the hassles?

    PS: We get paid the final balance @ closing all the time.

    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk

  5. Saw a report on NextDoor of high wind knocking around a house in the 78620, not too terribly far from me.  Winds were pretty strong around 0230 (I was up doing ...documents... & stuff).

  6. This Old House is on & they are getting into the "select stuff for the kitchen" parts.


    Custom refrigerator stuff & the one she likes has this massive door over the "actual" door.  "I like that it is so tall, it looks like a real house door.  You don't see there is a refrigerator behind it."


    Me:  Sure, because you want your guests to think you don't actually have a refrigerator in the kitchen.  That shit is about as dumb as hiding the TV behind closing doors.

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  7. Me, to Mrs. Rox rummaging around in Mom's garage & coming across a [battery pack / keep in the car / rechargable] jumpstarter that I had gotten for her around 1 year ago:

    "...Say, Mom's not driving any longer - you should keep this in the Tahoe."

    Mrs. Rox:  "Why?"

    Me:  "In case something happens & you need a jump."

    Her:  "I don't even know how to use those things.  Besides, if I needed an assist I'll call you & you can bring it to me."



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