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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ROFL BOX

  1. I had it on as background noise.

    Gary Clark Jr. seemed to be unrecognizable without a hat.

    Would have liked to see someone playing one of his iconic guitars like the "symbol" one that looked like a penis he used behind a curtain with a shadow during the Superb Owl.

    Foo was good, liked seeing Morris Day & the Time doing the shuffle.

  2. Much appreciated.  I won't mind low plants around the post but not something that will overshadow it or maybe even grow towards the driveway.

    Butterflies is good.  An interesting addendum, I noticed some sprigs of wildflowers (purple, short... def. not Bluebonnets) not far from this milkweed growth.  The horses were out to graze for 5 days last week & didn't go near this bit & I did find them in the area near the gate.

  3. 16 minutes ago, miguelito said:

    Buddy of mine goes walking around his house at night with a black light flashlight, pliers, and Lone Star Light.

    Yeah, I forgot to mention black light hunting in log / brush / rock piles + looking up the walls of the house.  Esp. great on a moonless night.  That's a shitload of fun to do with the kids.  Do like I do, get a jug & collect 'em.

  4. 9 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    I love good political cartoons regardless of who's getting lampooned, and most if not all of those suck.  They're Garrisonesque in their heavy handed, over the top propaganda.

    Yeah, rare is the Kamensky that I genuinely find funny.  I think his best attribute is that he can draw cartoons a bit better than I can.

  5. 1.  Where do you live (what area)?  You shouldn't usually see them in an urban environment unless you might have a lot of rocks for a retaining wall, etc.  Crevices & whatnot.  We get plenty in Drip, not so much in Oak Hill.

    2.  Steel wool / copper wool should be jammed in your weepholes if you have brick or rock siding.  Weepholes won't be present in an older home with Masonite, fiber cement or real wood for siding.

    2a.  Don't miss the weepholes that will be above windows & in similar areas up above.  Also check for loose lint duct flaps & trees overhanging the roofline.  They obviously don't leap, but will drop onto the roof & then work through other gaps like the "Eave / Cornice Returns", pictured.e8XYD.jpg

    A similar gap will appear @ the intersection of a dormer & eave (directly under where a valley terminates).

    Animal Access at Eaves | Professional Engineering Inspections, Inc.


    Scorps will wander all over the place & can go quite awhile without anything to eat, so don't be surprised to see that as an opportunity for them to penetrate.

    3. If in the country or you are permitted to have chickens, even having 2 can make a serious dent in your bug population, which is especially helpful if you're growing strawberries, tomatoes, etc..

    4.  If all of that has been addressed, sticky traps set along baseboards, in corners, etc. will work wonders.



    It doesn't matter what brand, go for the cheaper variety.  The fold up box ones seem to work a bit better & I suppose that's because it appears to be more like a tunnel?  Dunno.  Either way, always have some out.

    Be sure to flip your shoes over & tap out whatever is inside before putting them on.

    Save your $$ & don't bother with a pesticide service... if you work on all of those steps, you'll get them contained.


    Whenever I find one in the house, I use a specific set of tongs to grab it up by the tail & drop it into a water jug (opening is wider than a milk jug) & they eventually wither & die.  I prob. have around 50 in this latest jug; the last collection was tossed by the wife due to "ick" factor.

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