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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ROFL BOX

  1. 21 minutes ago, Texas Jeff said:

    Drs. Fauci and Redfield talked to Congress today, lots of good info from Fauci.  I had never heard of Fauci before this crisis but he seems to be the most trustworthy and apolitical person we have working on this.



    That obviously means he will be fired any day now because he's not toeing the official "I'm the smartest man alive" line from Trump.  & Fuck you if you don't think that's a real possibility from this "jackass in charge".

    • Like 5
  2. Any time I see one of these "huge ____" things pop up, I always question if it's
    - current
    - posed for maximum fakitude by the distance behind the animal / arms outstretched with the fish, etc.
    - actually in the state / county where it is said to have occurred.

    Sign of the times, I guess.

    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk

  3. Metal clad everywhere (leftovers from projects).


    Is on the underside of my ceiling.


    Spore of some kind? Is it a "fun guy"?


    Will it kill me if I ingest some of the dust or whatever if I swipe it with a broom?


    Is THIS how Corovid-19 started??? Am I the subject of a CIA program???


    Whatcha think, Shag 2.0?669a376edad8b52a74dc82eb753d7e14.jpgcd9c36214cbe94acb65c585e9d7d77b2.jpg98aa2c549dd439daafe0dcff5e1c3595.jpg75e95ee94450b9e2697822e86d10520f.jpg72516223f6ac7024d978f008dcd9cc46.jpg624b499cc2b7628105166ae2d8669da9.jpg


    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk



  4. FYI to you "family campers" who use the big tents, Hiker Direct has some nutso pricing right now.

    2 room / vertical sidewalls (easy stand up space), retails for approx. $ 280 through Sportsman's Guide , Hiker Direct for $ 140.



    There's all sorts of fun stuff on their splash page.

    If your Pack does a Spring camping trip, get one of these boogers.

  5. The only other little ray of sunshine on this deal is that my wife complains that whenever she tells me something, I typically look it up online to make sure she isn't completely wrong. I mean, even the simplest shit like the weather forecast. She invariably gets mad at me and says shit like, "What? Don't you believe me. Why are you doubting me? Why can't you just trust what I'm saying? " Now I get to gleefully remind her of this golden fuck up every single gotdam time she gets on my ass about rechecking whatever bullshit fact that she thinks she knows. So I have that going for me. Which is nice. 
    I won't get into politics here, but suffice to say my wife consistently deletes any fact checking I do to her bullshit FB posts.

    She refuses to acknowledge Snopes, TruthOrFiction, PolitiFact or anything else that contradicts her worldview.

    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk

  6. For goodness sake, people have been giving their children eggs for thousands of years.  Do we really need to do an allergy screen on every food type now before we feed our babies?!?

    Paging "@beer "... a Mister "Beer" to the Burnt Orange Courtesy Phone.

    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk

  7. This is pretty bad.

    You can tell by the front wheels that this jackass was making a hard L to get into this space & didn't even remotely try to correct their shitty parking.2e5d3e67edf0a91dca4ad133ec5b2ac8.jpgcf26535243e99704791208bca3638a19.jpg68b2b3459464c8640e1ce4c3e08352c9.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk

  8. 13 minutes ago, Stunns38 said:

    Baby, punch me in the face. No, not a baby slap, a hard punch. (I didn’t)

    That was a one night stand to remember.

    Yeah, I dodged a bullet with a chick once who told me in advance that she liked that kinda shit.  I knew right then that it was a 1 way ticket to an aggravated assault or rape charge & ended all contact pretty quickly after that.

    • Like 2

  9. Can’t tell from your post, but don’t use Clorox and ammonia wipes together or while the surface is still wet from the first wipe. Hopefully everyone knows about not mixing clorox and ammonia.
    This was not within even 20 minutes of each application, no.

    As to the "set traps outside", we're on acreage - it is not my desire to trap thousands of acres of meeses.

    Will report back tomorrow as to whether we nabbed more or not.

    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk

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