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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ROFL BOX

  1. 10 hours ago, Shoxthemonkey said:

    My $.02. I bought a Tiger River Tondi ( made by Hot Springs) 2-person spa more than 20 years ago.

    Yes, the Tiger River was Hot Springs foray into the fiberglass shell spa end of the market.  Their acrylic spa line - the "Classic" - was a badass model.  Lasted decades, easily.  I don't know if Hot Springs still has products for servicing that model, but if you can find one that is functional & if Hot Spring can get you basic parts, I say get it.


  2. Quote


    Gil is correct - get the higher rated amperage.
    Also, recognize that you will enjoy it daily for the 1st week of ownership, then 3x the 2nd & maybe 3rd week, down to maybe 1x after a month & then 2 years later maybe 1 or 2x per month.

    Do NOT get a cheap brand & skip the bells & whistles like a built in stereo.  Hot Spring is a great brand, probably the best you can get.  Depreciation is huge, so if you can get a used one, go that route provided it is 100% fully functional.
    Also, it is best to rinse down (shower) before getting in as that will make your filter last a lot longer & won't monkey up your chemistry too bad.

  3. One item to consider with spray foam insulation directly under the deck is if a leak ever occurs, it is damn near impossible to determine the exact point of entry.  If you have any rotten decking that needs replacing, you will end up with a sizable gap in the insulation due to the removed spray foam.

    Essentially consider it a minimum twice as expensive repair.  Could be more depending on where the damage is... chimney?  4x the cost.  Valley?  Prob. 3x.  Roof to wall joint (not a chimney), 3x.  Rake edge or eave (unsupported area) 3x.  Basic mid-field, maybe around a pipe penetration?  That's your cheap 2x cost.

  4. 3 hours ago, HornOnTheBayou said:

    Image may contain: mountain, sky, outdoor, water and nature

    I can't get over how awesome this image is. The Battleship Texas passes through the Panama Canal in 1929. STUNNING! It's amazing to think that so many Texans have been on the very decks that those sailors are standing on!


    Seriously, if y'all aren't following Traces of Texas, you need to rectify that immediately.



    Onboard the Texas for a Scouting overnighter.  Glad we got to do the "Live Aboard" before all the upcoming headaches with moving her for the [much needed] repairs.



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  5. File under "Awesome shit my kid says":

    Roxette tells me today that she joined the BBQ Cooking club @ her HS.

    I told her to check with the teacher & we can use my smoker rig for some test runs & come 2020, I'll get them hooked up with a backstage tour for a bunch of teams for the Rodeo Austin cookoff in March.

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